'Handmaid's Tale'-themed wedding photo sparks outrage on social media

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A 'Handmaid's Tale'-themed wedding photo sparks outrage online. The photographer says that's the point.

A wedding photo depicting a scene from the Hulu series"The Handmaid's Tale" has triggered backlash online from some who say the image is insensitive and misses the point of the show.

"Everyone is talking about this issue now, rather than binging on a television series and then not doing ANYTHING about what they’re SO worked up over until the next season comes out in the spring," Van Daele said."What’s sad is that the oppression and hatred, the division, fear and breakdown of HUMANITY & COMPASSION is being perpetuated in every one of these comments."

Van Daele said the couple"are no strangers to many of the subplots of oppression, violence, and inequality that run through Margaret’s brilliant work."


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Well that’s creative!

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