Netanyahu’s Visit Is Kamala’s First Challenge; It’s Also an Opportunity

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Benjamin Netanyahu News

Cease-Fire,Election 2024,Gaza

Richard (RJ) Eskow is a journalist who has written for a number of major publications. His weekly program, The Zero Hour, can be found on cable television, radio, Spotify, and podcast media.

The Democratic Party’s leadership has coalesced behind U.S. President Joe Biden’s chosen successor, Vice President Kamala Harris. But Harris still faces an uphill climb against former President Donald Trump. She carries the burdens of incumbency—economic fears, wars and conflicts, and a worsening environment—without the usual advantages. Voters don’t know her, so they have no reason to believe she is a decisive leader.

A Chicago Council on Global Affairs-Ipsos survey conducted in March 2024 showed that, of those Americans with an opinion, 65% thought that the United States should either “reduce military aid to Israel until it ends its war with Hamas” or “exert diplomatic pressure on Israel but not reduce military aid.”The Republicans have pumped up support for Israel among their own voters. Nevertheless, Gallup reports that a plurality of voters disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza.


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