Catholic Church Not About To Be Out-Molested By Goddamn Boy Scouts

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VATICAN CITY—Telling the youth organization that if they come for the king they best not miss, the Catholic Church announced Thursday that it was not about to be out-molested by the goddamn Boy Scouts. “If some pissant organization like the Scouts thinks they can beat us at the molestation game, then they have another fucking thing coming,” said Pope Francis, directing his message to the Scouts’ leaders as he stressed that a couple thousand piddling cases was a drop in the bucket compared to the generations of sexual abuse that had made the Catholic Church number-one in molestation for centuries on end. “We’re talking hundreds of thousands of parishioners, children, and nuns abused by the people they trust most. Plus, we’re not doing it while hiding out in the woods like a bunch of cowards. We’re just at the back of the church, putting up huge numbers on the board day after day. So don’t come at us with this weak-ass shit, Boy Scouts. We’re the OG diddlers around here.” At press time, the Catholic Church had offered to send a few dozen priests to the Boy Scouts of America to show them how it’s done.


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BoboDoobee I'm laughing so hard...

Where do they think of this shit xD

Satire aside, sexual abuse is everywhere. If you think it only happens in other groups and can’t happen in your group you’re part of the problem.

Let’s hope they don’t merge and create a boynopoly.


A lot of people don't know that the boy scouts are a religious organization that discriminates against gays and Atheists.



The last thing from the Onion I’ll ever read...

Oh no.... 😂😂😂😂

'At press time, the Catholic Church had offered to send a few dozen priests to the Boy Scouts of America to show them how it’s done.'

Well, to be honest, the Catholic Church kinda has a head start by 1000+ years.


Mafiadon has mafiaputin to play with

So the Pope's not going to fix his church and get rid of all those pedifile priests? Well mr. Pope, an glad I'm not catholic, your not the kind of pope you should be. And what's this about secret satanic rituals you and the cardinals are doing? You know mr pope your doomed.

Da_Coolman ☠️☠️☠️

Both institutions had to learn the hard way, don't allow homosexuals near kids.


for every one scout who claims he was abused there will be 25 who learned from scouting and was saved from the wrong road by scouting, of course we need to focus on the few rather than the whole, sounds like a Sanders or Warren speach

Amen 🙏

The catholic church deserves all the ridicule it can get.

It baffles me that Catholics don't storm the Vatican with pitchforks and torches. I don't understand how anyone could be okay with the Catholic Church's handling of the predators among its clergy.

It's very likely that most of those molesters were GOOD Christians who went to church every Sunday.

Boy Scouts just filed for bankruptcy.

I concur!

You forgot Hollywood ‼️‼️‼️‼️



Always said it has to suck being an altar boy and in the scouts.


Best believe theee hardest Vatican City goons are coming after ya bud.


World's Uncle's: Hold our beer

maybe they should just join forces and molest each other.

Seriously. It's time to cut the Catholic parishioners some slack. It is a wonderful religion filled with amazing Christians. Mocking them just has the side effect of lowering all belief not just for Catholics


When did the Onion start serious journalism?

HoodlumRIP Truth in thy dark humour

Well done Onion. Well done

RealKaylaJames Baptists are rallying tho

Hmm, it really does make you think now doesn't it.


Pope Francis speaks Frankly.

Omg 😂



I'm team Boy Scouts. GO BS!!

'Damnit, We're Still Number One........and We are NOT Going to Take This Lying Down.'

Damn Onion!

No chance. Plus they had a thousand or so year head start

Good one 🤣😂😅

A new kind of crime war

Bruh..I died reading this.

Not funny; just true

This is a BRUTAL. Well done.

Oh my god lmaooo

It's like the Axis of Just As Evil.

I think the Bou Scouts have a lot of catching up Catholic Church.

I'm imagining there might be crossover between the two. Who gets the credit then?

Who likes boys more? The Pope of the head Scout Master?

Republican senators also looking for ways to up their numbers.

Even extreme satire has its NOT FUNNY moments.👎🏻

The CC has been doing it for hundreds of years! By comparison, the BS are children! ...wait

AbeOps prabaresh You guys saw this right? ;-p


I thought they were keeping them in the secret basement in the Vatican Church

Oh Holy See. The topic does not offend me, but the profanity does. You kiss your mother with that mouth?


Again, the press conference part was amazong ❤

No competition!!! Absolutely not!!


Or Boys & Girls Clubs

There's Strength In Numbers!

An extra 20 spot in the collection plate this Sunday will reap a list of known pedophile priests in your area. Hey this is a list of available boys and girls club members!

Here, Here... Onion mystic... We hail you for your insightfulness...

Maybe I'll come back later.

Now that's a contest I did not anticipate


Reminds me of Lakers vs Clippers

snopes please fact check

*happens to be both Catholic and a (now grown up) Boy Scout* It's going to be 'one of those days' for me, I reckon... Welp, might as well search for the related news stories and get it over with.😓

Ohio State was challenging the leaders, but now that Jim_Jordan isn’t around, they’re numbers are on the decline

No surprises here, on the daily score card. The Boy Scouts Motto is “Be Prepared!”

He reminds me so much of Jorge Borges....without the Jorge Borges.

not the the summum bonum!

The Church should also worry about competition from Jeffrey Epstein. 😄

The church has nothing to fear to be honest

They better hurry up bcuz the Boy Scouts are giving them a run for their money.

They would call in their star closer, But Jeffrey Epstien has incarcerated. Guess they'll have to go with second string Donald J. Trump, you're up! Breaking News: Evangelicals join the Catholic Church enmasse! Breaking-BREAKING NEWS!: Atheism reaches all-time high in America

Have u seen this man?

I don't think they have anything to worry about there.

Maybe... but blasphemy? That crosses a line

As a former scout this hits close to home

once again... this is real


They have at least 1500 years on them.



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