Tree of Knowledge unveiled in Fort Macleod

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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Librarians Darlene Hofer and Joan Sillito proudly unveil a community art project, “The Tree of Knowledge” for Fort Macleod’s 150th birthday celebrations.

Fort Macleod celebrates 150 years with the unveiling of a vibrant community art project at the Public Library.The Fort Macleod Public Library is bursting with pride, unveiling a unique art installation to commemorate the town's 150th birthday. A collaborative work of art titled, "The Tree of Knowledge," is now on permanent display in the library's entrance.

The artwork features a grand tree, with roots sprouting from a book, symbolizing the library's growth from its humble beginnings in 1931, to the cornerstone of the community today. Head librarian, Darlene Hofer describes the design, "The book represents our library, much as a tree rises from a single seed, lovingly watered and nurtured. Tree roots are deeply entrenched in the earth as this library's are, nurtured by the residents of Fort Macleod, just as a tree is nourished by its roots.


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