Personal belongings shed light on death at Green-Wood Cemetery art exhibit

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Green-Wood Cemetery News


Exit Strategy is a new art installation at Green-Wood Cemetery that explores the physical items people leave behind when they pass away.

What happens to a loved one’s belongings when they pass away? What happens to the clothes, the books, the jewelry that remain?, an installation that explores the physical items loved ones leave behind when they die. The exhibit is now on view through Aug. 25 in Green-Wood’s Fort Hamilton Gatehouse.

Exhibit visitors are immersed in an environment that fosters reflection on life and death. Music, text, visuals and the array of objects are layered on each other to create the artistic, solemn piece. Tendler accepted items from Green-Wood visitors throughout the spring and summer. One particular item that stood out was a seashell given to him by a school teacher whose student died from AIDS decades ago.

“When you’re in the space, the kind of mystery behind the objects, but also behind the written testimonies, is what, I think, makes it even more powerful,” Tendler said of the installation.


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