Houston electric accounts show power use during Beryl power outages

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Ask Amy News

Hurricane Beryl

Homeowner charged for electricity usage during the power outage. How did that happen? KPRC 2 Investigator Amy Davis looks for answers and explains how you can check your own usage during the recent power outage days.

Jump into summer fun with this week’s amazing Insider DealsNo electricity for up to 11 miserable, sweltering days, and now, some of you are saying your electric provider charged you for kilowatts there’s no way you could have used when you had no power.Houston area lost power from Hurricane Beryl

Craig Wolcott has received daily messages for more than a decade about his electric usage. After 4 days without power in May, he realized something was way off. He called KPRC 2 News when he noticed his KPRC 2 viewer says he was charged for electricity when he did not have power. Investigator Amy Davis gets answers and explains how you can check your own usage.to ask what the heck was happening a customer representative told him it could take two weeks for someone to come check his meter.


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