Fake TikTok Dr ‘Matthew Lani’ pulls ‘Catch me if you can’ move

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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The fake TikTok ‘Dr Mattew Lani’ portrayed similar tactics to ex fraudster Frank Abagnale Jr, the subject of the film Catch Me If You Can.

Bogus doctor Matthew Lani caught entering Helen Joseph Hospital with a stethoscope. Image by MDN NEWS/X

The fake TikTok ‘Dr Matthew Lani’ portrayed similar tactics to former fraudster Frank Abagnale Jr.

Whether or not Abagnale did everything he admitted to remains a mystery. However, he was arrested by the FBI in France and extradited to the United States of America to face charges.The fake TikTok Dr ‘Mattew Lani’ rose to fame on the social media site. He claimed his obtained a medical degree from Wits university, but the tertiary institution said they had no record of Matthew Lani graduating from the institution.

The similarities between the Lani and Abagnale Jr illustrate how easy conmen attempt to bamboozle companies and people.


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