Democrats’ To-Do List: Translate Anger Into Actual Votes

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To win control of Congress, Democrats will have to overcome historically challenging midterm turnout, writes GeraldFSeib


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democrats have no political agenda then to cause havoc, ie., Supreme Court nomination.

The suckest president of USA - Obama. Sometimes I guess,he is the spy from Africa and China

I’ve lost all hope in our political system due to the way the Democrats are attacking Republicans

Obama rewriting history

😐 I dunno. Seems like Trump is STILL capitalizing on it after spectacular success in the 2016 election.

America angry about what? Rise in the value of their pension and record low unemployment? You are getting confused “angry” left-wingers with average joe.

Republicans did it....

Yikes! Obama is like 25 years younger than Trump...what wil Obama look like in 25 years if he looks like this old granddad now? ouch! hang in there old man!


Wow. Is this all you have to publish? Sheesh. Glad I cancelled long ago.

Everytime see Obama, just want to run to the Voting booths for Republicans and put all Democrats out of office, Obama took his civil org, to the oval office and divided this country with his politics based on feelings and brainwashed our younger generation and Obama knew this

Democrats have shown up in the streets nationwide to protest Trump's policies. We will show up when it matters---and this time it REALLY MATTERS.

What are you talking about? In 2016 you were writing that Trump is riding a wave of anger and disaffection straight to the White House

Obama is an intellectual idiot not worthy of a conversation, had he not been elected to the WH for his smooth bullshitting skills.

No it is not.. republicans did it in 2010

Wrong. We translated our rage into votes w/o problems. Truth is their own constituencies have nothing to be angry about. Country is doing exceptionally well. Their voters abandoned them after being called deplorables and their candidate threatened to destroy their livelihoods

The latest actions by Dems should be a huge call for red tide.


Whose anger and whose vote?

and when they do show up, all they do is complain who got elected!

This reminds me of the anti-Trump protester I saw interviewed in Jan. 2017. The reporter, to her credit, asked if he actually voted. The guy sheepishly confessed that, no, he had not, “but I would have voted for Hillary!” PSA: Wishes and yelling aren’t votes.

Always the emotions and no substance.

Trump changed anger into votes. Obama's gone. Hillary under a rock.

Actually, the easiest emotion to turn into votes is anger. The GOP proved that in 2010 and 2016.


And overcome a gerrymander that works against them...

Republicans have a better economy and a more secure America. Democrats have anger. How can an innocuous word as translate have such a bad connotation.

As Democrats gear up for midterms, they face a tough reality: It's hard to translate anger into votes, writes Gerald F. Seib. Even snakes with heads cut off tend to wiggle for a while

Which part do the democrats not like? Booming economy? Strong intl relations? Lower taxes? Preservation of constitutional rights? I truly don’t understand... Keith Ellison is out here trying to drop sharia law on Minnesota and beating his wife... am I missing something?

here is a good Question, if Obama had not made fun of Donald Trump in 20111, would we have President Trump today?

The Democratic Party does not have any substantive program at all except against Trump.

Really? I’m no expert but I think anger is a pretty good motivator. I hate trump and the republicans with a burning hot passion. I can’t wait to vote.

Good luck the American people see through the B.S. !!

GeraldFSeib Obama as front man angering GOP

GeraldFSeib Yes, mislead people, translate anger,split the community, then blame Trump ———-that’s what Democrat is doing!

GeraldFSeib Put a muzzle on that moron in the Oval Office if the GOP wants to win.

GeraldFSeib takeitback = dems wanting to take back tax cuts and return it to their pockets and their lobbyist ,take back the booming economy and return it a depression,take back christian rights and return it to the lgbt,take back the jobs returning and ship them back over seas.

GeraldFSeib Democrats need to produce a new generation of leaders. IMHO. Recycling the old leaders won’t help.

GeraldFSeib Hmm, except the last midterm for the last GOP President where that’s exactly what happened.

GeraldFSeib Well, anger is about all they’ve got. I’ll stick with ethics and love. WalkAwayCampaign

GeraldFSeib WalkAway

GeraldFSeib Yeah that's the main problem with democrats, getting them out to vote. It's like they would rather just not bother to vote, but then have a drum circle protest the next day because their person didn't win, and smoke weed.

GeraldFSeib The two-party system, a war of losers.

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