Tom Cruise Saves the Movie Industry by Berating Mission Impossible Crew Over a Covid-19 Breach

  • 📰 Jezebel
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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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Tom Cruise, an ex-husband and actor with no redeemable qualities, was recorded berating crew members on set of Mission: Impossible 7 in the U.K. for allegedly breaking covid-19 protocols, according to The New York Times. U.K. tabloid The Sun reported that Cruise went off after noticing two crew members standing close to one another at a computer screen, violating a six-feet-apart social distancing rule.

that Cruise went off after noticing two crew members standing close to one another at a computer screen, violating a six-feet-apart social distancing rule.“We want the gold standard. They’re back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us!” Cruise screamed“That’s it. No apologies.

. “We are not shutting this fucking movie down. Is it understood? If I see it again, you’re fucking gone.”franchise is the reason Hollywood will live to see another day, but go off, short king! Perspective, who needs it? Look, I appreciate that he’s taking covid-19 precautions super seriously—I too have to fight back the urge to scream at mask-less peoplethings—it’s not an effective tool for getting a point across.


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Tom Cruise tries to film Mission Impossible during a pandemic. That’s the plot.

Ikr! I would ask if he was going to put me in the hole.


I bet it would be nervous laughter you ...shat yourself 😂😂

Not if he was paying your wages.

He's neurotic. The entire crew is already under strict quarantine and required to wear a mask at all times. That's more than enough safety protocol for people with no public contact. Social distancing, which was the offense in this scenario, is for strangers at a supermarket.

He’s so tiny.

Imagine body-shaming short men because Tom Cruise didn't want people to die. Great job Jezebel, really showed him

I don't know what battle you're trying to fight here, but regardless of his whole thing other than this, he's correct about this particular thing . . . and if you'd laugh, that makes you part of the problem.

Especially since he’s so teeny tiny

In the real world when you fuck up you get yelled at. I doubt you would laugh if he were your boss, and the paycheck from him was paying your bills.

I would tell him to visit his daughter he abandoned

Believes COVID restrictions should be followed but women should not be treated for post partum depression.

I can't stand this dude but I can't say I wouldn't have been furious, as well. People have these high level privileged jobs but they can't respect Covid protocol? 1. People's lives 2. People's jobs 3. The public at large. I have to side with Creepadoo McScientology. Ugh

This headline.

The people on set violating covid protocols are spitting in the face of everyone on the film industry without work right now. If they can't follow set protection protocols, let someone who will fill their place.

Of course he doesn’t believe in medical.

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