Head and heart: the art of modern leadership

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In this extract from her new book, Kirstin Ferguson outlines that to be a leader in the modern world of management requires someone who understands both reason and emotion.

Thankfully, there is now widespread recognition that simply managing people to undertake tasks is not leadership.

Sorenson explained COVID-19 was already having a bigger impact on Marriott than the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the 2009 global financial crisis combined. He said it was clear that because of the challenges the business was facing, measures would need to be taken to reduce expenses, including the closure of hotels and a personal decision by him to not take any salary for the remainder of the year.He turned to the impact of these changes on his staff and grew visibly emotional.

These include four head-based attributes – curiosity, wisdom, perspective and capability, as well as four heart-based attributes – humility, self-awareness, courage, and empathy. You can measure your own head and heart leadership in each of these areas by visitingThe art of modern leadership is knowing what balance of head and heart leadership attributes are needed, and when.

Union leader Sally McManus took a similar approach and gave me a definitive answer to the same question. “I think I am 60 per cent head and 40 per cent heart,” says Sally. “I am more inclined to the head, but I have worked to get better at the heart. I know what my blind spots are.”Leading with perspective is how we interpret or assign meaning to the events, stimulus, data, and situations we encounter every day.

Modern leaders who lead with perspective can collect and interpret signals. They are leaders skilled at gauging what is happening around them and where they fit in. Leaders who lead with perspective can read silences and recognise non-verbal cues in ways others may not. They can sense the mood and understand whether relationships are working. Modern leaders understand this is a continuous process that never ends.

I like to think my word-to-wisdom ratio has improved over the years and I am conscious of my word-to-wisdom ratio, even now, when I am engaged in discussions. I also watch and learn from the many colleagues I admire who always seem to get their ratio just right. All very important, but the consequence of being the “smartest in the room” was disengaging for her team and preventing them from needing to think at all.We brainstormed experimenting with a new approach. At her next team meeting, she focused on asking open-ended questions instead of offering solutions. She thought about her word-to-wisdom ratio and the impact her words, tone and questions would have on others.


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Wonderful to see greater awareness of what we already know… 👏🏻

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