What Was Up With That Summer Game Fest Showcase?

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The Game Awards 2024 News

Entertainment Entertainment Latest News,Entertainment Entertainment Headlines

I’ve been writing about video games, television and movies for Forbes for over 10 years, and you may have seen my reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic. I cover all manner of console and PC games, but if it’s about looting or shooting, I’m definitely there. If I’m watching something, it’s usually science fiction, horror or superheroic.

, a nebulous collection of reveals and mini-events that does have one main showcase full of its biggest slate of games, and that aired yesterday.

While E3, despite its issue, used to be the biggest singular event of the year, times have changed. The Game Awards is probably the biggest now, an uncomfortable mix of awards and big reveals, but things have changed. Namely, studios like Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, EA, Take-Two and Ubisoft are doing whatever they want, whenever they want with their own events.


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