Inspired to take on the London Marathon 2020? Here's how to train without the pain

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If you’ve got the urge to exercise, here’s how to get all of the gain with none of the pain

Whether you’re an experienced marathon runner or a total newbie, it’s never going to be easy to take on 26 miles. So if next year’s Londonis already in your sights, make sure your body is well fuelled when you start, well oiled while it’s working and treated particularly well afterwards. Not only that, but post-race acupuncture is also known to lower stress levels – once you get past the discomfort of the needles, that is .From shorts to tights and socks, it’s not just about looking the part when it comes to compression gear for running: it can improve performance, aid recovery and reduce muscle micro-tearing.

Berries contain plant-based antioxidants called polyphenols, which can help reduce pain and inflammation . Within the skin of berries, there are also anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and help increase blood flow.


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