The one group not leaving the president’s side anytime soon

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99% of white evangelicals oppose the impeachment inquiry against Pres. Trump, according to a PRRI survey.


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There’s that pesky republican Jesus at work again.

What moral standards does these people have left? What are they telling their children and grandchildren? That it is okay to behave like President Donald Trump? What really is Christian about President Trump’s policies?

Of course they do that’s where all of the hateful holy racist are

Shameful. Trump represents everything that Jesus opposed. And, he's not even religious...never has been, never will be. Hell, he's more secular than I am. The only good that Trump has done as President is exposing Chritianity as a cult.

I wouldn't call them white evangelicals!

The 'one' group?


Pat Robertson might change evangelicals’ minds.

You damn right. KAG2020

The EVIL will never turn there backs on THERE GOD...

You guys should really start printing all the people who do want him impeached and removed from office. Focusing on that might convince the naysayers.

Wow. You act like that's breaking news. I'm looking forward to the comedy act by a pack of anti-Bernie moderators at the next debate. We will donate every time Bernie is ignored or dissed. Trust that.

😫☹️ makes one wonder, doesn’t it? Do you think they really believe he is following Christian values? If not, what is their excuse? many people is that? just curious...they are not as big a group as you make it seem

How do they poll for white evangelicals? No blacks may parcipitate?

For many years now, I have felt that the devil doesn’t have to work at all. Just let the Evangelical, radical, non-Christians do the work for him.

Jesus wept.

they're still the minority

They’re Poligious groups. They’ve incorporated their political views into a religion. Poligious, not religious.

Until they all go to Hell for hypocrisy

What do the persons of colour evangelicals say? Curious... Also, is there any polling undertaken to show how many evangelicals think Pence is caught up in this Ukraine scandal? His likelihood of him coming out unscathed And a couple hundred more “polls” to gauge enthusiasm.

These “white evangelicals” have become a cult and installed Trump as their spiritual leader. I hope someone is smart enough hide the Kool Aid.

PRRIpoll So!!

That’s because their just like trump but they hid behind god.

IMO...I've read that the White Evangelicals accept contributions from Putin/Russia, so of course they would oppose the impeachment inquiry. Big time!

That’s because they are ALL phony ImpeachAndRemove

Well there not exactly the brightest folks in the world.

That is the real base, the moralists.

Hope praying brings back the respect our country once possessed. Pray that the President reads the Constitution and has a tutor to explain it.

There’s a lot going on in SouthAmerica but MSNBC isn’t showing it.The failure of Capitalism that has ruined several countries. But if it was Venezuela, then they would be bringing the experts to talk about it. We have a crisis in the USA where the media reports what profits only



I’m a white evangelical and I don’t. I would suggest my fellow Christians actually read and study the New Testament before they commit to that view. Everything about Trump is anathema to Christ and the Gospel. WWJD

Evangelicals interpret religion in their own weird way & most Americans don’t identify with them. The fact that 99% of them support Trump just clumps them into a strange cult. Trump is a phoney & uses them for votes only. He pretends he’s with them. He isn’t.

Not even supporting but here is one catholic that says wait for the election

What is the ethical basis for Evangelical support of Trump? Trump is The Man Without a Soul.

Of course they do. They are not evangelicals, but hypocrites! You can’t worship the devil and God at the same time and from their behavior it would seem it is the Devil. So very sad.

yoakumgirl923 NBC, Will your next tweet say 98% of College professor PhD‘s who wear wingtips applaud impeachment vs 98% of Beer-slugging deer-hunting wasps with 7th grade educations who do not use Deodorant who oppose impeachment?

Because it is a Soviet-Stalinist show trial with made up evidence and fake testimony, done in secret and without due process. The source evidence does not comport with the emotional editorials of their TDS. No one is buying this impeachment except those who hate Trump already!

hughhewitt Many are also talking about taking up arms in insurrection, so yeah...real patriots. My kids deserve better than this lawless bunch.

You forgot to list the other stat as shown on TV, that 99.5% of Black evangelicals are against impeachment.

White Evangelicals are modern day Pharisees.

The people who founded the United States of America were white evangelicals. Just saying.

What don’t the republicans get ! We the people are their bosses!

White evangelicals are a dying breed, on the endangered list, soon to be extinct. So it goes! ImpeachTheMF

So what? They believe many things that are JUST RIDICULOUS.

trumpublicans are a lost people.

And I ask the so called evangelicals: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO

These Hypocrites are going down with the ship.

You’re having Matt Gaetz on Good bye. Figures it’s HallieJackson. At least she’ll talk over him and a mile a minute.

So that’s all the Duggar’s and Huckabee’s combined.

So you are telling me that the people that base their identity arround belief in a magical wish granting sky wizard are gullible and easy to manipulate?

And they are all nuts so who cares! The rest of America has values and expects laws are abided by and that our constitution is respected! Impeach traitor Trump

Duh! Trump represents their franchise, pure & simple.

Not Christians. Neo-Nazis is a more accurate descriptor.

White Evangelicals should read Mathew 5, Sermon on the Mount again and again. Evangelicals are certainly not following the spirit of Jesus

The Evangelicals are saying give us a corrupt President as long as he supports our agenda,not the word of GOD ALMIGHTY 👀👎🏾🇺🇸🤦🏽‍♀️

They also think the Earth is 5000 years old and Jesus is coming back. Spoiler alert, no and no.

They know he is to dumb to be the anti christ. Lol

“POTUS” Trump “KingofIsrael” “SecondComingofGod” Ester” “ChosenOne” “godly” “vessel” “warrior” RenderToGodAndTrump Reed “MandateofHeaven” Robertson idolatry hypocrisy heresy apostasy falsegod falsemessiah demigod antiChrist FalwellJr Graham Jeffress White

White evangelicals are some of the worst people in society.

I’m pleased that you are calling them Evangelicals rather than Christians. To try to assign their actions to Christians would be insulting to those who try to follow the Christ.

So what

Makes perfect sense. They’ve spent a lot of time and $ to put a godly man in thewhite House. You can’t just throw it away on a little thing like treason

They sold their soul! Hatred and immortality is right in front of them but yet they stay blind and deaf. What do they teach with this Evangelicals? Trump is their new Jesus Christ.

Evangelical is now synonymous with PHONY!

Bc 80% don’t really care about the teachings of Christ. They like to pretend they are being persecuted when in reality they aren’t. They’re being asked to be inclusive. The dems have to start trying to turn out new voters & leaving these toxic folks to be hateful

Fake Christians.

99% of White Evangelicals are hypocrites

hughhewitt Keep fighting the swamp Mr. President! Trump2020LandslideVictory

The only reason all these people dont want trump gone is because of his tax scam and they don't have to pay taxes.

Two of them want you to buy them $65 million Jets each because they don't want to be around other evangelicals on commercial airlines

Beware of false prophets. Which of the 10 commandments has trump NOT broken? All prayers for trumps redemption will be heard by God, but not by by trump. Pray for all the men, women, and children whose lives have been destroyed or lost because of trumps actions.

Ignorance is bliss?

ScotMackRI Sad

100% of white evangelicals are in a cult and should be treated accordingly.

100% of evangelicals worship the devil

Trll them to go pray about it and see how far that gets them.

Because they believe Trump will bring the second coming of Jesus Christ by bring on Armageddon!!

No surprise.... 🤨

Half of those believe more in Trump than they do Jesus.

Let’s just call them what they are... those who feel the need to control women.

Such hypocrites. The most gullible I suppose.

Devil worshippers.

The Devil's Evangelist! Hahahahaha the evil supporters

Not Christians, cult members.

Because the Bible is not a history book. It is a mythology book. Magic isn’t real.

They probably have little affect on people’s faith but they definitely make people not want to attend Church.

Include that group with mine , I can't believe the level of treachery and Russian political tactics being played out by the Dems is repulsive. Already I have experienced 3 family members now pull ranks from the Dems now supporting the good guys Trump2020LandslideVictory

The ignorant sheep can’t think for themselves and rely on the political pulpit. It’s time to TAX THE CHURCHES!

This is always my reply to these headlines, but I RESIST DJT specifically because I am an evangelical Christian (and I do happen to be white) - the same with my entire white evangelical family. (Our spouses are not white.🤣) Who are these people polled?

I don't care what they think. Register. Help other Ds register. Vote. We win. VoteBlue2020

They are all evil Christian hypocrites who will burn in a special place in hell for maximum suffering.

They may have stuck with a Trump, but how many have abandoned their movement.

No surprise that a group that willingly hands over $ billions ( they can't afford) to con artists would support a con artist PoTUS . Cult45


You know what? I don’t care. I don’t care that these racist, homophobic Neanderthals support this thug. I really truly don’t.

White is the word

I think it was Jesus who said: “I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Because they are fake “Christians”!

At least some people have a brain on their shoulders

Well, not surprising considering what the capacity for reasonable thought is among evangelicals.

Not surprised that a cult would be law less.

Republicans are so riddled with hate that they sold their souls to the devil and their country to Russia to beat “liberals” in an election.

Clearly, white evangelicals are immoral.

Mind-boggling. Because Trump is the antithesis of true Christianity. And my state is full of these folks, people who I would never have believed would support someone like him. Satan is strong.

Fake Christians and I never want to hear anything from this group again

So sad. Should be the first ones out the door.

They all are selfish he did crimes they all need to resign

They buy anything

This is perverse. 'Christians for trump' is like 'Environmentalists for Oil Spills'.

The rest of America, the majority don’t give a crap what these fanatical so called Christians want or think. They’ve shown themselves to be hypocrites, liars and so ignorant they’ve become a danger to America.


This is news?

They are going to jail with him 😂

Bedfellows make for strange politics, or something like that. GrabThemByThePussy Stormy RacistInChief

Our country used to be a country of the rule of law. GOP and this administration have abandoned 'the rule of law'. But that is getting ready to change. NoOneIsAboveTheLaw. GOP has forgotten. TruthExposed GOPCorruption

99%of Americans believe that NBC is covering up for sexual deviants like Harvey Weinstein!

Evangelicals are the Manson Family of Rev. Jim Jones cult members.

Why do we care what the evangelicals think? Time to show them that real logical thinking people are in charge

You mean white ultranationalist terrorist

Nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites them evangelicals!

In the liberal lexicon - “white” is an acceptable slur. Here we see it used with another acceptable slur from the lexicon (2nd edition) “evangelical.” - militant secularist journal fall edition is updating as we speak

They choose to break the 'Great Commandment' to love God & your neighbor as yourself & ignore &/or abet the breaking of the 10 Commandments. This seems to be a cult-like spiritual suicide, where T has replaced God/Christ. May God grant these misguided ones His love & mercy.

Studies have shown that the Venn Diagram of White Evangelicals and Insane People is a perfect circle.

Trump ain't no Christian, he has No christian values!!!!

so peoplel that believe in arks, talking bushes, mythical skyman and his nepotism-appointment son also believe in Donald Trump

Crazy just ludicrous


White evangelicals can’t be very intelligent if the think Donald Trump is their new savior. He has cheated on his wife’s, is a con artist, a proven liar. He is more the serpent than a savior

So this poll contacted over a hundred million people

Evangelical values......Donnie the second coming! How embarrassing to all Christians!!!

They need to be taxed . They lie as much as Trump , only in the name of God . Making money and living the good life . Talking some Little old lady out of her last 20 bucks so she'll go to heaven .

Then they are the enemy

No one is, leaving.

Don’t put all Christians in a basket with the Franklin Graham’s and Jerry Falwell Jr’s of the world. The top-down, pastoral oversight structure they rely on is damaging.

Maybe it has to do with one of the 10 commandments “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”

hughhewitt I am 100% for impeachment. Not because I think it will remove realDonaldTrump but because it will ensure a 500+ EV victory. Think about it.

Say it with me....hypocrites believing in a false god!

100% of the AMERICANS that voted for PRESIDENT TRUMP oppose the impeachment inquiry LYNCHING

Because white evangelicals want him to say no abortion things. Kinda sad it's their only issue

100% of evangelicals believe in magic.... So not shocking

It appears that the White Evangelicals don't put much stock in Truth and Integrity. What an incredible sad reality.

Ah USA, what have you became? Misère!!

It's sad to think families who base family life around the church..who want to set an example and teach their kids about right and wrong..would be willing to look the other way..knowing things are not right and that this is bad..terribly bad.. for the people and the country


White evangelical is just another term these days for ignorant racist waiting for the rapture.

These supporters ticket to heaven is short sighted by their bigotry and greed. Really, how does their version of the Bible read?

Same group of folks who would love to see a big beautiful wall around Colorado

Guess white evangelicals are the problem of the country!

Perhaps it’s true what they say .... hypocrites

Because they are not Christians. Christ weeps.

Many people of faith(s) believe that acts made in good purpose, supported by reason and critical thinking, may improve our lives and those coming behind us. Others believe no acts are too heinous to be forgiven by claiming adherence to JC. I think the former have the inside track

They are fake Christian's✝️

What’s even sadder: they support a lying, cheating, adulterer! The Bible tells you these are all sins. Yet, they look the other way. Or maybe this is their religion: Do something bad today, ask for forgiveness tomorrow.

Of course they do Trump represents hate


That simply cannot be a reliable poll. Almost my entire social circle is evangelicals and I cannot say I know of even one person opposing impeachment as of right now.

Because he is the Chosen One?

Christian hypocrisy in its most clear form. No more moral high ground from religion! Any action as long as results are desired? Evangelical group sold out God long ago

They also claim they are pro life but for separation of families and taking away the school lunches so sorry if I don’t give a damn what they think

No surprise there. They sold out their religion for their golden calf.

They are a bunch of Hippocrates who has the mindset and the spirit of the Pharisees and but they call themselves Christians a true Christian live by biblical principles they live by man's law


It boggles the mind how Evangelicals are blindly following a mentally impaired man. Can they be so ignorant that they can’t see it? God means nothing to him. He’s an immoral, narcissist, cheating racist. He continues to defy the Commandments. They are guilty by association. WWJD

This is just mind boggling to me. There is nothing Godly about Trump.

FakeNews this is classic racebaiting BS!

This gives religion a bad name “cult”

Stop making this about race.

Corrupted evangelicals.

I question this statistic. I am a white evangelical and this does not match my everyday experience with other white evangelicals. I know that number is high, but not 99% high.

That's not credible. I accept that the number is quite high. But no decent survey of this issue would have 99% support either way.

Do they all think that Pence is that damn anti-christ? I cant believe they would want to keep Trump of the nutjob Pence when it comes to their ideals.

As they should it’s a fraud. Republicans stormed the meeting in the basement. Great move

Most sane Americans oppose the Democrats impeachment crap. Mainly out worthless media pushing their propaganda on the people.

MAGA cult

Yea those are the nutball Jesus freaks who believe the world is only 6000 years old .

Only the RADICAL Evangelicals will stay with Trump til death,just like the RADICAL Muslims stay with their leaders til death

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