MAGA Crowd Melts Down After Mike Pence Says Something Reasonable

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Joe Biden News

Mike Pence,2024 Elections

David Moye is a journalist with 20 years experience writing on offbeat subjects. He is the former senior editor of Wireless Flash, a news agency that provided The Daily Show, Good Morning America and many other shows with guest booking and news segments.

He also said Biden’s departure from the campaign and the assassination attempt on Trump suggests that it’s time for “leaders in both parties to project calm and send a message of strength and resolve to America’s friends and enemies.”

President Joe Biden made the right decision for our country and I thank him for putting the interests of our Nation ahead of his own. After the assassination attempt on President Trump and President Biden’s decision to end his campaign, now is a time for leaders in both parties…For those who didn’t really follow poltics before 2016, Pence’s post harkens back to the type of reasonable “we’re all Americans” statement that politicians would make when their rivals made their exit from public life.

But this sort of statement declined after Trump was elected president and proceeded to ignore this and other accepted political norms (such asAs might be expected, Pence’s reasonable statement caused some of Trump’s MAGA fans to have F-bomb-filled meltdowns over his graciously thanking Biden for his service to the country.I’m sorry that your president tried to have you killed. Kamala joined a better man when she became VP.Thanks Mike Pence.


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