Singer-songwriter Sia reveals she has chronic pain disease

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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Australian artist disclosed that she has Ehlers-Danos syndrome, a neurological disease affecting at least 1 in 5,000 people worldwide

The singer-songwriter Sia Furler has disclosed that she has the chronic pain disease Ehlers-Danos syndrome, and told others suffering from pain “you’re not alone”.


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For anyone that wants to learn what Ehlers-Danlos is this is a good site...

She seems like a pain in the ass

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is not a neurological disease! Is every article from the media just copied and pasted? Googlenotworking EDS

EHLERS - DANLOS. Not difficult to google, is it? Yes it exists & it affects women more, there are lots of different and strange (even potentially lethal) symptoms, like POTS. It has been seriously underdiagnosed, and maybe your gp has never heard of it. Please inform yourself.

Elastic Heart Unstoppable Never give up. These are the best songs of this Extraordinary woman:)))) Thank u Sia :)


So sorry to hear see that.prayers for her.

Pain in the ass disease

What is that, please?

What pain? Healthcare, & Medicare missed.

Bumping into shit.

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