ESET Report: AI, banking malware used to steal money via deepfake videos

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ESSENTIAL Security against Evolving Threats (ESET) has released its latest Threat Report, which summarizes threat landscape trends seen in ESET telemetry from December 2023 through May 2024 and from the perspective of both ESET threat detection and research...

ESSENTIAL Security against Evolving Threats has released its latest Threat Report, which summarizes threat landscape trends seen in ESET telemetry from December 2023 through May 2024 and from the perspective of both ESET threat detection and research experts,The past six months painted a dynamic landscape of Android financial threats, malware going after victims' mobile banking funds — be they in the form of 'traditional' banking malware or, more recently, cryptostealers.

Video games and cheating tools used in online multiplayer games were recently found to contain infostealer malware, such as the RedLine Stealer, which saw several detection spikes in H1 2024 in ESET telemetry.'GoldPickaxe has both Android and iOS versions and has been targeting victims in Southeast Asia through localized malicious apps.


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