Mike Pence jokes he’ll ‘bring a fly swatter’ to first GOP debate after viral 2020 incident with mosquito

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A large black housefly stole the show during the 2020 VP debate after it perched on Pence’s neatly combed silver hair for two minutes and nine seconds as he debated Kamala Harris .

“They all told me, ‘Dad, you did OK,’ but they did tell me about the fly. It was a good laugh for all of us,” Pence said.

Pence eats ice cream as he campaigns for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines on Aug. 11.President Biden campaigned off of the incident, asking supporters on Twitter at the time to “pitch in $5 to help this campaign fly.” days after the debate that she did notice the fly and joked, “I think it’s important that we kind of find a way all of us to move on and, you know, kind of fly away from this subject on to something else.

“I’ve had a little bit of experience with nationally televised debates,” Pence said Friday, adding that he hopes former President Donald Trump decides to participate in the first debate. “And for me, it’s always about talking to the American people. Now, there’s going to be choices. There’s differences, frankly, with the governor of Florida with other leading candidates, and I hope my former running mate is there too,” he said.


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