Barbara Lippert

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Barbara Lippert is a media critic and writer in New York City. Recently, she reviewed 'The Golden Bachelor' for and analyzed 'Succession' for She has written about advertising, pop culture and media for 'New York' magazine, 'Vogue,' 'The Washington Post,' 'The New York Times' and as a long-time columnist for 'Adweek.

Barbara Lippert is a media critic and writer in New York City. Recently, she reviewed 'The Golden Bachelor' for and analyzed 'Succession' for She has written about advertising, pop culture and media for 'New York' magazine, 'Vogue,' 'The Washington Post,' 'The New York Times' and as a long-time columnist for 'Adweek.

'Incomprehensible MAGA-land predictions that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce would rig the Super Bowl and endorse Joe Biden for president to 100 million American viewers as part of a massive psy-op turned out to have been greatly exaggerated. Mostly, they just kissed a lot.


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