'I had to sell my belongings to live'

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PIP appeal delays: 'I had to sell my belongings to live'


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They make it ridiculous to get so you ll get pissed off in the process.

The system is so obviously flawed as so many appeals are successful, proving that the original decision was made in a completely inadequate way. Why are they allowed to keep putting sick and disabled people through this when they and everyone else knows it’s wrong?

As the article says: In Northern Ireland the Public Services Ombudsman is looking into 'a significant number of complaints', pointing out that a 'high number' of decisions on PIP applications have overturned.

Ignorant exuse for a human being

Conservatives UKLabour . The report on the DWP failures in thousands of people waiting for payments but then fail to mention the 20,000 who died before PiP decision made. Weak reporting in action.

DWP ask if you can borrow. They ask if you have eBay etc..they expect you to sell stuff in order to survive and save the Gov money!

The only thing the DWP are committed to, is to make disabled peoples lives harder than they need to be. People of this Country need to come away from criticising disabled claimants because all your doing is the politicians dirty work.

That is so shocking!

PIP around here regularly takes a minimum of 15 months from claim to tribunal

TheresaMay Tories HostileEnvironment fail You should be ashamed to be a Tory! Could Corbyn be worse? Who will stand up for the poor? So damn angry! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

under the Tories since 2010. I voted for them then - I now feel like a turkey who voted for Christmas & Thanksgiving - & I voted for a whole load of other turkeys to get the chop as well! That's not a very nice feeling, Anna_Soubry, sarahwollaston.

Conservatives theresa_may there are times when gov approach should be pay untill proven otherwise rather than don't pay untill proven needed. I am a great supporter of universal credit and encouraging people back to work but in this instance action is needed now.

PIP costs the Government more than DLA did, but is far less fair. I should know - I was on the middle rate of the care component of DLA, & the lower rate of the mobility component, but when my DLA ran out, & I applied for PIP, I was turned down. I have lost 52% of my income

I've been waiting a year and been told it'll probably be another 10 weeks before I get my PIP court appeal. I'd been awarded DLA indefinitely and we're told PIP is meant to be fairer and easier. It's a violation of basic human rights.

PIP is the biggest joke ever, the assessments are rigged to stop people who need to money having it

The system is a joke. My mother has cancer, the assessor came to our house for 10 minutes and gave her zero points on the system. How is that right? They barely even asked her any questions.

How long will it take them to sort this out. Most useless government ever not that I trust labour any more.

My 25 year old nephew who has MS is currently fighting to receive the funding he’s due. UK Government Dept are doing everything they can to delay these desperately needed payments. This brave young lad should not be treated this way. Thoughtless, faceless, uncaring government 😡

So come on theresa_may what do u think about this? 😠 (know she won't reply) but this makes my blood boil. Another of our disabled people let down by our awful government.

.....or get a job. Decisions, decisions.....

My wife had to wait 13 months for a PIP tribunal.13 Months wait for it to be reinstated after 10 mins with a judge.

Oh sorry, though that is how life is

Because they are done with targeted anglophobic austerity. They do not reconized illness, yet the very same illness are taught in collages up and Down Country to prevent. Untrained bigoted staff that suffer from dyscalcular

PIP accessor sat in my living room with my wife for an hour and a half then went away and lied, her assessment contradicts the ESA doctors assessment ESA Dr - over 25 points PIP Nurse - 0 points I live off 4 hours sleep a night taking care of her, I'm at the end of my tether

It wants sorting this wefare system are you listening amber rudd

I appealed my PPI too. And got a nice little earner.

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