On this day in history, June 20, 1975, groundbreaking and terrifying movie 'Jaws' opens in theaters

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On this day in history, June 20, 1975, the film 'Jaws' premiered in movie theaters in the U.S. The story of a shark terrorizing a seaside town was a blockbuster and Steven Spielberg's first big hit.

On this day in history, June 20, 1975, the movie 'Jaws,' directed by Steven Spielberg, opened in theaters in the United States. 'Jaws' tells the fictional story of a great white shark that terrorizes a New England beach resort town. The movie was a blockbuster and the highest-grossing film in movie history until it was outpaced by 1977’s 'Star Wars,' according to History.com.

Despite the universally beloved nature of the original film, the sequels have truly stained the franchise,' that site says. 'While the second and third films in the franchise were underwhelming at best, it was the fourth film, ‘Jaws: The Revenge,’ that truly took things too far, being labeled one of the worst movies ever made and putting a final nail in the franchise's coffin.

He added, 'In the years after ‘Jaws,’ the entire release calendar changed.'


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