Twisted Jay Slater sleuths ‘trying to gain access to full autopsy results & interfere with family flying h...

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Heartbreaking new vids show Jay Slater smiling & dancing with pals after body found in search for missing teen

TWISTED Jay Slater sleuths are trying to gain access to the teenager's autopsy results and are interfering with his family getting the body home.

But that hasn't stopped amateur detectives from trying to figure out the details of Jay's body and the condition it was in. If an inquest is opened in the UK it could see witnesses, such as those with him that night, called to give evidence and answer questions. Despite the warning, Debbie and the rest of Jay's family are said to have found a sense of comfort after being told he likely died instantly from a fall rather than suffered.last week: "Taking Jay's body back will be the hardest journey of their lives. But they know it's something they have to do.


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