Yellowknife woman identified as U.S. fugitive wanted in deadly 1994 crash

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Kate Dooley passed away in December. For the last 15 years, she was led many fireworks shows around Yellowknife. On Jan. 1, 2020, friends honoured her with a few shells at the start of the New Year's Eve light show.

A woman who lived in Yellowknife has been identified as a U.S. fugitive wanted in connection with a fatal drunk driving crash in Scottsdale, Ariz, police say.

Police said the investigation revealed Dooley had been drinking and smoking marijuana the night of the crash.Dooley, who died in 2019, was charged with manslaughter and three counts of endangerment, but fled the state while awaiting trial.A friend of Dooley's previously toldin an obituary article that she had arrived in Yellowknife sometime in the "early 1990s."

"We would get random tips here and there throughout the years," she said, "But they never amounted to anything." Through various open-source search engines, investigators say they located an article about a tribute celebration for a woman named Kate Dooley, who passed away from cancer on December 1, 2019.The Dooley in question had been arrested in Yellowknife in 2009 for a DUI, and RCMP still had her fingerprints on file.Police say senior analysts are currently speaking to friends of Dooley to further piece together the story.


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