Hunter Biden drops defamation suit against Fox News over mock trial show

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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President Biden's son sued over 'The Trial of Hunter Biden,' which streamed on Fox Nation in 2022.

President Biden's son Hunter is dropping a defamation lawsuit he filed last month against Fox News over a fictional program that depicted his legal troubles. The motion by Hunter Biden's lawyers to voluntarily dismiss the case was filed Sunday in New York Supreme Court. Fox News was notified hours after President Biden ended his re-election campaign and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden was convicted last month of federal gun crimes, including lying about being drug-free when he purchased a gun while he was addicted to crack cocaine. The Fox Nation series opened with a disclaimer noting that viewers were not seeing a real trial and that Biden had not been charged with any of the crimes portrayed in the program. It did use actual emails and images from Biden’s laptop to make the case against him, including nude photos.


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