SpongeBob SquarePants Is 'Autistic,' Says Voice Actor Tom Kenny: 'That’s His Superpower'

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Tom Kenny, who voices SpongeBob SquarePants in the hit animated series, confirmed the beloved character is 'autistic.' He recalled a time a child asked and without hesitation, he answered, 'Of course!'

"SpongeBob's kind of on the spectrum too as a character," Kenny explained at the 2024 Motor City Comic ConLiza Esquibias is an Editorial Intern at PEOPLE. She is a rising senior majoring in Journalism at Pepperdine, where she is the editor-in-chief of the school's magazine.in Detroit, the famed voice actor explained that SpongeBob is autistic. During a Q+A session, a video posted to“SpongeBob's kind of on the spectrum too as a character,” he said.

"I have two girls. My oldest never liked the show,” she admitted to PEOPLE at the time. "But my youngest, I still hear her giggling. She'll watch it, I can hear her laughing and laughing.""My kids grew up with SpongeBob being both the family business and also the biggest thing in the world with their classmates,” he shared. “And maybe because our faces aren't in it, they were always able to enjoy SpongeBob as something separate and apart from their dumb old parents.


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