‘What killed Michael Hutchence?’: how far does the rock doc need to go in 2019?

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A film about the INXS frontman follows Surviving R Kelly and Leaving Neverland in upping the stakes considerably

What killed Michael Hutchence? Mystify: Michael Hutchence brings new information to light. According to then-girlfriend Helena Christensen, in 1992 the INXS frontman got into an altercation with a taxi driver which led to him falling and hitting his head. She remembers him lying unconscious in the street with blood coming out of his mouth and ear. Hutchence woke up in hospital angry and confused, and refused to be treated.


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Sexual deviants anc drugs

Drugs? Depression? Sexual deviance? All, many or fewer.

Too much drug taking probably.

Depression took his life. Nothing more. It is a dark, evil and unforgiving spectre that haunts those it targets. Do something to raise money for organisations that help sufferers. blackdog depressionisanillness

Hanging himself while wanking, apparently.

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