The vicious White House sanctuary city revenge plan is too awful to gloss over

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The vicious White House sanctuary city revenge plan is too awful to gloss over | By Bill Carter for CNNOpinion

Bill Carter, a media analyst for CNN, covered the television industry for The New York Times for 25 years, and has written four books on TV, including"The Late Shift" and"The War for Late Night." The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion at CNN.

The story broke in the Washington Post after 8 p.m. Thursday: The Trump administration, in its latest spasm of anti-immigrant animus, had twice in recent months considered a plan to transport detainees to sanctuary cities and essentially dump them there as a form of retaliation against Democratic political adversaries, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. By Friday afternoon, President Donald Trump confirmed that he was considering this revenge plan.

Bill CarterThe reaction across a broad swath of the most influential news outlets in America was something close to stupefaction.Jeffrey Toobin, chief legal analyst for CNN, appearing on Anderson Cooper's show"360," called the proposed policy"really grotesque" after describing the plan as akin to"using human beings to spread a form of pestilence around the country.

Castro: Trump admin. wants to use cruelty as a weapon 01:24And then, at least so far, pretty much everybody has gone back to covering the arrest of Julian Assange; the blowback against the attorney general enflaming conspiracy theories about spying on the Trump campaign; the fight over the President's taxes; and, inevitably, the latest polls on the Democratic presidential race.


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Opinion “All refugees are welcome! We welcome you with open arms!” Trump:”Ok here you go...” “Wait...what?! How could you do this?! This is wrong! We didn’t mean send them here with us! We thought they were staying somewhere else... wait” The hypocrisy is full blown

Opinion awful, yeah, don't put these folks in the safest places for them- put them where we can find them when we need to. Given the chance to step up and walk the walk, the Democrats walk back their support for immigrants. cnn msnbc foxnews

Opinion AWFUL? Why? They LOVE them - they should GET them! ALL wil be happy!

Opinion Well,what is he supposed to do since Pelosi and her gang won’t help with immigration,so he’s taking care of it without there political games and quit trying to get them to do there job.

Opinion 'Not in my sanctuary city'! Sanctuary city status comes back to haunt.

Opinion It’s a perfect plan and what the Democrats want!!! Open Boarders with a one way ticket to Sanctuary Cities!!! Perfect!!!

Opinion It was a simple plan that got Pelosi angry so I know its the right way to go to end sanctuary cities or use them if the federal government has to pay for them then use them

Opinion How is it revenge to give them exactly what they asked for? Do you liberals think you get to do stuff without consequences?

Opinion It's perfect. Give the DEMs EXACTLY what they claim to want and then watch them squeal.

Opinion How is giving someone what they want vicious and awful? TDS the crippling mental disorder of the 2020's. If it gets any more fun we'll elect Jr in 2024..MAGA WWG1GWA eatmorebacon

Opinion Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... suck it boys ... time to deal with the crisis now huh? Hahahahahahahahahahaha

Opinion Isn’t that the purpose of a sanctuary city? I don’t see anything wrong with this idea. As an immigrant, I support moving people to cities where they will be welcomed, safe & cared for.FoxNews

Opinion What a little man (spoilt little boy) and you have him as a president.

Opinion realDonaldTrump is a genius and you can't stand that! America is Winning!

Opinion I love Trump!

Opinion The sanctuary city policy is treasonous & illegal but if the politicians & advocates for open borders truly believe in the virtue & value of illegals, what's wrong with making them back the words with actions? Be careful what you ask for!

Opinion When your virtue signal bites you on the a

Opinion No, not really; but you go ahead & try to make people think that... stillLosing stillFakeNews

Opinion So Democrat's scared of spy gate investigation Free loading of sanctuary city's Whoaaaa

Opinion Why is it vicious ? They want to support and hinder illegals deportation, let them have them all.

Opinion if the ' undocumented ' are beneficial to society as you keep telling the world , then whats the problem? are sanctuary cities really turning down this golden goose ?

Opinion lol... just do it Mr. President!

Opinion I think it's a pretty clever solution.

Opinion Where are these illegal immigrants supposed to go? Best where the local politicians want them to be...

Opinion CBN your bias is showing. What’s the problem? It’s a win-win for all. Illegals will be safe and santary cities will feel good. Perfect solution to border crisis

Opinion LOL In other words it scares the shit out of CNN & the Dems....LOL

Opinion Democrats asked for this, didn't they? Not vicious or revenge.

Opinion Love it!

Opinion Sounds great. Send em to Denver

Opinion Didn't you want these folks? I'm confused. Not.

Opinion “Vicious”? Are sanctuary city Democrats afraid of migrants?

Opinion Propagandist says what?

Opinion Revenge...? To who? Nancy? How many Guatemalans she has in her neighbourhood? None....

Opinion But he got what he wanted - Democrat’s saying it’s a bad idea and saying it in public for everyone to hear - lol busted

Opinion Racist sanctuary cites refuse to take Latino immigrants.

Opinion So having illegal immigrants in your neighborhood is punishment? Well that is interesting

Opinion Its called 3D

Opinion Practice what you preach. I love realDonaldTrump. Demoncrats Should practice what they preach

Opinion I thought sanctuary cities would be glad to have them? What’s the problem?

Opinion CNNfakenews Why is the idea so vicious That is what they wanted!!!! Or are the bunch of hypocrites going to have to admit they want want them in their back yard?

Opinion It is a perfect idea! Sanctuary cities want to protect people who do things illegally, and they are illegals, so what is the problem?

Opinion The sanctuary city plan is pretty genius. Every single democrat who speaks out against it sounds....racist

Opinion I think it’s fabulous. What’s wrong Libs ? Don’t want the illegals in your neighborhood. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



Opinion They own it!



Opinion Carter is a total Hypocrite! She should welcome illegals with open arms if they make her city better or is she lying? Where is the compassion?

Opinion He is a hot mess

Opinion LOL, the Democrats want to use illegal aliens to change red states blue. Democrats don't want these nasty illegals in their territory. That's what it looks like to me.

Opinion This article tells me nothing about how this plan is illegal, or morally repugnant. The writer just says the same shit over and over. At one point saying the news did not cover this with adequate detail... next paragraph is about a Top 35 list I don’t care about, give me facts

Opinion You want them you got them! Sanctuary cities will be the safest place for them.

Opinion No one seems to care that our President obeys the law of the land? Interesting.

Opinion I’m not a fan of sanctuary cities, but I gotta hand it to The Dotard: he played this one well.

Opinion You wanted them you get them

Opinion Isn’t that why they declared themselves sanctuary? Why should the small town who can’t absord the financial burden be forced to take ppl who need to be fed and housed?

Opinion He thinks it is going to give him a total blood bath and thousands of people slaughtered in the streets.

Opinion Isn't that exactly what sanctuary cities are for, the sanctuary of illegal immigrants. That's what the media and Democrats have been telling Americans for 6 years now. Give you bobble heads want you want and your still pissed off.

Opinion CNN all white personnel worried abt their neighborhood lol

Opinion Your liberal bias is showing.

Opinion Wait, why so awful? Ur the ones who want them here, so take them

Opinion You mean brilliant.

Opinion He's such a child!

Opinion CNN takes everything out of context and puts a spin. Tired of the double standards.

Opinion They don't want to house the people they are 'fighting for' go figure

Opinion Good plan!

Opinion Not a peep when obama threatened Alabama with it.

Opinion Laws are vicious

Opinion realDonaldTrump Please do it!!!

Opinion Look how the Democrats that love open borders and immigration all of a sudden don’t want them in their backyard..

Opinion What's so bad about it I think it's awesome!!!!!

Opinion WTF. If the Democrats say we need these people, then the best places to send them are “safe” Democratic cities. What’s the problem?

Opinion we're using the word...vicious.

Opinion Why is it viscous? Sanctuary cities said illegals were great and not a problem. Are you saying democrats lied again?

Opinion Seems like a great plan. Let the ridiculous left take care of their problem.

Opinion Trump is the 'poster boy' for the reasons The Founding Fathers designed The Electoral College. He is the menace they feared could destroy the nation. Will there be enough of The U.S. to salvage after he is done and gone?

Opinion A superb solution , a constant supply of people .

Opinion You bed-wetters don't like the taste of your own medicine.

Opinion Listen to the sick hypocrites of to DARE to call this evil when they are begging for illegals but not in my city HYPOCRITES

Opinion It’s a great idea. I live in in a sanctuary city. I love to see these dems and liberals eat their words

Opinion Looking at some of these pro Trump tweets you could understand if some States dec ided that they don't want to follow this mans lead and nasty policies and that they should leave the Union. They contribute more in taxes and have the votes massively diluted under Electoral College

Opinion It’s a great plan. Why awful? You want the open border policy, why not put them in places of sanctuary? It would solve many issues. Why keep stating probs and placing road blocks, if you have no solution to offer? Isn’t it more humane, to put illegals in sanctuary, than not?

Opinion POTUS just giving Dems what they've been pining for. A brilliant move by Trump!

Opinion Liberal tears

Opinion You are getting trolled like never before. I see much therapy in your future.


Opinion Why is it revenge to ask some one to put their money where their mouth is.

Opinion I love that idea. Let the libs practice what they preach.

Opinion Dems created sanctuary cities....shouldn’t be a problem.

Opinion Oh nooooo... Trump wants to put illegal immigrants where they'll be safer from deportations. The horror! Libs are grasping at straws to fill their already full cup of faux Trump outrage after Russia collapse.

Opinion according to you there is no emergency at the border why do you care then where the illegals go.

Opinion So they don't wan't the brown people to help participate in the march towards Utopia their cities are working towards? That seems rather racist.

Opinion Why claim to be a sanctuary city if you don't want these people to come in?

Opinion Sanctuary cities/states are for the illegals.....why do you now not want them to live in your cities/towns They are on their way to your neighborhood. Have fun !!

Opinion Wow! Check....mate!

Opinion Why is this a problem? Isn’t it what they wanted?

Opinion You would think this is what the 'liberals' want! The liberal congress failing to do the job, and there open door policy this would be perfect for them!!

Opinion Why is it awful? Don’t these individuals escaping poor conditions deserve safe haven? Isn’t that the point of passing sanctuary city laws?

Opinion Why? What’s the problem?

Opinion Why is it vicious? That’s what sanctuary cities are for. Why all of a sudden it’s a bad thing? You want the influx of thousands of ppl a week to stay at the borders? Where’d you expect them to go? hypocrisy SanctuaryCity

Opinion It's a thing of beauty.

Opinion Awesome idea! Those cities love them, so let them take care of, food, housing, health, school, free iphones, free rides everywhere, and pocket money for cigarettes and all those things, YES. Revenge would be to send them to cities that do care about their citiznes, US citizen


Opinion I really would like someone to tell me why this is a bad idea?

Opinion How is it visious? What else is he supposed to do? If we detain them it's bad. If we let them go it's bad. You fucking liberal are a direct threat to this country. Gonna change soon.

Opinion A 1930s European leader did a similar policy. Think about it.

Opinion Does CNN have a better plan on what to do with illegal immigrants who aren’t supposed to be here?

Opinion Those cities WANT illegals——send all of the caravans there!

Opinion States that are trying to control the borders and believe in the President don't want illegals in our states, so put them in the states that want them. It's bad enough our hard earned money is supporting them for shits sake!

Opinion This is not vicious it genius. This is exactly what the Democrats wanted.

Opinion Why is it vicious? Aren’t illegals best off in sanctuary cities? Or is it vicious because it exposes Dems and your hypocrisy?

Opinion Is it legal? Yes, so too bad

Opinion I think he’s right in doing that sanctuary cities should except illegal aliens sure why not take in the ones that you profess to help in every way so put your money where your mouth is helped illegal aliens and stop bitching let’s see what you’re made of

Opinion Simply said TrumpMustGo especially StephenMiller & the TrumpCrimeSyndicate - TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw WakeUpAmerica and get out to VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

Opinion What’s the problem? Don’t the sanctuary cities love illegal aliens?

Opinion So Trump is giving the sanctuary cities EXACTLY what they want, and they STILL complain? 😂😂😂😂

Opinion To awful I would think it’s what they’re begging for!

Opinion Democrats:Trump is putting children in cages. Republicans:No choice. Too many to put up at Hyatt. Democrats:Let them all in. Republicans:That's a bad idea. Democrats:It's our moral duty. Republicans:Fine, We will bus the overflow to your sanctuary cities. Democrats:WOAH WOAH WOAH

Opinion seanhannity TuckerCarlson Why is that revenge realDonaldTrump is giving the Dems what they love. They should be happy and thankful 🙏

Opinion 🤔 pretty sure they already said this wasn't going to happen and was just a comment he made. Why is this news source stating at as if it's in the works? Misleading

Opinion You people don't get it at all do you? How do you not? He's forcing these people to go places. He's forcing large numbers of migrants into cities so they'll intentionally be overwhelmed. This isn't a good thing. This isn't the plan. This isn't what democrats want. THINK ABOUT IT

Opinion You mean too clever for leftists to handle?

Opinion Vicious? They are the ones advertising free benefits for ran a story YESTERDAY about how migrants were being dropped off with what's the issue?

Opinion Awful? This is what sanctuary cities want. They want to be places where illegal immigrants are welcome. I think this is one of President Trumps smartest and most innovative ideas.

Opinion I think it’s a great idea. Perhaps he should have phrased it “We’re going to enhance the culture and economy of your city by sending the best and brightest from Central America who only dream of a better life”

Opinion Democrats wanted open borders and declared their municipalities sanctuary cities specifically for this reason. Now that they’re getting what they asked for it’s somehow “revenge” and “awful”? Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Opinion Hey Trump: Releasing the overflow illegals into sanctuary cities is a great idea but releasing them into Canada would be even better!

Opinion 🤣🤣🤣Awful? I though ya'll wanted these folks here, unvetted and free to roam around? What better place than the cities that offer them protection to stay illegally?

Opinion Awful It's Beautiful.. Send them to California, NYC, Chicago, etc.... This is what we call, 'Vintage' TRUMP...

Opinion It’s Genius! Do it !

Opinion Hahaha the fools on the Left ...... they will never be able to handle Trump

Opinion Are they not safer there? I mean come on libs want it both ways

Opinion What?! But that’s what they wanted?! How is this awful?! Is that a racial slur towards Mexicans?!?! HOW DARE YOOOUUUUU!!!!!

Opinion CNN and the rest of libs losing their shi* for getting what they asked for. Love it!

Opinion It's because they already have the votes in their liberal utopia cities. They want them relocated to red states. Never forget this is all about the vote. If the illegals voted red there the wall would have been built during Clinton's administration.

Opinion Why would you became sanctuary cities if you don't want these people?

Opinion Cart them in by the TRAIN LOAD and dump them with NO WARNING and watch our American cities BURN BUILDTHEWALL MAGA2020 patriotismisinourblood

Opinion Checkmate 🇺🇸

Opinion How is sending illegal immigrants to Sanctuary cities cruel? Isn't that why democrats set up sanctuary cities, to welcome illegal immigrants and make them exempt from immigration enforcement? Bill Carter should be overjoyed at the prospect.

Opinion America. Vote this guy out and sack all of his lackeys next year or face declining clvil rights and reputation across the globe. The world no longer has a 'leader'.

Opinion Lol..why are liberal Democrats unhappy? This is why they pushed for sanctuary cities & states.This by FAR the BEST idea EVER! Please allow this experiment to happen for the entire nation to see. Lets see these cities crumble under the economic stress caused by this brilliant idea

Opinion It's a fantastic idea. SpeakerPelosi LOVES illegal aliens, just not in HER backyard.

Opinion Where is the compassion from these sanctuary cities? Is this not what they asked for? To me, this looks less like a vicious revenge policy and more like capitalizing on crappy policy by exposing it's fallacies.

Opinion We can just drop them off at Maralago

Opinion Awful Migrants are now awful. The left has finally lost its full mind.

Opinion Toddler and chief strikes again


Opinion Who wouldn't want these fine folks?

Opinion It’s a great idea.

Opinion Its not well know that this migration crisis is not even a natural occurrence.More evidence is coming to light that these caravans are being funded and organized by Soros backed communist groups using the overwhelm our system tactics to gain power.

Opinion Luv the idea!

Opinion Ummmmm cities that like to offer sanctuary to illegals would get more illegals to offer sanctuary too. Sounds like a win win to me.

Opinion Any great number of Americans are probably quite well convinced that Donald Trump is not God or anywhere near as powerful or as wise.

Opinion It's actually perfect. I tweeted this months ago. Nothing shows the hypocrisy of the open borders Democrats better than this reaction. Really hits home now doesn't it. We these folk have to be housed or released somewhere and what better places than the people who want them here!

Opinion 😂😂😂 Even DemocratPartyUS doesn’t want them 😂😂😂

Opinion Wrong! It’s an amazing plan. Better yet, turn the illegal aliens away, and force Congress to change the asylum laws.

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