Natasha Kline Got Death Threats for Telling Her Story In Disney’s Primos. That Didn’t Stop Her

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For Mexican-American creator Natasha Kline, the forthcoming animated Disney show Primos is a reflection of her experiences growing up. Instead of approval for a show she’s been dreaming of since she was a kid, she received death threats — specifically from fellow Latines.

is a reflection of her experiences growing up in Los Angeles. “I wanted to make the show to create a place where all stories are accepted,” she tells Refinery29 Somos. The series follows Tater, an introverted 10-year-old girl modeled after Kline and her childhood when her home would become the site of a summer-long sleepover with her many cousins.

But even if the premise was different, Kline — or any other creator — couldn’t capture most Mexican-American experiences, let alone those of all of Latin America, with one show.and then refine it after the criticism , but she’s also put in the work.“I was 4 or 5 when I decided I wanted to be an animator,” she says. Generally, she didn’t see herself and her multicultural family on TV, but that didn’t stop her.

Kline crowdsourced memories from her real-life primos and put details big and small — recounting conversations that went: “I remember that dog, but remember the chickens? Remember this? Remember that? Remember the way that pop would pour three different types of cereal into his cereal bowl?” — in a Google Doc. She later layered that texture intoThe result is a mischievously joyful celebration of family and self-love that doesn’t homogenize identity and culture.


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