Artist Gives His Completely Blind Friend A Personal Tactile Tour Of His Venice Exhibition

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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Would you dare to visit an art exhibition without actually being able to see it? Daniel Arsham beautifully showed that art can be discovered in very different and unexpected ways.

This year, the ‘City of Canals’ is hosting an extraordinary solo exhibition – “Venice 3024” by artist Daniel Arsham at the prestigious 60th Venice Biennale, curated by Adriano Pedrosa.

Then, still discussing how the crystals are incorporated and sourced, they both moving to ‘see’ the next part of the exhibition, beautifully reminding everyone around there that there is more than one way to enjoy Asked about what was the most special moment of the day, when Banzon had a chance to witness a tactile tour, he told that going to ‘Venice 3024’ was a dream but seeing the sincere heart-to-heart dialog between Daniel and Hoby became the highlight of the entire experience not only for him but for everyone inside the Chiesa. “It felt magical to see how humans can be beautiful. Our worlds stopped for a moment when I heard them talking to each other.


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