Stacey Dooley Comic Relief documentary pics spark 'white saviour' row

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The documentary maker defends the charity's film - while inviting MP David Lammy to travel to Uganda himself to raise awareness.

A Comic Relief documentary on Uganda featuring Stacey Dooley has been criticised for perpetuating"tired and unhelpful stereotypes" about Africa.

While insisting his comments were not"personal", Labour MP David Lammy said he had a problem with"British celebrities" being flown out to Africa by Comic Relief to make films which send"a distorted image" of the continent and perpetuate"an old idea from the colonial era". "Comic Relief has a huge platform and privilege and it is the first and major way children learn about Africa. If they only show Africans as helpless victims to be pitied, children miss the broader picture of huge progress in Africa.


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That no mark racist supposed politician DavidLammy sparked the row

africans are not victims. their parents need to stop breeding and keep their legs closed till they can feed themselves let alone kids

No more donations to Africa now money only goes to people in power

David lammy for mental asylum..he should be criticising JC for antisemitism stand. Instead white people for doing charitable works in Africa. What a plonker

protecttheanonymityofAfricanchildren staceydooley our children are not to be exhibited in this way anymore! safeguardafricanchildren Where is the media disclaimer this child’s guardians signed? Do they not deserve protection too!

I will never donate to comic relief again. I don't want my contributions thought of a a white saviour is helping out. What a joke. Stacey and like many others does it because they care....

I’m ok with with celebs going to Africa and even filming documentaries I’m not ok with them posing for pics for their social media accounts.. it stinks

DavidLammy showing his true colours!

I agree with MP David Lammy But if things are improving in Africa why are we still being asked for monies all year round to build wells for safe drinking water or for Blankets to keep a child warm and why are children being born into poverty most of which die

Staceys been doing Good for years and years she is a special,special girl and as for Him?

I’ve just read that this hypocrite has claimed over a £million in the last 3 to 4 years in expenses!

The way people go on it’sick people help one another that man he’s moaning he has his view s but people need help can’t see him helping or I can see he’s moaning you need to get off his high horse and dismount and look at what he saying he’s a fool

These people are doing a good job this is been like this for years when I was little used to little books to sponsor children stop picking on people and let people get on their lives those people are doing a good thing it colors we are all human beings

So, now I should only donate my time, awareness and funds to white people. If I was do say or do this I'd be a racist.

What more could anyone expect from David Lammy he will never change... He has a big issue with white people!!!!!

This white saviour wont be donating ever again.

If this was said in any work place or industry you would be sacked why is that racist lammy still got his job !!! (Oh wait his a labour MP )

Does it really fricking matter who helps as long as the people in need are getting the help they need that’s should be the main focus! 🤦‍♀️

Lammy is a headline hunting bigoted fool & has likely caused many celebrities to rethink there participation in charity events - national or local. In turn this will damage their popularity & fund raising success = so less money to help those in need.. I hope you are happy 😤

Its segregation pure snd simple.

Lame Lammy libs in a race card. Ignore the useless one and do what you do well Stacey.

How about the country itself hands out aid

Always making it a racist thing...

Ah hey, Stacey Dooley makes decent documentaries. I’ve obviously not seen this one but howay man. It’s not like she’s a musician trying to obtain some popularity, this is her actual job. She’s good at it. Can anyone do anything anymore without being torn apart? bullshit snide

🙆🙆🙆what is wrong , her carrying a black babyloads of rubbish.

DavidLammy , what about international aide ? Can you inform the government and the UN that the war ravaged,drought afflicted,disease infested and dictatorship run parts of Africa are in fact the equal of any number of long established 1st world countries. You’re N angry idiot 🤦‍♂️

Damned if you do, damned if you dont. Identity politics is some B.S..

Most people totally misunderstand the reality of Aid in Africa and the stereotypes that some of this work work by charities perpetuate. I agree with you DavidLammy, this 'white saviour' stereotype is offensive. I love StaceyDooley & I know she's genuine about her work.

So, the lamentable David Lammy admits he has a problem? He didn't need to as we already know - he has a problem with white people.............what a cock.🤔😡

No it doesn’t. One prat whines on about something he knows nothing about and skynews reinforces his opinion for shock value against a person who’s goal is to help others.

God forbid a well meaning person who genuinely cares about people worse off than themselves spends time and money helping others to then be judged purely on the basis of her skin colour. I thought DavidLammy was dedicated to stamping out racism wherever he saw it?

You could send in Diane Abbott with Lammy, I’m sure they would sort everything out.

Let Lammy get some African money men to give millions each year. All the politicians of Africa should give up their Swiss bank accounts. How can they be richer than their own countries. Lammy is a disgrace racist

Cancel all donations, famine is sorted, Lammy is going to fly out and donate that massive chip he’s been carrying.

She’s done nothing wrong and everything right.

Ffs, simmer down. At least she's trying to do something which is more than some people!!

StaceyDooley is a star

The woman is trying to do good and thats appreciated but also try getting Lammy’s point. After watching Comic Relief what goes into any one child’s image about Africa?

Does it matter what ‘colour’ you are as long as it’s raising positive awareness & charitable funds 🙄

Stacey Dooley: part of a charity saving countless lives (in Africa, where people are rather often black!) David Lammy: how dare she.

The world has gone fucking mad .........simple !

When Sir Lennie Henry went over there, as part of the British Establishment, there was no perceived problem. Evidently, and as cited in Lammy’s rhetoric, there is a problem with white people’s skin colour. That’s racist and he must resign.

Haters will Always Hate But the truth is, Stacey is A girl with a Golden Heart

She is a genuine person. What African nation does as much as the UK?

David Lammy out of touch. How many people in this country from all faiths, colours and races contribute through this charity but hey ho you have to come out with negativity Well Done mate (NOT)

Sky trying to split and divide races by running these pathetic stories

Give her a break lammy

So the same girl that went to the front line filming with the female Kurdish fighting against ISIS is being picked on why.. she has done a lot of real in-depth docs, and the kids shows she does are also really good. What's lammy did for our kids and other kids abroad

My son went to Uganda and helped, with others to build a wall and better sanitation in a orphanage. He spent time with child soldiers and orphans with HIV. His skin colour is white but his heart ❤️ is red like everyone else's. MP's concentrate on the UK and the colour skin colour

It’s a snowflake world, like walk-in on egg shells

tbh if this is the rubbish the permanently offended are now offended by, bin comic relief or just boycot it; check where your charity dosh is going & if it's going to a place not of your ethnic etc origin, don't donate. Then they'll be happy. Or not

Good for her , she is doing great but lets ask African people what they think about David not happy helping them !

OK David. I get the message. No charitable donations from white people for Africa. I'll only donate to UK charities.

Ginger savior more like.

Incorrect and misleading headline. There is no row, just DavidLammy spouting nonsense once again.

Racist comment, but I guess it’s ok for some

Well leave him to it 😡,!

If comic relief bombs and loses £ millions who will this ungrateful politician blame ? Not his racist comments

Just ridiculous

Ffs! She’s just trying to raise money to help these people!! You can’t do right for doing wrong any more! Get your hand in your overpaid, privileged pocket DavidLammy & do something useful for once!!! 😡

Why does everything always have to be a race row? This is about people who need help and those that are able to .

It's time all this charity nonsense was stopped. Plenty of people in the UK needing help and would actually appreciate it

That is just blatant Gingerism, they are very white it’s in their DNA!!

What puzzles is, why do these countries allow morons like this woman? simply because of the corrupt elites. There is abject poverty in the Indian sub continent, countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka but they would not allow such blatant patronising bullshit.

Can’t we help each other without some sort of agenda

Leave her alone. She's a desperately needed role model. Boot on other foot, would it be the same outcry?

Presumably DavidLammy is as deeply offended by the countless pictures of Lenny Henry doing exactly the same thing with children over the years then?! Positive racism at its worst. Absolutely disgusting comments.

I need money relief I am is citizen I am vet homeless

Why do working class people vote for these middle class, Labour crackpots?

Perhaps he can use his voice to argue for more change then. Instead of bashing ‘white saviours’ how about lobbying government to increase or better target their aid? Yawn at the constant bashing of decent people (of any colour, race, gender etc..) who are only trying to do good

DavidLammy how many of your own constituents were removed under the wind rush scandal? How many constituents r still being deported on chartered planes back to Jamaica. You talk more about black rights than you do act to support. Your 70k lifestyle has removed u from reality.

I cannot comprehend Lammy’s stance or indeed his so-called explanation. Rather than helping, he has achieved the exact opposite. So much for reading public sentiment!

Why ?

Those that do and those that criticize. Which one is the MP?

FFS. Lammy was okay but he's gone Tonto since Corbyn came in as leader.

DavidLammy has, is and will always be a grade A c**t

Well lets stop helping children abroad and help the kids in Britain then

Lammy is a dangerous man with a clear agenda

Why doesn’t Lammy just shut his gob.

David Lanier talks bollock he’s a liar racist and a disgrace to the Labour Party he needs to address the problems in Africa there the men with the same colour skin as him are cheating fraudulent robbing all the money aid how many more live aids ffs

Been doing it for 40 years, clearly it's not working. Send tools, bricks,pipes not fucking celebrities, then this shit might get sorted.

May be DavidLammy could feed them the rather large chip he has on his shoulder

DavidLammy just got a pay rise along with all the other useless MP’s maybe he could donate that to children in need?, IMHO I think he’s a racist,

We whites are saviours of the black world

Anything DavidLammy says should laughed at,

Won't be parting with my cash......

Bet they still want the money 😡

If I’m starving in a place without the basics 80% of the world takes for granted you don’t care what colour the saviour. Imagine taking flak for helping the poor. idiotic

What a pathetic observation as this person has placed herself in danger as a journalist and highlighted abuse. This MP has a clear chip on his shoulder to almost anything non black. Shameful man.

Makes a change to have news not relating to Brexit

Lammy is being really silly here. His rant was pretty racist

Stacey Dooley Comic Relief documentary pics spark 'white saviour' row. No, the headline should be.. DavidLammy in yet another racist outburst against a white women. More shame on the Labour party

Nothing wrong with being a white saviour she's a decent person doing the right thing, it's only the shame there isn't more like her

Ah fuck it! I was going to donate this year but given my ethnicity, I really don’t want to offend any middle class woke folk.

You literally cannot do anything these days

Gone out there to help raise much needed money and is abused for it because she’s white... whose the racist here

Not to worry give my money to some other charity

Oh give over nobody is looking down on the Africans, so if David Lammy thinks there’s equality we can cancel comic relief can we they don’t need any help or money This is getting beyond a joke so does he also think Bob Geldof was looking down on them at Band Aid

Spot the difference: Lammy is a racist fantasist, a parasite. He profits from telling lies about people, targeted just because of their skin colour. He seeks to divide, not unite. He sews hate and bile. Comic Relief raises £1 billion to improve lives. They win

If Comic Relief did as DavidLammy suggested I doubt they would receive even half as much as they currently do in donations comicrelief povertyporn

I'm a white man, proud Brit and not a racist. So LennyHenry is not good enough for you Lammy

Comic Relief have been using white celebrities for years so why pick on Stacey. Why doesn’t Lammy get in touch with them and go and do some filming for them?

I’m sure DavidLammy would contribute some of his disproportionately large expenses to the poor Africans

He's a racist.

Pick and choose when it’s ok to be racist.....Stacey is a fabulous reporter, she’s exposed so many rape gangs in the UK! Love her work!! No one should be negative towards a hard working person like her! X

Mr Lanny there is one race and it is called the human race, sorry if that doesn’t fit in with your narrow minded views.

Has she said she doesn’t like Israel ?

this is all to much, we can't breath through this kind of ridiculous 'row' poor people need help from whoever can hightlight their plight, whether it be in Africa, Rotherham or the North Pole..their saviours can look like Angelina Jolie, Lilly Savage or Barak Obama...get a life

DavidLammy - Another ‘victim’ from the modern day “offended” movement who is 31 years too late jumping on the bandwagon 🙄 Must be looking for votes for his next local election SelfServingParasitesOfWestminster

Do we only send black people then? Freaking joke.

Isn’t the essence of equality and non-discriminatory behaviour to advocate good outcomes no matter what the source - Black/white, male/female, Jewish/Christian/Moslem, etc etc Mystified with this whole furore 🙄

Come home leave them to it

Not a problem. Let their own kind sort out their problems. But on the other hand I haven't seen many 'locals' going to help.

David Lammy has done nothing to help these people that's probably why he feels so aggrieved as it is a white person to the rescue again well done Stscey keep up the good work

These 'celebrities' have raised millions to help Africans stay alive. Was Bob Geldof a 'white saviour' ?

Stop looking at the colour of a persons skin Mr Lammy, this is a good cause helping less privileged people, skin colour should not come into it.

David Lammy is no better than Diane Abbott

It would look better if it was Lenny Henry doing it would it or maybe don't do anything at all don't even send aid as you know it might be seen as pity.Remarks like that is what will put people of donating anything.DavidLammy

Waste of time going to Africa this has been going on for many years. YOU Won't Change Anything. They need to change their countries not us. It will never happen they are stupid.

She Caucasian, Mp should be sacked for racism

Damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

Comic relief is rubbish. The money goes where. Don't donate it is a total sham.

snowflake gone pc mad

I literally cannot get my breath.

I sort of agree with what is being said here, however, does this mean all 'whites' should stop supporting overseas aid? Which is more important? Trying to help those in need, or not upsetting a others (probably 'not' in need of help) ?

Instead of criticising he should get his black face out there instead.

DavidLammy what a Pratt you are, thats a racist comment metpoliceuk interview this disgusting and disgraceful politician, LabourParty jeremycorbyn well done stacey skysarahjane BBCBreaking RTUKnews UKIP bet he wont spend £20k to build a school in Gulu

Perhaps you should ask DavidLammy why he feels the need to spout racism

Well that will save us all a lot of time and effort not to mention money thanks Lammy.

She's doin more than black people

No row. Just DavidLammy being outraged for no reason. And apparently comicrelief have asked him to make a documentary & he’s never responded. Does he just not like white people trying to do good things?

So many things flying through my mind. I can’t stand to read this stuff. “Help people but don’t help people like that because you’re white”. It’s racism saying “stop racism”. WHAT?! I don’t understand 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

For Mr Lammy’s shoulder

Always someone trying to drag the country backwards

What does this guy NOT complain about?

Would the same be said if Jay z blinged up to the eyeballs was there. Doubt it.

About time. All the celebrities who go over and prance around and cry on camera just doesn’t do it for me, while probably staying in air conditioning hotels. All the money RND has raised yet still asking for money for clean water, mosquitoe nets etc.

Just imagine the outrage, twitter storm and 24 hour news coverage if a white MP had said the same thing about black people.. Yet fat Lammy carries on regardless

This is a dam joke - why don’t they talk about the black exploitation ie the fact that part of the reason for the mess is the corrupt political system and corrupt in an open and unseemly way in terms of magnitude

DavidLammy likes to condemn racism while demonstrating racism and prejudice himself.

Dear me 🙄 why is everyone so bloody sensitive nowadays. Ain’t we got enough to worry about..

Money has been getting pumped into these countries for years but it never gets any better!

Are we supposed to believe that Africa will save itself or would whites be labeled “privileged, demons, or abandoners” if we didn’t help...fucking MSM


DON'T VOTE Racist LabourParty

Absolutely ridiculous....if it was just black celebrities going there and highlighting problems, white people would be branded racist for not appearing to care

DavidLammy Focus on the gun and knife crime in Tottenham....

Better a white saviour than no saviours

How long have we been raising money for Africa?

How many people are using food banks in the UK? How many children below the poverty line in the U.K.,Lammy is right stop being colonial help the needy of the U.K. only, no funds for the third world we have to stop offending them by helping do the things their elites aren’t doing

Ridiculous statement. Comic Relief, regularly emphasises the great work done over there by brilliant organisations & informs us of their hard work and dedication. Anyone donating is well aware that we are supporting those communities by helping them to help themselves.

She’s 🔥🔥

Chip. Shoulder. Much

Nobody better mention Lenny Henry...

Maybe the people he should be knocking are the corrupt leaders that filter financial aid into there own pockets.

Lammy is offended by someone trying to help others, political correctness gone mad.

Lammy's racist rant sparked the row

Having listened to the outrage against this, i have decided to stop supporting charities who send money and aid to africa. Will restrict charity to non racist animal charities only.

So it’s now ‘white’ celebrities fault because they want to help raise awareness Thing is I don’t see many black celebrities wanting to do the same thing...funny that!!

There is no row. Just one race baiting thick added MP causing trouble again that's all.

So Africa wants aid. But, not from white people?. Ok, no more money to comic relief

Comic Relief? We need Brexit Relief!

StaceyDooley is a great documentary maker and a great role model for her generation.

Please back off this brave and intelligent lady, she has bought so many breathtaking reporting putting herself at risk for our education. I don’t expect it was actually her idea to do this charitable report ❤️

No pleasing some people. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Apparently only Lammy and Abbott know what is correct and incorrect for the races. It would appear that all whites are racist and all blacks are eager to seek out new ways to be offended.

Lammy getting a bit trappy?

There isn’t many people I can’t stick but he is one of them. So what do I do David? My church helps a “home” in Africa. Should I stop donating and campaigning because I am white? Thankfully your opinion doesn’t matter to me. I will do what I need to do.

Stacey is such a hard working journalist. She constantly puts her heart into every issue she investigates. This time she is helping out Comic Relief not for self promotion but to help others. Get a life DavidLammy

Still a good read

So Lammy thinks white peoples money is donated, via a sense of racial superiority, to essentially patronise the recipients! Is he an ironic racist or just a racist?

How on earth is DavidLammy allowed to get away with such vile,devisive comments. Labour really do have problems.

I can’t for the life of me get my head round this.The colour of your skin prevents you from raising money for underprivileged children-why? White people cant raise money to help other races- woah mine stops here because I don’t see myself as anyone’s saviour. Just a helping hand

Give me strength

It’s simple then isn’t the hard working citizens of the Uk regardless of colour just stop donating then there’s no row - Racist c*nts make my blood boil as if it matters what race donates to whom - evil f*cked up reverse racism .

I can’t believe he sees things in this way.

That’s old virtue signalling... hasn’t she got a real life?

Who needs Tommy Robinson , when twts like this try to stir up racial hatred at every opportunity they get ?

Don’t just be a nice person wanting to make to make a difference. Stay at home and donate only to charities spending on white-only causes? What a world we live in with arseholes like David lammy around 🙄

Stacey did a documentary on how much her home town has been taken over by another community. They told her to stop dressing like a whore. She only said it was her home town were she was brought up

Lamp chop off

Ginger as well 🤦🏻‍♂️

Blimey! All I saw was someone going to help.

What ? ‘White saviour’ row because one idiot of a attention seeking MP has said so , don’t think so

He simply hates white people. Needs to get that chip of his shoulder

Lammy I think they couldn't find any white children over there to pose with idiot MP.

The quote BBCNews attribute to DavidLammy that “the image she (StaceyDooley), wants to promote is her as heroine and the black child as victim”, is utterly shameful, and he should apologise immediately. Repeatedly he reveals himself as a very odious politician.

I understand what DavidLammy is trying to say but this is about raising money to help improve the lives of those in need. It's not meant to be a geography lesson, or whatever. The better off Africans don't need help, they're doing just fine.


MP's can say what they like.... they earn a massive 70+k a year to screw up our country. Why would they care about starving children and the third world state of other countries: after all they don't give a toss about our own.

Do you know, I don’t even know where to start with this.

I guess we are dammed if we do and dammed if we don't. The children being helped are probably not concerned by the skin colour of the person doing the helping.

I’m so sick of the idiotic way things have gone with pc nonsense in 2019 and indeed recently before. Surely CR is doing more good than harm. Why does it always have to be about race with these people?

Seems to me that DavidLammy comes across as racist to white people. Wonder what the powers that be would do if a white MP came across as racist to blacks.

David Lammy is an intelligent man perhaps he can persuade African leaders to do more for their population rid themselves of corruption and build and invest in their people and industry I would love to see Africa prosper and grow their economy for all their people.

Fine. Let them starve.

Well when the next inevitable disaster happens don’t give a penny , and Lammy is becoming a knobhead

David lammy is a moron. If hes not offering up his time to go and help poor people in Africa why the fuck is he getting offended about others doing so. Why does he always have to bring race into any subject he speaks about. Its almost like a person's race is most important to him

David Lammy is just another hypocrite. I'm done with Labour. Not even Jeremy Corbyn quitting tomorrow will make me vote them again. If Stacey Dooley said a similar thing.. she'd be struck off. David is the racist one here. We should ALL be helping feed young children.

Basically, you can't even help others nowadays without some idiot taking offence.

Imagine waking up and being offended that someone is helping a person in need because they are not the right colour.... Take a bow DavidLammy

The world has gone PC mad!!!

It's just triggered David Lammy that's all

I really feel sorry for this woman who was trying to do good many white people will now be put off working for and contributing to worthwhile causes for Africa because of these comments for fear of being labelled.

Have no time for celeb self aggrandisement. And it’s not just this. It’s wherever they pop up. Telly ads. Foreign trips. We have a moral responsibility to help those - where we can - who are in dire circumstances. But do it through professional agencies. With professionals

I'm afraid I don't get the 'white' comment davidLammy. That's racist.

DavidLammy no need to send foreign aid then? As one of the top recipients, billions is no longer needed? Inform the UN as such then.

White saviours 😂 us white folk can’t do right for doing wrong

That politician is a racist gobshite Saying that white celebrities and white film crews shouldn’t be sent to film footage for comicrelief He should be thrown out of government for such a backwards attitude

Clickbait headline there.

Stacey has been bringing awareness to many GLOBAL issues way before Strictly 🙄 has DavidLammy said this to Bono or Bob Geldof or Lily Allen?

The point of the event is to raise money for starving children in Africa. Most of Europe is white and by donating money they hopefully saved peoples lives. Why is a white person helping- in the wrong?

DavidLammy you personally have just stopped a lot of people donating to this charity with your racist views. You really don’t think at all before tweeting your rubbish, you and trump have so much in common!

Ok.leave it to the Chinese then... what could possibly go wrong ?

British celebrities why doesn’t lammy the racist say he means white so let’s tell all white celebrities not to get involved oh wait didn’t they set it up to start with shame on him pure racist

Only racists care about that.

No row here. Just a dilusional racist labour MP. Yet another one

White rich celebrities having pictures taken holding poor starving African kids for for their own publicity, and to look good in the eyes of their public, is belittling African people,

Why that’s what comic relief does are they saying only black stars can do it?

Spend the money raised on the homeless in this country then 🤷‍♂️

There’s no row,just David Lanny spouting his anti-white hatred on a social platform. After all he is part of the Labour Party. Do we expect anything less from the racist Party?

David Lanny is fast becoming the new left wing twat of the year. He simply thinks the world revolves around north London. Go north of London David, you may be surprised at the white folk there.

Come home Stacey,let him donate his rather large MP's salary

Well, well, the 'social justice warrior virtue-signalling stance' has turned on our white liberals! How ironic, they may well have become 'persona non grata', but don't worry as our money and aid will always be welcome! gerardjasper BrexitKnight Mitchel06512105

Don’t get this from Lammy. I do respect him (unlike others replying) but this seems unnecessary. He’s intimating that we shouldn’t bother to help those in need because we don’t share their geography or skin colour. I’m no fan of millionaire celebs do-gooding regardless of colour

Why doesn’t DavidLammy get of his arse and go or is he’s still filling out his expenses form

Damn those white people especially those celebs running around highlighting the hardship faced in Uganda drowning the continent of Africa with a wave of white privilege they should all take their sympathy, food aid, money & stick it up their red noses. Min Wage UK worker, OK then

DavidLammy in future I’ll keep my white saviour money in my pocket. I assume that will make you happy

‘Poverty Porn’? Whatever floats your boat I suppose.

Stacey is also jank

So white people now donating to aid are all to be perceived as “white saviours” dreary me this punch line will certainly make some money for comic relief .... it’s hilarious! Do you think any mouth cares what colour the donater is ? Wake up FOOL.

David who? Smacks more of self-promotion than a legitimate argument IMO DavidLammy

Allow us to Purge for one night please

Thanks DavidLammy for your racist views, I’ll be keeping my money in my pocket this year for children in need.

No row. After reading David’s comments I’ve decided I will no longer be donating to comic relief or any other African charity. I wouldn’t want my donation to be seen as poisoned white saviour money.

O goodness, if you live in Africa then you will realise the poverty and the hardship most people endure. Well done to Comic Relief, keep up the amazing work!

Ffs,ok then suspend the aid and we’ll stop trying to raise it through charity aswell in the future,you can’t do anything these days without some fucker trying to pull out the race card.

Maybe Lammy is jealous that he didn’t get a free trip ? Maybe he should do his job instead?

What, because David Lammy accuses Stacey Dooley of this? why is anyone taking Lammy seriously?

Only in the UK

If Africa does not need any help from white people which is the thrust of DavidLammy rant then let’s all not bother with comicrelief I won’t bother this year. Not going to be branded a colonial racist for donating.

Think the David Lammy comments have just wiped 10’s of millions of pounds off the comicrelief collections. Well done that man idiot 😩

Oh give it a rest.

Suspend all foreign aid and relief programs then. Whites not welcome white money please? WTF

Well you could send black entertainers -there's plenty of them - but that would just spark accusations of 'black colonial savior'. The reality is they are always needing to be bailed out. Maybe the world should stop trying to save them and let them save themselves.

David Lammy is a disgrace

David Lammy. That’s like being called names by the village idiot. Smile and walk on by.

David Lammy the Racist.

Oh ffs!

Nah, just Lammy and his racism again 🙄

I guess if she were in 'blackface' it might be more acceptable?

There is no 'row' at all, it just further confirms the notion that David Lammy is a joke and a radical

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