Hot traces in rock | ScienceDaily

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Climate News

Environmental Awareness,Global Warming,Energy And The Environment

Fluids circulating underground change rocks over the course of time. These processes must be taken into account if they are to be used as a climate archive. Researchers have used 380-million-year-old limestones from Hagen-Hohenlimburg to show in detail which climate information is still preserved in the rock.

Rocks undergo changes over millions of years. Yet it is possible to extract information from them about the climate at the time of their formation.

"We were surprised that the changes in the rock enabled us to identify a large number of significant geological events, such as the opening of the North Atlantic in the Jurassic and the onset of the folding and subsequent uplift of the Alps hundreds of kilometers away since the late Cretaceous period," lists Mathias Müller. He considers radiometric uranium-lead dating to be the key to the chronological classification of the so-called overprinting events stored in the rock.

Florida is projected to lose 3.5 million acres of land to development by 2070. A new study highlights how Florida can buffer itself against both climate change and population pressures by conserving ...


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