Netflix's 'Receiver' NFL Series: Stars, Trailer and Release Date

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Drew Weisholtz is a reporter for TODAY Digital, focusing on pop culture, nostalgia and trending stories. He has seen every episode of “Saved by the Bell” at least 50 times, longs to perfect the crane kick from “The Karate Kid” and performs stand-up comedy, while also cheering on the New York Yankees and New York Giants.

Netflix is getting back into football. The streaming service, which last year gave viewers unparalleled access to star NFL signal-callers in the docuseries “Quarterback,” released a trailer June 13 for its upcoming follow-up called “Receiver,” which chronicles a quintet of NFL pass catchers on and off the field.

What is 'Receiver' about? Hauling in catches while eluding defenders is a big part of football, but “Receiver” promises to go much deeper than that. “It’s been said that there’s no more difficult position in the NFL than the quarterback,” Netflix said in a press release earlier this year. “But throwing the pass is only half the story. ‘Receiver’ follows five of the NFL’s best pass catchers throughout the 2023 season on and off the field.


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