Old favorites, outdated attitudes: Can entertainment expire?

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Should entertainment have a shelf life? 'Sixteen Candles,' 'Baby, It's Cold Outside,' 'The Simpsons' and many other popular works are problematic for some modern audiences. anthonyted explores how we might rethink some old favorites.


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anthonyted This story, from looking at the comments, never had a shelf life. It committed suicide the moment it was published.

anthonyted No, entertainment should NOT have a shelf life. But Freedom hating, truth hiding, hack run, biased FakeNews sources like the ap, cbs, abc cnn & NBCNews should have a shelf life. And you guys all are way past your throw away date.

anthonyted I'm heartily sick of hearing & reading the word, 'problematic,' which has itself become problematic.

anthonyted Leave all John Hughes films out of this lunacy.

anthonyted Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. No they should not have a shelf life. Also not everyone agrees with the “progressionist” view of the way the world should be now.

anthonyted Is somebody forcing you to watch them ?

anthonyted What a totally normal person.

anthonyted No. Moving on.

anthonyted Love these songs! Awesome stuff!

anthonyted Sixteen Candles? Oh please.

anthonyted The thought police are on patrol.

anthonyted I think AP has run it's course time to end it.

anthonyted awww its problematic for the snowflakes - get over it you a$$ clowns

anthonyted How about you leave everyone alone

anthonyted Can we start by banning any movie with actual Nazis?

anthonyted Liberals=Taliban.

anthonyted Please help me avoid non-woke movies. I need to be woke.

anthonyted They're only 'problematic' to monomaniacs.

anthonyted So basically what George Lucas did to the original Star Wars should be applied to every aspect of popular culture.

anthonyted Baby its cold outside shouldn't be problematic c'mon leftist I did my fucking research come at me with your false facts

anthonyted Pretty soon someone calls for a cultural revolution to sweep away old ideas. Uh, we have seen this movie before. The ending really sucks.

anthonyted Yes, this is a great idea. Not only should entertainment expire but news organizations should be the sole arbiters of what expires and when. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get in one more viewing of “16 Candles” before it is censored, I mean expired.

anthonyted We don’t need the media telling us what we should and shouldn’t be watching. This is a free country. Go peddle your propaganda somewhere else.

anthonyted ...like, say, the AP.


anthonyted Easily resolved. If you are offended don't watch those shows.

anthonyted McCarthyism alive and well in 2019. Whodathunkit

anthonyted Quit yanking my wanky.

anthonyted Just watched 'Sixteen Candles' the other night and thought there's no way in hell that movie gets made today. Of course that's why most movies today suck.


anthonyted How about biased media ?

Advertiser muted to protest against Twitter censorship of women standing up for women's rights and safety WarOnWomen TwitterCensorship TwitterLosingWomen

anthonyted The greatest art, music, literature of our civilization was made by people who were by today’s standards racist, sexist, homophobic bigots. Yet their detractors are intellectual and creative pygmies. Funny that.

anthonyted SO DON'T WATCH/READ/LISTEN to them. How difficult is that? Now run along fascists, you are NOT burying my history in a blanket of PC garbage!

anthonyted Should be a shelf life for media organizations like AP, lol.

anthonyted Problematic is what the free press has devolved to in it’s quest for social conformity at the expense of the truth. But go ahead. Burn all the books, ban all media. It’s of no historical significance. You could make the likes of Joesph Goebbels proud.

anthonyted Digital book burning

anthonyted It’s called perspective and intelligence, which is so lacking today. If you can’t look at something and not realize that it was created in a different time, then you shouldn’t watch anything. These things show us how our culture has changed over time.

anthonyted People offended by these songs and shows need to toughen up. I mean seriously, this is pathetic. I can’t believe that an article like this is even contemplated let alone published.

anthonyted After that, we can find some classic books with wrong ideas and burn them . Great Idea !!!

anthonyted This is really a thing?

anthonyted The past cannot, & should not, be erased. PPl need to use the brains they were born with & learn from it & be ever aware of how things have changed for the better (hopefully). To erase the past, is to become blind to progress. Meanwhile, poverty, starvation & wars need attention.

anthonyted Problematic for modern audiences is code for the snowflakes now being ripped off and brainwashed by universities are graduation with no skill set and not able to wipe their own ass.

anthonyted toughen up buttercup

anthonyted Can the media and the left stop being the fucking thought police? Just stop.

anthonyted They already do. The very second they are released, you are allowed to like or not like them. You are also allowed to change your mind an unlimited number of times.

anthonyted I'm so glad my betters like anthonyted are here to decide what I'm supposed to be offended by. I'm much too stupid to figure that out on my own.

anthonyted I think I speak for the majority of Americans when I say 'Who cares?'

anthonyted I know; don't watch if you don't like it, without punishing everyone else! 😀

anthonyted Oh sod off, Ted.

anthonyted Lighten up Francis

anthonyted Even people who would readily acknowledge a problematic aspect of a classic movie or song are not likely to be convinced to stop liking that movie or song on the whole. So 'shelf life' is the wrong term.

anthonyted No , deal with it.

anthonyted TheNewPrudishness Brought to you by the Left this time.

anthonyted Sorry buttercup... hardpass

anthonyted Uhm, so four legs good or four legs bad? I can't keep up with the many sensibilities of Eggshell Society.

anthonyted “Problematic”? Shut up.

anthonyted Or....you can let people enjoy whatever they enjoy.....

anthonyted Then how bout said modern audiences, DONT WATCH EMOTIONALLY PROBLEMATIC WORKS!!!! Wusses.

anthonyted How are you all still alive?

anthonyted I suppose the only answer is that all those who appreciate them should be re-educated.

anthonyted Here is a simple solution: Don’t watch or listen to them if they offend you. That’s it. Wanting to remove them so no one else can enjoy them due to your sensitivity is authoritarian nonsense.

anthonyted 'modern' audiences? Or regressive?

anthonyted Relax. I've got ten this was written by a miserable millenial woman. Any takers?

anthonyted Sigh

anthonyted Father Ted, He-Man and One Foot in the Grave should also be on the list

anthonyted Go away. Apu is a hero!

anthonyted If they're problematic, change the channel. Find a program named 'Gulag'. That and North Korea the best things to watch for the eternally offended. Is where free speech goes to die

anthonyted Please tell whoever wrote this to watch the original Baby, It's Cold Outside scene from Neptune's Daughter (1949). And then slap anyone who says we need to rethink it. They thought it at the time. They did more thinking then than a whole army of rethinkers could do today.

anthonyted No

anthonyted It is only problematic to the author who wrote it. ap has lost all its credibility by hiring journalists that are blatantly biased and really write articles that caters to their own delusional group of friends.

anthonyted Life is messy, people are messy, art is messy, and everything is contested. To act like we can come up with some sanitized, “woke” version of all of the above that offends no one - that is actually worth reading, watching, or listening to - is a pipe dream.

anthonyted How about a new cable channel called “Woke” that plays properly censored versions of all these shows and films?

anthonyted Can “modern audiences” have the shelf life instead?

anthonyted Abortion offends me, so ban that also then.

anthonyted If you are offended, don't watch it. That doesn't mean others, shouldn't be allowed to watch.

anthonyted No, it should not. People today need to stop crying over everything. If you are offended by that stuff, maybe you should be locked in a nice safe padded room.

anthonyted To answer the question: No, no it doesn’t. Saved everyone from reading the story. Now go pull that stick out of your behind.

anthonyted Only if you're lib-tarded!

anthonyted No

anthonyted How about don’t watch, listen or read it if it offends your delicate little feelings?

anthonyted “Problematic”: things designated as forbidden (new ones every day) by people whose entire purpose in life is condemning others and telling them what they can and can’t watch, read, hear, think. Too many others are too cowardly and conformist to ignore them.

anthonyted Stop trying to control thinking and let people live their lives!

anthonyted mistrmeh_ca It's the AP ...

anthonyted Let's burn a few books while we are at it.

anthonyted Not modern, more like medieval 'burn the witch' folks

anthonyted You can say the same about congress!

anthonyted Who decides what goes on the shelf and when? I vote stupid ideas such as this be shelved.

anthonyted Destroy history, for the good of the future! Good plan , this can't possibly be a disastrous dumpster fire of idiocy... How is the ratio going on this marvelous plan anyhow?

anthonyted Oh sod off

anthonyted I would like to see the numbers of viewers for these shows over the years? I want to see the complaints against these shows? Or is a Liberal claiming we need to just change? This assault on American Culture is pretty telling? Please be specific on what group this offends?

anthonyted Maybe the modern day audience is the problem 🤔

anthonyted I freaking hate the word problematic.

MacCocktail anthonyted Why? If you don't like something, don't watch it. It's not a difficult decision.

MacCocktail anthonyted No

anthonyted I’m just here for the ratio.

anthonyted The AP's shelf life has been up for a while and is mouldering in the back of the fridge

anthonyted Or the Jesus story. Did the virgin mother really give consent? Hell if my boss asks me to do something 99% of the time I do it. If Yahweh zeself asked me to carry the baby Jesus I’d kinda feel I have to say yes.

anthonyted James Cagney was awesome.

anthonyted I remember the days when the Left was outraged over authoritarian tactics to take down The Simpsons, South Park, etc. Now the Left are the authoritarian/Puritan ideologues of our society.

anthonyted Its time to fight back against shit like this. Dont look now, but if the left continue to ban everything they deem offensive you'll have a nice revolt on your hands from Gen Z. Every action has an equal reaction as the saying goes...

anthonyted What garbage. Maybe we should instead rethink the AP's shelf life.

anthonyted *sigh* Or. It could be done right. Like the time those uncut racist Looney Toons shorts were presented with a disclaimer by Whoopie Goldberg.

anthonyted Whatever happened to just not watching an older movie u don’t approve of?

anthonyted Modern audiences are complete shitheads.

anthonyted People who are offended watching old movies are a special kind of stupid

anthonyted Bug off, you prune-faced, pearl-clutching, clenched up old biddies.

anthonyted (((modern audiences)))

anthonyted Maybe modern audiences just need to learn how to use a remote control

anthonyted '... some modern audiences.' Read as 'the whiny outrage brigade whose lives are so pointless and dull that the only thing that fills their days is the endless search for more things to be outraged about.'

anthonyted Is AP pro book burning? I could click the link to find out. Nah. I'll just assume they are and not give them the page view.

anthonyted NO, now go away

anthonyted 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. 🖕🏻

anthonyted Maybe just problematic for people like Ted Anthony, the rest of us are cool

anthonyted How about no? 1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual.

anthonyted No. The modern times needs to stop being so sensitive. We are regressing socially as a society.

anthonyted We live in the greatest country & the greatest time in history when this is an actual concern and topic of conversation for the

anthonyted Report the news don’t try and make it.

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Any “modern audience” member is free to not consume problematic works of entertainment. Pretty simple

anthonyted I can’t understand liberals, if I am offended by something I change the channel, I don’t insist that it is taken off the air. Grow up !

anthonyted This oh-so-judicious Gen-Xer judging the old 'less enlightened age' didn't even describe the opening of Philadelphia Story accurately:

anthonyted I'm pretty sure a majority of pre-modern audiences might find some new favourite entertainments problematic and in need of a rethink


anthonyted Tough shit. Act like adults and get over it.

anthonyted These are only a problem because we apparently can’t tell the difference between real and make believe...

anthonyted Another important point for the author... We reject any notion of “discussion” of this so-called “issue” as we recognize what that means: “thin edge of the wedge”. So no, you don’t get to have a foot in the door on this. No. No. NO. Go peddle your censorship bs somewhere else.

anthonyted Simple answer NO. It all ways starts out like this and someone wants to add or remake ending in well go woke get broke. Here is a idea that works, MAKE SOMETHING NEW THATS YOUR OWN!

anthonyted I thought the market dictates what's available? Maybe people still enjoy the Simpsons and old classic Christmas songs

anthonyted WhAt is this, North Kore or some cultural revolution bullshit?

anthonyted The solution is for you and the rest of the emotionally stunted mob to grow up and stop acting like 5 year olds on a playground. waaah hesaidameanword waah

anthonyted If some media is problematic for some people then those people can tolerate it or just not consume it. Leave the rest of us alone.

anthonyted May South Park never go away!

anthonyted This is like banning books because some people are too stupid enough to understand that people and cultures evolve. Fuck this and the people who would support ideas like this.

anthonyted You're nuts. Just plain ignorant. What you're talking about is more censorship. I suggest you read the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and then maybe study some history.Cause the argument you're making has been made before. when do you propose to start burning books

anthonyted Get stuffed.

anthonyted OMG. Where is the cultural breaking point with the WAY overly sensitive folks in the room? At some point the overly sensitive POV has to be recognized as just that - a POV not the end all, be all...

anthonyted The only thing problematic is ppl who try to decide whats problematic for others. Prom dresses and apu are not problematic. You are.

anthonyted “The Associated Press”

anthonyted Don't like it, turn the fuc&(!$ channel.

anthonyted “Pave the forest!!!!”

anthonyted Must actually be a CBC article!

anthonyted Is this for real? I hate, HATE, anyone who actually thinks like this.

anthonyted The word “problematic” needs to be eliminated from the lexicon. Oh, and people need to grow the fuck up.

anthonyted Revisionist outrage... Can't wait till future generations wipe away of scourge of 'liberalism'....

anthonyted no.

anthonyted Don't be a Book Burner! ❄️❄️❄️


anthonyted No. Jesus Christ, no. When will the joyless crusade end? I stopped reading after your question.

anthonyted Media has a shelf life too then. Americans now rethink old, outdated methods of news like

anthonyted So entertainment needs to be redone to suit the modern audience, but you still govern a country on 200 yr old ideas......

anthonyted They're only problematic to idiots.

anthonyted It is the modern audiences that are problematic, not the entertainment.

anthonyted Maybe there is a problem with the audience!

anthonyted People being forced to watch television? Or what are we doing here

anthonyted ...going by this tweet and some of the “Headlines” recently, I’d say maybe some news outlets should? 🤷‍♂️

anthonyted Does have a shelf life?

anthonyted Stop being such soft, offended, speech-regulating pansies. Just b/c something bothers you, doesn’t give you the right to try and strike it from existence for everyone. Nobody elected the MSM as our cultural spokesmen/women. Here’s a tip, just report on the bloody N👏🏻E👏🏻W👏🏻S👏🏻!

anthonyted Awesome analysis, Ted. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if people read it rather than spazz out at just the headline?

anthonyted Eat shit.

anthonyted Yes I think it’s time to redo the cartoon Fat Albert with skinny white kids because Bill Cosby is problematic due to the MeToo movement and fat shaming is just wrong.....

anthonyted No. Idiots. Next question.

anthonyted It’s A Wonderful Life will definitely enrage the ragers.


anthonyted I’m offended that people are offended by the movie, music and television I grew up with. When will you all start with the book burning?

anthonyted Who are you to censor every little thing that offends you?


anthonyted Should expend its resources on stories of consequence? Govt shutdown; Children of refugees dying in US custody; Trump’s EPA relaxing regs on coal plants, more mercury in US air; Acting AG w/ fake credentials supervising Mueller; Rs in US House/Senate aiding & abetting Trump

anthonyted What 'audiences'? You are pandering to a tiny tiny proportion of people. Why?

anthonyted This is nothing new, cultural Marxists always purge art they don't like. From Stalin, to Mao, to Mengitsu, and now the NPCs. NPC Art

anthonyted Let’s start with the Associated Press.


anthonyted I think it is time to shut down the AP in an attempt to get back to free press and journalism! propagandafree

anthonyted If you find something problematic or even use that word, YOU are the problem.

anthonyted No. PC culture shelf life is up.

anthonyted What we need is more modern propaganda TV. Oh wait, that is what we have now....! The Punisher is about to take on Christians in the 2nd Series! Please Hollywood tell me how to think like a mindless peasant!

anthonyted So basically if you ignore the context in which all of these scenes play out, then yes they would be highly problematic.

anthonyted Methinks we should rethink ap

anthonyted The most important thing is that these changes are not driven by the audience, but a small cadre of PC zealots who see issue where there is none.

anthonyted I have an idea. How about raising kids with some thick skin, or balls🤔

anthonyted Why just say the Simpsons have a shelf life? Let's just burn all of classic culture starting with those terrible ancient Greeks. They had gods who raped, made war, and abused mortals and imortals alike. It's all so triggering. Mozart wasn't gay, poc, or trans, burn him too.

anthonyted I’ll take a pass on having what I consume being dictated by modern day zealots, thanks.

anthonyted No. Go back to bed.

anthonyted No. Next question.

anthonyted They started to become problematic when people started losing the ability to apply common sense...

anthonyted just stop

anthonyted Let’s put tin foil over our eyes and carry a fowl box where we go. perfectlife

anthonyted No, but surely has shelf life. Which is over now.

anthonyted People have free will. They are capable of making decisions.

anthonyted Yes, burn books so the facists don't win

anthonyted Now we have the movie police?

anthonyted 'How can I get outrage clicks to our site today?' It's like real journalism shit the bed 3 years ago and hasn't cleaned the sheets since.

anthonyted Or how the left became the moral Puritans of liquid modernity. And you will know them by their joylessness.

anthonyted Seems to me there can be just as many lessons learned and glances into where we have digressed in some of these films as things that may make some shudder. The same will be of contemporary media. On a side note, I wonder why no outrage over rap music.

anthonyted No. Entertainment should be preserved. Enlightened with context, but preserved for all to enjoy.

anthonyted stop

anthonyted You have greatly outlived your shelf life.

anthonyted Sounds like you’re suggesting they be censored. Is that your goal?

anthonyted Or maybe the snowflakes can not watch or listen to whatever they want and leave the rest of us the hell alone!

anthonyted No. Also no. Culture changes sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse. To try and erase that which we are offended by means we erase our ability to understand the context of the times.

anthonyted Only for triggered Snowflakes... the rest of us have our big people pants on...

anthonyted No. Leftists suck.

Just start launching the damn nukes. Please.

anthonyted Modern audiences might just need to butch up a little

anthonyted Another article that is, at once, both vapid and alarming. Are you promoting a censorial agenda? In your version of Oceania, who gets to decide what is excluded from Newspeak? Knock it off. The press, of all institutions, should not be championing an end to freedom of thought.

anthonyted Everything is 'problematic' to young people, maybe they're the ones who are problematic

anthonyted I'm Indian and I love Apu. He's a successful businessman. Liberals trying to eliminate pop culture like this is reminiscent of the Nazis destroying books. It's actually the same thing.

anthonyted The AP is problematic

anthonyted Progressives are the new Religious Right.


anthonyted Getting angry at products of then-prevalent societies is idiotic. You can’t change history and you shouldn’t erase it.

anthonyted I guess even AP is falling to the propaganda illness. Sad and scary.

anthonyted Should news outlets have a shelf life?

anthonyted Not you too AP, Jesus Christ...

anthonyted The thought police are out in force😂 small minority of lunatics looking to be offended by everything and anything. Very very sad !!

anthonyted 'problematic for some modern audiences' Nah, problematic for insecure lunatic snowflakes with no grasp on reality.

anthonyted You are the Associated Press, writing this. We're so doomed. How do the rest of us get out from under the absolute mess that is the official, blue-checkmarked media-academe?

anthonyted My 18 yr old says “they would just complain about the height of the shelf or what the shelf is made of!” 😜

anthonyted Millennials were a mistake.

anthonyted I'm pretty sure Greg banged Marsha.

anthonyted It’s time for the AP to expire.

anthonyted 'Problematic' is for identity dipshits what sin is for religious dipshits.

anthonyted Gee you didn't mention Rap

anthonyted Thank you, come again!

anthonyted 'Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child'. Y'all need some JonHaidt

anthonyted How about no, and we find more important issues to help Americans analyze and rethink?

anthonyted If only we lived in a time when the free market could decide such things...and not nanny state, perpetually offended, social justice warriors.

anthonyted Its entertainment. You can choose to watch what you want and ignore the rest. The govt is not forcing someone to sit and watch the Simpsons

anthonyted Maybe some people don't like it because the have thin skin and get offended at many things. That doesn't represent what many other people feel however. Not every millennial is a virtue signalling social justice warrior.

anthonyted WTF article did you people commenting read!? At least one person here was honest and said they didn’t read it and is just commenting. 🙄🙄🙄 Why the F do you people follow if you don’t want to read the articles? People are weird.

Some Like it Hot. An iconic movie! Probably one of the best Christmas movies of all times, right behind diehard. Disco Lady, I just want to get next to you,feel like makin love..so many 60s-70s-80s songs to choose from! Erase history.Ban them all! Free love, no more bueno?

anthonyted I thought AP wasn’t an opinion outfit. Please just report the news and leave the leftist politics to the rest of the mainstream media.

anthonyted Get real.

anthonyted These comments should be fun.

anthonyted Stop it. Stop it! STOP IT!!

anthonyted No, they aren't. LEAVE PEOPLE THE HELL ALONE!

anthonyted Entertainment never expires. This is one of the dumbest things I've read today. What about all of the classic films from our past? They sure are better than half the crap that is coming out now. 😡

anthonyted Great way to squelch free speech. Here's a novel idea- don't listen to it!

anthonyted Why can’t people grow up instead of being offended by the past, so childish

anthonyted What a stupid question. How about no? People need to grow up and make better choices about what they like and IGNORE the stuff that’s not their cup of tea. Like the rest of us!

anthonyted * Bamiyan Buddhas * Islamist militants destroying Buddhist art in Pakistan's Swat valley. * Chapels at Angkor Wat demolished by Hindu restorationist If we base all our actions on how we feel about issues today, we will eventually erase or destroy everything from the past.

anthonyted Enough already let's keep our history

anthonyted Exhausting.

anthonyted Ice cold take, AP

anthonyted I always thought of Apu as the smartest guy in „The Simpsons“. He is an entrepreneur, has well-behaving kids and a high work-ethic.

anthonyted Let’s start with outdated, expired, and irrelevant “news” services.

anthonyted 👎

anthonyted Translation: 'Modern' audiences have gotten SO lazy, that they can't be bothered to change the channel.

anthonyted No. You censorious nutjobs.

anthonyted A few screaming children on the left are doing more to kill free speech than any group in history. Toughen up or turn the shit off.

anthonyted 'Modern audiences' need to grow some balls or at least borrow them once in a while.

anthonyted Hey AP, literally just hurl yourselves out the nearest open window. You need the fresh air and the bump when your head hits the ground might kickstart your brain from the leftist/authoritarian coma you are in.

anthonyted No, none of these are 'problematic' at all. What is this nonsense?

anthonyted Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right

anthonyted Delete yourselves.

anthonyted Let’s be offended by everything and rewrite history over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again

anthonyted How about rethinking today's attitudes?

anthonyted Can that be done to you?

anthonyted Apu was supposed to be a stereotype. As are most Simpsons characters.

anthonyted Monorail!

anthonyted = Minitrue

anthonyted People just like to cry over everything, just because your feelings got hurt by a fictional character doesn’t mean you get rid of it.

anthonyted Intolerant liberals are the new nazis. History will look back on 2018 as a dark time for free speech.

anthonyted Get bent with this bull shit.

anthonyted They are only “problematic” because media types like you booger eaters have told them they are “problematic” over and over again. is fakenews

anthonyted “Some modern audiences” = bloggers with Grievance Studies degrees. Normal people aren’t concerned about such non-issues.

anthonyted ...stoking the fires of the Cultural Revolution... OperationMockingbird Gaslighting

anthonyted Or people could just grow the hell up.

anthonyted Sure, and then when the present media is all but nothing, and the future deems that offensive, somehow, we'll end up having no entertainment whatsoever. Clever idea, Associated Press. Hopefully your head doesn't wind up on the PC Guillotine.

anthonyted ratio

anthonyted Problematic? Shelf life? I didnt have to read the article to know this is drivel.

anthonyted They are babies...looking for attention.

anthonyted But the left aren't a bunch of fascists oh no.

anthonyted Yes! From now on only politically correct, vegan, lgtb, environmentalist art. That should make for GREAT entertainment 🤦🏻‍♀️

anthonyted Should news media organizations have a shelf life? Some news media organizations’ reporting is problematic for some contemporary audiences.

KTLA anthonyted In an age where there is room to have something for everyone, tens of streaming services, a handful of social media platforms, and still thousands of network, and cable channels, nothing should have a shelf life. Stop being offended and enjoy what it is that you like.

anthonyted It’s shocking just how close the left is to burning books in the town square.

anthonyted Lighten up, Francis

anthonyted 'Will someone please think of the children?!!!' - Helen Lovejoy.

anthonyted Stick yer “problematic” where the sun don’t shine.

anthonyted The leftists have always tried to change history to support their vile agenda. Why should this be any different? I wish they would start showing re-runs of Amos and Andy just to trigger the snowflakes.

anthonyted nope.

anthonyted The writer is seeking nothing more than attention and praise from a small segment of people that become unhinged over nothing.

anthonyted Leaving hope all ye who enter

anthonyted How about we enjoy these classics if we want dont if you dont and perhaps use them as teaching tools. Its interesting to see the evolution of what was considered acceptable over time

anthonyted They’re only “problematic” for over-sensitive, over-emotional ninnies. Why should we attempt to placate them when they’re the ones that should grow up?

anthonyted Censoring history now where have I heard that before. Might as well just get on with it and start burning books as well.

anthonyted That issue already happens every generation. Try watching old episodes of westerns, or Johnny Carson or game shows such as Match Game from the 70s on the retro tv channels.

anthonyted No, we don't. We also don't accept you as the gatekeeper of what we can and can't watch. Kindly fuck right off, please

anthonyted FFS stop

anthonyted It’s art for fucks sake, you don’t like? Turn away, towards the mundane shit you do like. They are a part of our cultural heritage and our societal narrative, just simply erasing them won’t help anything..in fact, I’d wager it could make things worse. But do you, I guess.

anthonyted If libs try to ERASE history, getting rid of Confederate statues and names, not a surprise at all that culture portraited in entertainment would be next. And in the future will be the Constitution and Bible...

anthonyted What kind of mentally regressive and ignorant editorial is this?

anthonyted Perhaps any art that is offensive to a protected class should be burned and the artists arrested and put in a concentration camp for extermination. All documentation about the art and artist also needs to be destroyed. Wipe the person from history Sound good?

anthonyted Time for a good ole book burning 30’s Germany style right AP

anthonyted Now do Rap music.

anthonyted Look the red guard are coming for old thought... not a fan of the new book burning religious right

anthonyted Evergreen: for left, the past is always changing, but the future is certain ...

anthonyted Simpsons should be off the air. If anyone is watching it is the democrat's haha. Small minds

anthonyted I think it’s more likely that some modern audiences are problematic for entertainment...

anthonyted The AP is waaayyy past its expiration date.


anthonyted Last time I looked there is an OFF button. How about using that if you don't like the old music, the old movies, etc. But stop trying to take away entertainment that many of us enjoy from years gone by! I don't like rap music or obscene movies so I use that OFF button!

anthonyted When you see something like a tv show and get offended you should change the channel and move on with your life

anthonyted Burn books with The Associated Press. Love is Hate. Freedom is Slavery.

anthonyted Let the Book Burning begin!! This shouldn't go Horribly Wrong....Again!?!?

anthonyted The is problematic because it is FAKENEWS and tries to obscure that fact with mindless musings about music, art, and culture. Perhaps should get a gf.

anthonyted How about modern audiences stay in the basement and leave us old people to watch the old favorites. If you don’t like something, don’t watch it. It’s really that simple.

anthonyted Or.....maybe people should just relax.

jenrobertson2o2 anthonyted If you don't like it...

anthonyted I'm sick of yellow privilege. Burn it all to the ground.

anthonyted Oh FFS- should we rewrite history then? The best way to move forward is to learn from the past. Hiding things serves no purpose.

anthonyted I like it. And then we can start from year zero. It’ll be a lot of fun.

anthonyted Many modern audiences must be full of babies.

anthonyted Nope.

anthonyted They're all just monkeys on an organ grinder's leash dancing to the constant ping ping ping of his little machine while people laugh at the little monkey and throw coins into the cup. Blind entertainment to make us laugh and forget about the world for a moment. Go away little boy

anthonyted PC babies are making a difference. They are changing the world.

anthonyted Run code: “problematic.”

anthonyted 1985: Heavy Metal music will make your kids worship Satan. Left 1985 : No it won’t. Freedom of speech. 1995: Gangsta Rap will make your kids violent. Left 1995: No it won’t. Freedom of Speech. Left 2018: Baby it’s cold outside will make you a rapist.

anthonyted Don’t watch


anthonyted They are fine and have to be taken for what they are. It’s over-sensitive PC nonsense that needs to go away...

anthonyted Or just chill a little, stop bristling at everything, recognize people can enjoy and appreciate pop culture without becoming Nazi racist rapists because they failed to express outrage at every dated depiction or joke

anthonyted Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia

anthonyted SJW's should have a shelf life, same with Shitty propaganda news sites..

anthonyted Some day in the future political correctness, identity politics, intersectionality, etc., and the resulting surpression of free thought and speech - and posts like this from major news organizations- will be considered “problematic”

anthonyted You (the Associated Press) are describing things I do not find problematic. Pushing political correctness in expectation of changing everyone’s behavior is more likely scenario. AP is left thinking collection of people where conservative “anything” is scathed, trashed, & mocked.

anthonyted Go bankrupt already

dexybailman anthonyted maybe snowflakes should stop being so worried about make believe and start worrying about what is real. college rapists getting off with suspended sentences, illegals killing our citizens, police being targeted for their job you know silly stuff like that 🙄

anthonyted And while you're at read 1984.

anthonyted And you wonder why MANY people were disgusted with news organizations, anchors and 'reporters' LONG before Trump uttered the phrase 'Fake News.'. This idiotic point of view is a perfect example of why people just don't trust the media.

anthonyted Don’t forget Tom Sawyer.

anthonyted No.

anthonyted You. Don't. Dictate. Welcome to America!

anthonyted Every day thoughts like these push us more towards an Orwellian society. Thought police, PC police, no difference. Only the most bereft of intelligence would use freedom to destroy freedom.

anthonyted Maybe the AP is an old favorite with an outdated attitude.

anthonyted No they shouldn’t have a shelf life. Yes in modern times they may be viewed differently

anthonyted It's always entertaining when people who unquestioningly hate Ayn Rand start acting out the parts of antagonists in Atlas Shrugged, virtually word for word.


anthonyted Does nannying have a shelf life? Because people are getting sick of this shit. I tapped out when usatoday deemed ‘Ebony and Ivory’ “problematic.” clairlemon AsheSchow Rudolph ?

anthonyted YOU are out of touch.

anthonyted No more yanky my wanky! How about those modern audiences who find them 'problematic' just don't watch them and leave the rest of us alone in peace?

anthonyted Go. Away.

anthonyted They are only “problematic” for people who have no damn common sense

anthonyted Nowadays the number one sign that you live a cushy privileged life is stuff like this. You’ve got so few problems in your life that your greatest inspiration for an article is “problematic” lyrics and lines from years ago. This is why all these lefty crazies are out of touch

anthonyted If had a shelf life, they'd have expired long ago.

anthonyted ⬆️😂

anthonyted Oh look that hawk just swooped in and ate that slow squirrel.....

anthonyted Then we can censor materials as they are produced or published to make sure that nobody is offended. Just think how wonderful it would be with nothing offensive to anyone being written or produced. We would have a society where people could do absolutely nothing.

anthonyted Back in the 90’s we would just tell people to change the channel. Sounds better than revisionist history and censorship to me.

anthonyted How about Purcells' Funeral Odes for Queen Mary? The Bach Oratorios and Concerti? Mozart's 41 symphonies? This has NOTHING TO DO WITH LONGEVITY and everything to do with achieving TOTALITARIAN POWER.

anthonyted Should the writers at AP grow a spine? I explore why they can’t and won’t.

anthonyted The AP has LONG passed its shelf life.

anthonyted FuckOff

anthonyted Maybe the 'offended' are the problem

anthonyted Stop. Just stop.

anthonyted Entertainment can certainly expire but it does so on its own.

anthonyted The people, the political philosophy that gave us Antifa with its bigotry, violence, close-mindedness is raging against innocent songs because of a PRESENT phenomenon that some of the 'heroes' in their ranks are responsible for.

anthonyted How Orwellian! If it bothers the snowflakes, there’s always the option to NOT WATCH IT (amazing idea, isn’t it)

anthonyted . longs for Maoist Cultural Revolution in America.. to purge the problematic and get our minds right. MAGA FuckCommunism

anthonyted This is embarrassing please stop

anthonyted Perhaps modern audiences should stop acting like a bunch of overly sensitive crybabies.

anthonyted This is a garbage take on media I doubt this supposed media critic has ever even looked at.

anthonyted This unoriginal opinion has already expired.


anthonyted Simple solution: don't watch any of it if its 'offensive'. Not everything has to be a controversy, grow up America.

anthonyted This is the DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN AP


anthonyted Lol shut up. Maybe we can rethink if AP is needed? I mean I’d say CNN MSNBC washingtonpost nytimes are past their shelf life.

anthonyted Tell the “modern audiences” to stop being so lame.

anthonyted Maybe 'Modern Audiences' need to grow a pair and stop being such crybabies that need a safe space so they might not be offended. I never liked/agreed with parts of tv show 'Modern Family'....but instead of crying i just don't watch it, problem solved for me.

anthonyted A good thing for this article would be to have stopped BEFORE posting it

anthonyted We can skip the article and just say 'no'

anthonyted Is the AP part of the regressive left?

anthonyted Tedious.

anthonyted Or maybe the 3 people who are actually offended should watch something else?

anthonyted If a toddler can divine that no one is really falling off cliffs in Roadrunner cartoons, the rest of us can cope with a few minutes of historically accurate depictions of behaviour we would now avoid in our daily lives.

anthonyted Hell no they shouldn't. Modern audiences are spoiled little snowflakes that think they are entitled to things conforming to what they want. They dont like it let them go cry in they're safe space.

anthonyted That's an inane rhetorical question.

anthonyted Let's end the year with a wispy 'thought piece' on our worst trend, the tendency to clutch pearls at any word, example, or idea that could possibly be seen from an unflattering angle for fear that it's a back hole that will suck everything in or expand to ruin the world.

anthonyted Please stop messing up our country. Please!

anthonyted “Modern” audiences are a bunch of special snowflakes.


anthonyted I'm so glad that terrorism, poverty, and natural disasters have all been solved, so that now we may focus on complete nonsense!

anthonyted Entertainment should be included as a history subject. It’s a great window into culture and past thinking. Expressing ideas and points of view.

anthonyted This article is a part of the outrage industry and every click feeds it.

anthonyted It is time to reconsider what we consider news sources.

anthonyted More problematic is the garbage that AP promulgates on a daily basis. And oh the poor endangered snowflakes! Grow the f up!

anthonyted I don’t know whether to be offended, by this question, or triggered....

anthonyted Let the people through their tastes, choices & patronage decide what lives and dies. Not the PC thought control culture

anthonyted But Shakespeare is ok? Baiting

anthonyted You guys seen original Tom and Jerry cartoons? Racist as fuuuuuuuck.

anthonyted You are not ready for the world if you find even a show like The Simpsons problematic. Better lock yourself in home.

anthonyted It’s only “problematic” for hyper sensitive idiots and SJWs (same thing).

anthonyted What the fuck is going on in this world?

anthonyted Grow up and stop being finding something to cry about.everyonewantstobeavictim.

anthonyted My answer, if you don't like it, don't watch it. Suck it up buttercup!

anthonyted Maybe these people need to be like Ginny, the bride in 16 Candles, and take 4 muscle relaxers.

anthonyted I find this hard to discuss given the behavior of our president and others in government.

Or maybe just take a pass on the whole Orwellian thought police business.

anthonyted Should the media have a shelf life? 'Associated press', 'Wall street journal', 'CNN' and many other popular works are problematic for some modern audiences. New media explores how we might rethink some old favourites.

anthonyted some modern audiences need to get a grip

anthonyted They should be played on a continuous loop just to push these delicate flowers over the edge.

anthonyted Are you serious? 'This is your brains on PC.'

anthonyted GFY AP 🖕

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Should Journalists have a shelf life?

anthonyted Define “problematic”... maybe my “problematic” doesn’t match your definition. In fact, I find your line of thinking “problematic.” tcot

anthonyted Go away

anthonyted 🙄 At least I can, for once, say I was ahead of the trend...never liked The Simpsons”. 🤣

anthonyted Who would have thought in the eve of 2019 that George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four 'Ministry of Truth' would be alive and well and being supported by so called progressives?

anthonyted Amazing to see all the comments from people too stupid to read the article and realize it agrees with them.

anthonyted I’m offended that Lucy and Ricky had to sleep in separate beds! I’m offended that people in old movies all smoked and had that weird accent (whatever happened to that)! Get rid of it all!

anthonyted Or perhaps it’s modern audiences that are the problem

anthonyted Don’t you have anything useful and productive to do?

anthonyted Woke AP.

anthonyted “Problematic” is a two-cent word for dressing up nothing more than “I don’t like this so listen to me complain.” Art is volatile and the journo’s obsession with manufacturing a concensus around it is proof their heads are empty. Never forget: journo = failed novelist.

anthonyted No. Just no.

anthonyted In other news, 99% of people hate bullshit like this.

anthonyted Stop overthinking everything. Just enjoy for what they are and the era from which they came. If you feel unbearably offended, don’t watch. As for 16 candles quote all hs sr’s thinks sophs are children even tho they are basically same change and both still kids that was the humor.

anthonyted They can always NOT WATCH OR LISTEN TO THE ENTERTAINMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!

anthonyted Oh bugger off. There are loads of things that are “problematic” for me, I just don’t watch them. Problem solved.

anthonyted Stop telling us how to think about things and Just report the f**king news!

anthonyted If I don't want to watch something it should be banned. Why should other people be allowed to watch something that I don't like?

anthonyted Burn all old books. it is the only way to protect the future.

anthonyted Now, do all the major religions of the world.

anthonyted The old favorites are fine. The new thinking is wrong.

BSkylstad anthonyted Nope. Grow up.

anthonyted Methinks the problem lies with the modern audiences not the old favourites.

anthonyted You “journalists” have become what you were supposed to protect us from.

anthonyted Simpsons still a satire on modern society? Or are they caving to the low IQ outrage people with the social media megaphone

anthonyted We need to socially evolve. What was once acceptable by many can no longer be accepted. I cringed at many of the examples in the article, and didn't like them at the time. I'm glad to see that they are being discussed for what they showed. Thank you.

NDH_j_m_f anthonyted Whenever I see the word “problematic,” I automatically assume I’m going to hate everything this person says.

anthonyted Alternate take, tell 'modern audiences' (read: A handful of professional, dogpile encouraging grievance hunters) that entertainment and art history will not remember them kindly, once humanity grows its brain back

I didn't buy/read Lena Dunham's book about molesting her sister, you're free to read it or not. Choice.

anthonyted Why stop there? Why not change James Joyce's Ulysses? Or the Marquis de Sade's works? Or better still, not look at the works of the past through the eternally-offended, pant-wetting, snowflake-generating prism of today.

anthonyted One thing that has never grown out of date in American entertainment is men running around with guns killing people. Never gone out of style in their unreal lives either.

anthonyted The SJW-infected left, arguing for the memory hole again. They are the extremist puritans of our time.

anthonyted Change the channel

anthonyted This is a not so subtle plea for censorship by some unidentified group that will decide what entertainment we are permitted to consume.

anthonyted 🤨

anthonyted So I should not like a movie or show anymore because a specific character who probably wasn't my reason for liking the project in the first place is 'problematic' by today's standards? Sorry no.

anthonyted The article comes down on the side of opposing censorship. You may have other quibbles with the article (I do), but don’t misrepresent what it says.

anthonyted Only bc parents are coddling their children too much. Whatever happened to just deal with it The world does not and should not revolve around one specific kind of generation. It's called variety. You don't like it? Change the damn channel!!

anthonyted Hows about if you don't like it, change the channel.. Realizing that life is not all about you and that others, with their varied and as-valuable opinions, may just disagree with you is part of the mix. Get over yourself.

anthonyted Nevermind the pomo hack AP hired for this piece and their 'problematic' fetish for critiquing everything.

anthonyted Don’t give this gentleman a copy of the Iliad, he’ll faint.

anthonyted If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.

anthonyted Did an AI programmed with the history of Twitter write this clickbait?

anthonyted We're individuals; grown-ups. We can 'filter' or make decisions for ourselves. It's entertainment. So to answer your query-bugger the hell off!

anthonyted So I cant watch They call me Mr Tibbs with Sidney Poitier? Racists.

anthonyted This argument is an exercise in jumping through intellectual loopholes to avoid calling it what it is... Censorship. Problematic for modern audiences? Oh where 80% of art today is about fucking, getting paid & discarding people.

anthonyted 'Modern audiences' and 'communist scolds': not the same thing. At all. Have you heard the phrase 'Get 'woke', go broke'?

anthonyted If it’s problematic for you, don’t watch it.

anthonyted You really do not understand the world. And your imaginary one would be a living hell.

anthonyted There is nothing dated about the John Hughes stuff. Seniors will still get the hots for Sophomores today. If his movies are to be banished you are banishing reality. Teenagers are still watching them and relating to them today. They are definitely not outdated at all.

anthonyted Everything expires, including the current fad of triggered, self loathing, extreme progressive lunatic outrage. evolutiontrumpseverything

anthonyted Maybe news outlets should have a shelf life? Worn our their usefulness and relevancy. But hey go ahead scream 1st Amendment

anthonyted How about modern audiences kill themselves?

anthonyted Shut up.

anthonyted Y'all need to get a hobby besides being 'offended' by everything

anthonyted This is getting tiring.

anthonyted Maybe it’s the ‘modern audiences’ that are the problem. growthefuckup

anthonyted The ‘problem’ is the anti-western politics of deconstructing & debasing everything on the basis that literally everything is predicated on a power-victim dynamic.This mind disease has been festering away amongst leftist academics since the post-modernist ideas of the late ‘60s.

anthonyted No. Don't like it.. don't watch or listen. The media is perpetuating this and giving it all FAR TOO MUCH ATTENTION. Let this nonsense die at the editor's desk.. PLEASE! Stop these stories of 'some' having a problem with some esoteric ancient entertainment. Erasing history?

anthonyted If anyone uses the term 'problematic' I know their opinion is invalid

anthonyted ‘Problematic’ is meaningless. A handful of whiny berks in any age cohort will object to just about anything. The difference is we used to have the good sense to ignore them.

anthonyted Wait until this writer finds out that men portrayed women at the Globe Theatre.

anthonyted 'Modern' in this context seems to coincide with the Puritan censorship that saw a bunch of bigots board the Mayflower.


anthonyted Oh piss off.

anthonyted I predict that this article will have a shelf life of one day


anthonyted Nay

anthonyted They are not ‘problematic for some modern audiences’ as the majority of modern audiences would still watch & not be offended. We’re letting a small minority dictate what is sociably acceptable when we ourselves can choose what to watch or listen to...

anthonyted The word problematic should be banned, its mostly, used by the self regious who think everything should line up with their politics.

anthonyted Am I missing where this says it’s an opinion and not a news article?

anthonyted Here's hoping political correctness doesn't last as long as the culture it tries to destroy

anthonyted Modern audiences should stop and think how their perspective differs from decades ago. We've made ma y advanced, but we still could learn from them

anthonyted Should free speech have a shelf life?

anthonyted Should snow be allowed to melt?


anthonyted Alternatively, we could NOT have a book burning... just a thought.

anthonyted The is becoming the 'Dummies Guide to Post-modernism'.

anthonyted Anyone who uses the word ”problematic” should be carted of to a reeducation camp.

anthonyted I can think of another group of people who thought past works of art were 'problematic' given their 'modern sensibilities'. Not good company you've chosen, AP.

anthonyted Fuck no

anthonyted As soon as you say the word 'problematic' you automatically just need to piss off. Enough of this bullshit.

anthonyted TIWTW (this is why Trump won)

anthonyted Problematic for modern audiences you mean a tiny vocal minority who are offended by everything and seek to dominate and control what we are allowed to watch and listen to. We aren't going to take it lying down

anthonyted At this point throw Jane Eyre out too. People are generally smart enough (I hope) to understand context, and enjoy viewing art in any form through the appropriate lens.

anthonyted No one is forcing anyone to like this crap. People still have free will, and they can “change the channel” to play something else.🙄 Other people enjoy it. When did censorship become de rigueur?😒 Just cuz China🇨🇳 does it, doesn’t make it ok.😑 Next you’ll be banning books.😑

anthonyted New years resolution; make journalism an extinct profession.

anthonyted No


anthonyted Problematic for some leftist audiences. Fixed it for ya

anthonyted something is indeed 'problematic' now and its not the artwork.

anthonyted 😂😂😂😂😂👎

anthonyted How exactly is this not a mental disorder?

anthonyted This writing is such mealy-mouthed cowardly nonsense. Notice how the entire article is just a series of questions, reporting to reflect a 'discussion' that no one is actually having. So much modern cultural criticism is like this.

anthonyted Some modern audiences are big-a$$ babies. Send them to their rooms and the adults can deal.

anthonyted “Old favorites, outdated attitudes: Can archaic news media outlets expire?”

anthonyted The key word there is ‘some’... most of us just want to have the freedom to choose. Stop trying to control us.

anthonyted You use the word 'problematic' to make it seem you are scientists studying human society like an ant colony. Truly evil.


anthonyted Get stuffed - you’re only happy when it’s left wing metro left types doing the rethinking for us.

anthonyted Have these “modern audiences” not figured out how to use the OFF switch.

anthonyted The entertainment isn't 'problematic', the audience is. They need to seriously have a word with themselves.

anthonyted The AP is problematic for most audiences, going off the replies. Please close your account and proceed to get fucked status.

anthonyted Stop.

anthonyted They're favorites for a reason. Modern audiences (crybabies ) need to get a grip.

anthonyted Or perhaps you just eat shit and let the rest of us enjoy life.

anthonyted The ‘problem’ is the anti-western politics of deconstructing and debasing everything on the basis that literally everything is predicted on a power-victim dynamic. This mind disease has been festering away amongst leftist academics since the post-modernist ideas of the late ‘60s.

anthonyted I'm offended by people who get offended.

anthonyted How about we stop blame shame game and readopt the live and let live policy ya know your allowed to have your ideas I'm allowed to have mine and nobody wants to hurt anybody that seems too have been lost somewhere down the line and pretty recently like in the last 10-15 yrs

anthonyted Lets not pretend that things aren’t insensitive or racist simply because they’re popular. Sixteen Candles and Breakfast at Tiffany’s are both considered classics, and for good reason, yet both had extremely racist portrayals of Asians.

anthonyted Perhaps we should gather all the hard copies of these problematic works and burn them. Then set rigorous standards for future artistic expression and encourage community policing (and the state of course) of these standards. Soon we’ll all live in a utopian dream, free from harm.

anthonyted Ever think that maybe, just maybe, you're the one with the problem?

anthonyted No. They are only still around because people like them. You're just trying to create a narrative. No wonder you get called fake news. Classless

anthonyted Stick to the news reporting...


anthonyted i find modern audiences problematic.

KTLA anthonyted You know to all the people offended, you simply don’t have to watch it. That said I’m offended that my right to enjoy something is taken away by your short sided views!

anthonyted You can rip my Sixteen Candles from my cold, dead hands.

anthonyted No. The fact that you even tweet this, shows you are part of the problem I think that the associated press has passed its shelf life and find you problematic

anthonyted Rather dictatorship-like to stop everyone viewing something because some don't like it.

anthonyted Good fucking luck, my Granny will guard her collection of Carey Grant VHS's to the death

anthonyted No

anthonyted 🖕🏻

anthonyted Rudolph are you kidding

anthonyted Apparently our brains are shrinking and no longer able to discern jokes and fiction from reality. Or, whoever wrote this is part of the social justice cult intent on destroying everything that makes life interesting.

anthonyted Nothingburger

anthonyted Leave us alone. Inflict your political moralism on member of the Party. But leave us plebs alone.

anthonyted I wonder if Genghis Khan was worried about the likes of this?

anthonyted No, it's insipid articles like that which inspire even more hurt feelings and outrage over nothing. Time to fire the reporter who wrote this.

anthonyted NO.

anthonyted You realize the problem is the audience, right? We are entering an Orwellian age indeed.

anthonyted I find Anthonys' hairline problematic. It most definitely needs a rethink.

anthonyted Could the fact that morals standards are moving so fast and liberal shows of the past are now considered problematic not be a hint that we need to slow down a minute? It cannot be the case that what was deemed fine 20 years ago is a problem that needs to be 'dealt with' now. Cmon

anthonyted We just need to ignore people who get offended over stupid stuff.

anthonyted This is what results when you overprotect an entire generation or two, at home, at school and at university. Afraid of their own shadows.

anthonyted News agency or thought police, you guys have to make up your minds.

anthonyted This feels fascist-ish.

anthonyted If we set this standard now, who knows how much of what we find unobjectionable today will be erased from our culture by our descendants.

anthonyted Then some audiences shouldn’t freakin watch or listen to what offends them in tv or the radio. Jeez.

anthonyted look out Bill Shakespeare, you may have got away with it for 500yrs, but not anymore!

anthonyted Going full censorship mode? Was in the tea leaves.

anthonyted Just staying for the ratio.

anthonyted 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

anthonyted Perhaps a ministry of truth needs to be established to rewrite history for the left. They could take cues from South Africa's (re-)education system in that regard. 1984

anthonyted The Simpsons was very controversial when it first started airing.

anthonyted What is Going nowadays

KTLA anthonyted Some.....some....

anthonyted Maybe old favorites are not the problem.

anthonyted The article is balanced, but what’s wrong with accents? Like come on, are they offended by accents now? That fit?Why is THAT not offensive? Apu is a great character period. Why can’t actors portray whatever character the director desires? Hamilton anyone? Its ok. Clickbait...

anthonyted Burn everything bad! No one should think for themselves. Censorship is good!

anthonyted You guys are tedious.

anthonyted Yea but gangster rap that degrades women and tells us to F*** the Police is just fine and dandy. Got it.

anthonyted And why should the professional-victim Gestapo get to dictate what media is and isn't okay?

anthonyted NO.

anthonyted Oh SHUT UP !!

anthonyted Do you have option not to watch old shows that may now be considered offensive? Then do that option and leave alone for those that may enjoy entertainment

anthonyted Maybe people should quit getting offended so easily.

anthonyted Get over yourselves. We are becoming a nation of panty wetters.


anthonyted Grow up and GET OVER YOURSELF!

anthonyted How about the Three Stooges ? Enough is enough.

anthonyted I’m about done hearing the word “problematic” if I’m being honest


anthonyted No- stop trying to invent things for people to cry about

anthonyted If you don’t like them THEN DONT WATCH THEM!! It’s a free country, turn the channel. Don’t start burning books for goodness sake.

anthonyted Yes, some entertainment dates itself rapidly (especially science fiction) but I hope this kind of journalism will have an even shorter shelf life.

anthonyted Pretty sad that ‘modern audiences’ can’t handle these works. How fucking fragile and overly sensitive have we become as a society?

anthonyted The modern day equivalent of burning books. Creepy and terrifying.

anthonyted No, but AP might need one.

anthonyted “Bullying scenes in Rudolph the red nosed reindeer” FFS! 🙄

anthonyted Someone could easily put a shelf life on a non-news piece like this. Be careful what you wish for, AP.

anthonyted Cool. But just leave Blazing Saddles alone please.


anthonyted South Park still puts a sharp stick in your eye every new season. Thank goodness for brave artists...

anthonyted No because anyone so ignorant they judge something based on their time and not when it was made are idiots, more importantly this is just a bunch of over sensitive little cry babes who are narrow minded childish brats

anthonyted Modern audiences are the problem.

anthonyted Reading the comments I thought, this could not be a thoughtful balanced essay. Then I read it. And it was. Pretty much right on.

anthonyted You mean problematic for liberals. The rest of us aren’t so ridiculous.

anthonyted We need more families like the Cosbys, and fewer like the Simpsons.

anthonyted Art in alllll mediums has to be viewed in context of the time it was made! That is how we learn from the past and become better. So absolutely not, watch it, know the time it was made and be better then that!

anthonyted No. Next question.

anthonyted Should Legacy Media shut its effin' pie hole?

anthonyted Maybe quit being annoying moral busybodies

anthonyted 'Entartete Kunst', 2018 Edition

anthonyted There is literally no one in my life, left or right, who find Apu or anything else you people pretend to be offended over offensive in any way.

anthonyted They are problematic for a very minor fraction of modern audiences. But they are loud, and they are (as this tweet shows) very influential/powerful in the media.

anthonyted Get new audiences then

anthonyted 'Problematic to SOME AUDIENCES'. In the past when something was problematic to some audiences, those audiences didn't consume it. It's just like today, except today those audiences both don't consume it AND complain about it.

anthonyted If we take away all of the previous entertainment what will Hollywood, et al plagerize in their remakes? There hasn’t been an original idea out of them for many decades!

anthonyted Or how about if you don’t like it or it makes you feel uncomfortable, then just don’t watch it or listen to it if that’s the case.

anthonyted 'Some modern audiences' can have their opinions, but they dont get to dictate everyone else's entertainment choices.


anthonyted Those audiences need to pull up their big boy pants and stop trying to change the rest of us...and their parents need to apologize for doing a shitty job.

anthonyted Need more TV shows like All in the Family and movies like Blazing Saddles. All will be better for it.

anthonyted Actually, it's a really easy problem to solve: If you don't like a movie or a show, then don't watch it. If you don't like a song, then don't listen to it. You have the right to make that decision for yourself and so does everyone else.

anthonyted No pne is holding a gun to their heads. Stop trying to censor stuff for the rest of us.

anthonyted You know what I find problematic? Garbage reporting like this, that tries to divide the generations. I do not know one person from the 'modern generation' who feels like this and I am surrounded by them. Is this made up vitriol to create chaos and animosity I do believe so.

anthonyted The modern audience is the problem

anthonyted Just say it.....censorship.

anthonyted What's wrong with the Simpsons?


anthonyted No. This is just stupid.

anthonyted The Simpson’s


anthonyted Let a committee say what you see hear or fart.

anthonyted You know what? Just don't watch or listen to what you think is offensive. But don't tell everyone else what they can or can't do.

anthonyted But I love Molly Ringworm!

anthonyted Explore this: No.

anthonyted Don’t watch them, easy solution.

anthonyted But rap music is cool. Gtfo.

anthonyted OMG what next?

anthonyted No. Absolutely not. Entertainment should NOT have a shelf life. Next question. 🙄🙄🙄

anthonyted No it shouldn't. Leave it alone. Let the snowflakes make new things for themselves since they are offended by every single thing.

anthonyted No. Next question.

anthonyted Left, right, normal people... Can we agree that we should be able to say whatever we want, short of directly inciting violence? Can we do that together? And stop letting the extreme 10% of each side dictate discourse?

anthonyted No. And stop being such sensitive little snowflakes. The world does not care about how you feel.

anthonyted And another one - The Usual Suspects is a freaking masterpiece Kevin Spacey or no Kevin Spacey. He’s a sick bastard, but that one of the best movies of its time.

anthonyted Putting a shelf life on these old favorite movies and books is a stupid idea. Someone just has too much time on their hands and their brain has gone dormant.

anthonyted 'Rethink' classic entertainment works? This is Orwellian leftist control and must and will be pushed back against.

anthonyted I get the sentiment here, but 16 Candles, for all its faults was actually a sweet movie that was quite reflective of that time in American History - right or wrong.

anthonyted Nope! I have been rethinking your sad excuse for a news organization for a while though...

anthonyted I knew there would be a ratio before I looked. It gives me hope for this country.

anthonyted Budding young fascists love to erase and rewrite the past on their own terms. They used to call this censorship but apparently it’s all cool now.

anthonyted If you don’t like it “CHANGE THE CHANNEL” Don’t make everyone else suffer because you don’t like it.

anthonyted We should probably rethink the validity and relevance of mainstream news...

anthonyted Should books? Should history? Boy, Your slipping down a dangerous path

anthonyted Gobbledygook

anthonyted Should 'modern audiences' grow a brain?

anthonyted damn near puke everytime I hear 50's music, or come across a John Wayne movie but that's because I just don't care for either! I grew up having to hear & see both though because of my parents & my kids felt the same about pink Floyd and Star wars but, 2 bad! u no like, no watch

anthonyted Idiots. It's not the entertainment that's problematic, it's a generation of participation award recipients who have never had to endure and accept responsibility for things. Temper tantrums, fellating each others egos & blaming others because they're all so fragile.


anthonyted Bull

anthonyted In the future we will all be problematic.

anthonyted This is the sound of me not giving a fuck

anthonyted Just stop.

anthonyted I’m thinking if it offends you maybe just don’t watch it. K? 🙄

anthonyted Wokeness is the book burning of the 21st century


anthonyted No!! Watch it, keeping in mind the context of the time it was made. We cant re-write or change history. But we can see how far we have come.

anthonyted Then 'modern audiences' should be sure not to watch anything they find 'problematic.' By the way, I have never....not once....watched an episode of The Simpsons. Monuments to antebellum White Supremacy should vanish but for history books. But tacky TV and movies...?

anthonyted You must be really desperate for something to write about. Is this supposed to be woke?

anthonyted Maybe people need to get the stick out of their butts and lighten up.

anthonyted No

anthonyted The “modern audiences” in this case = a hand full of libs that yet again, want to decide what is good for everyone else. Liberal SOP

anthonyted No it should not. Watch.. If you don't like a show, change the channel. If you don't like a song, change the station. If you don't like a t-shirt message, don't wear it. The people bothered by things like this are the ones with the problem. You be you and let me be me.

anthonyted Hey anthonyted (the author of this dumpster fire), I think these comments suggest overwhelmingly that you're article was bad and you should feel bad for writing it.

anthonyted Take your own advise AP.

anthonyted 20 years ago these shows were 'woke' in their day but modern audiences need safe spaces now huh?

anthonyted if only there was some way to measure how many people are watching; like ratings or something. Then the show would simply go away if people weren’t watching. DUH! 🙄

anthonyted Or maybe modern audiences need to realize the world doesn't revolve around their hurt fe-fe's

anthonyted There's nothing to 'rethink'. If 'popular works are problematic for some modern audiences', they don't have to watch. Ain't freedom great?

anthonyted What the hell is wrong with the simpsons FFS?

anthonyted The only thing problematic about the Simpsons is the last 15 yrs. What preceded it was the best that TV has got to answer.

anthonyted Or...don’t watch/ listen to it! So sick of this weak ass PC crap!

anthonyted Cool. Does that include Freedom of the Press for AP and others we disagree with? Leftist hacks...

anthonyted Grow the hell up

anthonyted The word “problematic” is problematic. Quit trying to ruin everything.

anthonyted Or people could just stop being such sensitive snowflakes and instead try to understand the cultural context in which something was produced and written. Is it really that difficult?

anthonyted Millennials just need to grow up and understand context and time.....or go find their favorite cry room!

anthonyted No, Mr. Stalin, entertainment should not have a shelf life.

anthonyted What? I will listen to what I please. This is socialism nonsense.

anthonyted People are too up tight these days. Everyone has to be popular, yet they can't take care of their children or themselves. They spend so much time being offended that they miss what is going on in their own lives .

anthonyted We should dig up John Hughes and hold his corpse accountable.


anthonyted Indeed. 's shelf life is on life support

anthonyted I'm thinking it's anthonyted & 'modern audiences' that need the rethinking.

anthonyted I can’t wait until this generation feels the wrath of the up and coming ones. All they have contributed are superhero franchises and mumble rap

anthonyted Seek help

anthonyted Propaganda

anthonyted Just curious...when a writer uses the verbiage of their time, we try not to ban their writings, as the words/themes need to be taken in context and exposure to the language helps us understand why it’s no longer common. Why are other forms of media exempt from this attitude?

anthonyted How about we quit worrying about who we might offend. Instead the people that get offended should just grow up and let others enjoy classics while minding their own freakin business. Just because it offends you doesnt mean it needs to be banned. Grow some thicker skin smh.

anthonyted For real?! Y’all have way too much time on your hands!

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Oh' tay Spanky

anthonyted The ratio indicates that this hyper-sensitivity to finding offense in everything is not yet the prevailing attitude.

anthonyted The guy that invents an on/off switch or a channel change button is gonna own the world.

anthonyted You SJWs will ban John Wayne next

anthonyted The only people who find these shows and songs “problematic” are those who spend their lives searching for things to be offended about.

anthonyted Maybe we should erase history and start over 🙄

anthonyted No. no shelf life. In fact, the older the better. What makes you so sure our values are better than these older values? Are you saying some cultures' morality is better than others? Be careful...

anthonyted '....and anything not good for you is bad; hence, illegal. Alcohol, caffeine, contact sports, meat... Bad language, chocolate, gasoline, uneducational toys and anything spicy.' Demolition Man. Who'd a thought a 1993 Stallone movie would be a forbearer of the future?

anthonyted Just wondering what would people like to see? Please don't show them the Xfile they might recognize some of their Alien families.

anthonyted The past is an enemy country

anthonyted 📚 + 🔥 = 💡


anthonyted I find the word 'problematic' to be problematic

anthonyted AP continues its sad decline. 'Many audiences' = a few of our cranky office girls. Why is isn't the Ghostbusters remake in the list? Is AP proposing to bin historical documents and speech? Positively Soviet.

anthonyted Screw em. Particularly since they can’t figure out how to change the channel if they don’t like it.

anthonyted Hold on- gotta turn down 'B****es ain't s***' before I decide how sexist 'Baby its cold outside is...

anthonyted Better to rethink whether people who suggest this sort of thing have a functioning brain

anthonyted Duck u

anthonyted Oh yeah cause if someone likes something and others don’t we should get rid of it if it offends these liberals !

anthonyted It wasn’t too long ago that he was nominated for several awards as Kirk Lazarus

anthonyted Amos and Andy

anthonyted No

anthonyted I think the entertainment is fine...... the audience is different for sure. History burning, humorless, intolerant Puritans. Also Douche bags.

anthonyted So if I understand your position, Bach, Handel and Shakespeare would have a shelf life ..........No, not buyin' it......Just another PC liberal position that has no substantive base

anthonyted The “modern audience” spends its time looking for reasons to be offended. Fuck ‘em. In the eye. With a cactus.

anthonyted The lunacy is real

anthonyted The word problematic is problematic.

anthonyted You know the Nazis thought the same thing but with books.

anthonyted What a tiresome argument. Hopefully AP expires first.

anthonyted Easier to rethink soy-raised kids, tbh. Can’t we just recycle the faulty kids early into Soylent Green? No offence intended, obviously.

anthonyted “ Modern Audiences” ? WTF does that even mean?

anthonyted When AP joins the Taliban...

anthonyted Are you freaking serious?

anthonyted No. And stop being such pansies.

anthonyted Don't watch what you don't like. Problem solved.

anthonyted No

anthonyted stupid

anthonyted Because they are stupid, as are you. Good God.

anthonyted How bout we ignore the vocal minority snowflakes and let the rest of us normal people enjoy what we want? You don't feed trolls and you don't reward screeching autists with this kind of bs.

anthonyted That way, we become less captive to the tyrannies of today, and yet are reminded of tyrannies of the past so we don’t think they weren’t tyrannies. We can then see ourselves as the people we have always been, and give our forebears/ourselves/each other the grace to live freely.

anthonyted No. That’s what makes a classic a classic. If some are offended don’t watch. Are people so lazy and stupid they can’t change the station?

anthonyted Don’t fuck with my John Hughs films! Sixteen Candles is a rite of passage and a better film than most of the “award winning” over acted garbage today. The popular girl getting knocked down and realizing the nerd is cool. Don’t take that away from us! Fuck!

anthonyted Nazi's thought books should have a shelf life too

anthonyted Entertainment already has a shelf life. Things become passé. Those who were young when it arose bring it back, but the following gens mostly just scratch their heads. I think it’s best to see the past in its own terms not today’s, but to do the translating in our own heads.

anthonyted It’s time we ban Ted Nugent. No more Wang Dang Sweet Poontang. banned

anthonyted Yup let’s turn off baby it’s cold outside and put on some cardi b. So much more wholesome

anthonyted Or modern audiences could simply GET A FUCKING GRIP!


anthonyted If you don’t care to watch, then don’t. However, don’t need for you to dictate what I can watch. I see where all of this is headed, you are free to do whatever you like as long as I approve.

anthonyted Stop with this 'everything is problematic' trend. You guys should stick to biased news reports, please don't editorialize.

anthonyted I guess Fahrenheit 451 will have to be the first to go

anthonyted Nope. We’re good with keeping all of it. Thanks though.

anthonyted Problematic is one of the worst words ever.

anthonyted If the First Amendment had a “shelf life” in America, anthonyted would not have been free to write this garbage. ironic

anthonyted Remember that part in literally all distopian stories about how history was rewritten to control the minds of the people?

anthonyted Get a life!

anthonyted No

anthonyted If your offended, don’t watch, it’s pretty simple. Everyone is not going to agree and mind blown, that’s ok.

anthonyted Please just stop!! There is NOTHING problematic about this, perhaps the audiences that are offended can go pound sand and deal with it through stuffed animals and play dough

anthonyted Here's a tip... don't watch or listen. You perpetually offended clowns.

anthonyted Ridiculous, stupid headline of the day. Congrats AP.

anthonyted Stop trying to ruin everything!!!

anthonyted The many “rethinks” the modern entertainment industry vomits out every month aren’t even worthy to untie the shoelaces of the old classics. Example: the new CGI Watership Down isn’t about rabbits (like the great novel), but how EVIL man is. Boring, agenda-driven, naggy puke.


anthonyted What AP is trying to ask is actually: Should we create a black market for entertainment by attempting to memory hole popular works? Is book burning ok if it’s DVD’s instead?

anthonyted ffs get a life

anthonyted News Organizations should have a 'shelf life' and should be forced to close if caught in 3 FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDA LIES.


anthonyted Not interested in rethinking the past. How about we fix what sucks about modern grievance culture?

anthonyted Gone with the wind makes UK smokes liberals cry.

anthonyted Who is the arbiter of what is 'problematic'? People need to become more resilient. Entertainment doesn't need to be regulated.

anthonyted maybe some people need to grow up, they are not problematic.

anthonyted Just think how today’s media will be judged in the decades to come. I don’t see much utopian perfection at the moment.

anthonyted Congrats ap Hilter would be so proud

anthonyted Nope, the is past its shelf life.

anthonyted No, people should be educated better and understand context.

anthonyted Its ENTERTAINMENT FFS!! Why should it have a shelf life? People need to grow the hell up and stop with the bullshit and rhetoric of hate!!

anthonyted Stupid and weak.

anthonyted Should some tweets have a shelf life? Like this one? Like shelf life already expired? stupidshittweets

anthonyted The Donger says No.

anthonyted Democrats want nothing more than to outlaw every pleasure in life.

anthonyted Saying something is 'problematic' is SO cringey

anthonyted I think the AP is past its shelf life.

anthonyted Intelligent people understand that different time periods had different viewpoints and don’t try to censor the past but understand it in its timeframe.

anthonyted Is this where we start human sacrifice? Why are we demonizing ACTUAL entertainment? How about we look at the horror genre that is glorifying violence and death?

anthonyted Only problematic to the most poorly adjusted snowflakes

anthonyted Just checked. It still holds up.

anthonyted this is a stupid question i wish you would stop this insane stuff our founding fathers fought a damn war so we can talk the way we want

anthonyted Isn’t Ap and cnn past their shelf life? I think they were pretty big back in their heyday, the ‘90’s. 2018? Not so much. You’ve been shelved! FakeNews

anthonyted Or, they can choose to watch something else and grow the hell up.

anthonyted The Associated Press has certainly expired as a reliable source of news.

anthonyted Ahhhh.... making a case for digital book-burning. Who the fuck is responsible for this article?


anthonyted Simple solution. Don’t watch or listen to entertainment works that in your opinion are problematic. That’ll be 5 cents, please.

anthonyted is there a more pretentious word than “problematic”?

anthonyted Nah, let's burn some offensive old books instead!

anthonyted Who the fuck is offended by any of these movies. I want to slap you


anthonyted Don’t like it? Turn it off, change the channel, turn it off. I do it all the time if there is something I do not care for. Imagine that.

anthonyted Then those audiences shouldn’t watch those shows.

anthonyted The modern left is a collection of the most soulless and unfunny bunch of shrieking handmaidens I have ever seen. Don’t like what you see? There are two buttons on every TV remote on the planet: the on/off button and the channel change button. I encourage you to use them

anthonyted Sure, just stop watching them. Don’t bitch about the content and try to get the creator fired bc you’re offended.

anthonyted Stop this idiotic madness. Please?

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Fuck modern audiences. Oh, is that too offensive?

anthonyted Nobody forces them to watch if they don’t like them.

anthonyted 'Problematic' is the new leftwing buzz word.

anthonyted 🤦🏼‍♂️

anthonyted Merry Christmas

anthonyted The only outrage comes from the vermin in the media...they must manufacture controversy in order to make themselves feel relevant.

anthonyted Let the free market decide

anthonyted Nope, if you don't like it don't watch it and let everyone who does enjoy it do so

anthonyted Maybe instead of crying about entertainment some thin-skinned losers could take responsibility for their own lives and quit running to a grown-up every time their feelings get hurt? Possibly?

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Modern audiences suck.

anthonyted Burn all the books

anthonyted The AP’s shelf life has long since passed. DIAF

anthonyted It's 'some modern audiences' who are problematic, not the entertainment.

anthonyted I still love Blazing Saddles!!! All this is nothing more than first world problems. If you've got time to be offended by the slightest imperfections of other people, you need to get a f^cking life.

anthonyted Suck it up, buttercup. There are things modern audiences do that are problematic for me, and I jist ignore that crap. Too bad AP had to poke the bear.

anthonyted Maybe it is the audiences which are problematic.

anthonyted Wrong songs. The list is one song long. Wonderful Christmas Time. This ear gouging song is as problematic you are going to find; no one likes it and yet we get subjected to it every year.


anthonyted More repression. Leave thought control on campus where it belongs.

anthonyted Better burn Huckleberry Finn

anthonyted Get a backbone ya yellow bellies

anthonyted Just stopping by for the ratio

anthonyted This is clickbait bullshit

anthonyted Oh brother! Get over it already!!!!!

anthonyted Our increased level of wussdom is directly related to the negative side of social media. A pussified sliver of society can make themselves out to be far more important than they really are. Life was much more simple when we just told the malcontents to piss off.

anthonyted Brb, reading some HP Lovecraft

anthonyted Turns out the AP has a shelf life. It used to be a source for important news. Now this..

anthonyted Maybe news organizations that do bullshit stories should be shelved

anthonyted I always thought of the AP as like the unbiased news source. i.e., the ones who broke the stories 'over the wire' or whatever, and then the biased media outlets would come along and spin the AP's facts only reporting.... but I don't think that anymore.

anthonyted No we shouldn’t. You don’t get to rewrite history and you don’t get to rewrite entertainment. Stop with your poisonous propaganda, you sick communist losers!!!

anthonyted The 50s & 60s saw the TV covered with ideologies & gave birth to the TV of the 70s forward being more realistic. To lose this, is to go back & deny growth, change & transition. Remember Fred Flintstone? It was considered too Adult & aired on Friday nights 8 pm. Times change.

anthonyted Regoshdarndiculous

anthonyted I vote we rethink the problematic AP.

anthonyted Are you serious? You have nouthing else to do? Wasted time. Pathetic

anthonyted There is that word “problematic “ again

anthonyted Ah yes...censorship, great answer!

KTLA anthonyted Oh lawrd!

anthonyted Truth is we should NOT censor these types of entertainment any more than we should censor books. As an adult with kids I feel these can be teaching moments. Just like Tom Sawyer etc...

anthonyted You know, you can say that about the Bible and the Constitution as well. A “modern audience” doesn’t necessarily mean a wise or knowledgeable one.

anthonyted Diddly

anthonyted Modern audiences should have a shelf life


anthonyted Rethink this!🖕how ‘bout you grow the eff up, and quit trying to judge the past by today’s standards. It’s like trying to compare Apples and Onions.

anthonyted You should have a shelf life.


anthonyted Why are Progressives and their PR arm, the MSM, so obsessed with controlling the rest of us? (As if I didn’t know.)

anthonyted Who is this “we”? And, have you carefully considered shoving it?

anthonyted Don't look now, but there's one too many in this room, and I think it's you.

anthonyted ratio tweet

anthonyted So you are now the movie police.

anthonyted You know what is 'problematic'? Crappy bias fake news has beens like the AP that wish to ruin everything. Newsflash, once everything is deemed offensive, then nothing is offensive.

anthonyted Reason 7,564 why Donald Trump is President

anthonyted The stupid.... It burns!

anthonyted Family Guy, American Dad, Flinstones, Futurama; it’s called adult humour for a reason, not suitable for snowflakes!

anthonyted Get over yourselves and get real jobs, you bunch of Maoist propagandists.

anthonyted People who think those works are problems don't have an opinion worth giving a shit about.

anthonyted I wish all the sensitive snowflakes out there would move to a third world country for a whole year so they would come back with an attitude adjustment.

anthonyted What does “problematic” even mean? AP is problematic.

anthonyted If you are so weak-minded as to not be capable of watching or listening to something, then don't. Its YOUR choice. Leave the rest of us normal people alone. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

Is it entertaining? Y: No N: Yes

anthonyted Or maybe some people are just too damned 'sensitive' after the LunaticLeft takes over their tiny minds? Times change. Attitudes change. You learn NOTHING if you strike it from history. Idiots. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder LearnFromHistory

anthonyted 🙄🙄🙄🙄

anthonyted No. Make your own shows that no one will watch



anthonyted Maybe people are just too sensitive now.

dexybailman anthonyted Yes, of course, The Mona Lisa should definately have a shelf life. Maybe even God should have a shelf life. And how bout Beethoven; That dude REALLY needs a shelf life.

anthonyted The AP is the problem not the shows. Can we shelf them?

anthonyted Entertainment will die in the free market when demand decreases. Like The Associated Press.

anthonyted In a free society, there’s no right to not be offended.

anthonyted The is problematic and has outlived its shelf life.

anthonyted 🙇🏻‍♀️😫😤

anthonyted They could just not watch or listen to the things they do not like. The same way people have been doing it since we first walked up right.

anthonyted Don't watch the wrong think.

anthonyted I find the word 'problematic' problematic

anthonyted I find the AP problematic

anthonyted Stop please

anthonyted Um if you don’t like it, don’t watch it

anthonyted Maybe popular news agencies should have one as well..where are you going now AP?!

anthonyted 'highlight a problem and get it discussed' is correct, rather than try to ignore and pretend it doesn't exist. At the end of 16 Candles we thought 'what an ahole' He was the guy we shouldn't be

anthonyted Piss off! I love all of those.

anthonyted Maybe those people can just not watch....or grow up. Either is fine.

anthonyted Entertainment expires all the time. The question is why, and what replaces it.

anthonyted No, they’re really not.

anthonyted YES! BURN IT ALL!

anthonyted How about we leave standards and history alone....

anthonyted “cancel culture” is for white people that want to feel victimized, rather than focusing their attention on REAL issues

anthonyted Sadly, this isn't new it keeps repeating. I remember the Disney classic 'Songs of the South' which is obviously racist but also obviously censored by refusal to distribute. IMO, ignoring or banning offensive material denies discussion and gives that material greater weight.

anthonyted Your hurt feelings are your problem, and of no concern to anyone else. In fact if we get rid of something, it should be people who are offended by anything.

anthonyted They’re problematic for people who have no problems, so in turn they look for offense in these things. How about focusing outrage on issues such as Flint’s water? Ya know, things that ACTUALLY affect people’s lives

anthonyted No, the people complaining should take a Xanax and relax because... Just shut up. Good grief


anthonyted Should media companies have a shelf life?

anthonyted No. They're time capsules.

anthonyted Modern day ‘book burning’ by the radical left. Bravo communists. Your evil plan is working.


anthonyted Maybe they shouldn't watch them if they dont like them

anthonyted First ban ALL rap music! Then lock up ALL the rap musicians for promoting violence & rape against women! How about the music videos that rappers & extras do drugs on camera! Then we can go after Hollywood for promoting violence racism bigotry & drugs in their shows.

anthonyted How about you create new stuff. Have you all lost your imagination

anthonyted And the pussification of America continues..... Nothing like holding the past works of fiction to real life standards of today.

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Oh ffs.

anthonyted By 'modern audiences', you are referring to the entitled, participation generation. I say quit letting the minority call the shots for the majority. PC culture is out of control.

anthonyted Your ratios paid dearly for your politically correct virtue signaling.


anthonyted Hory shit! This tweet low iq nonsense.

anthonyted It’s on Problematic to people who have nothing else to do but be offended😡 and have loud voices 📣 pretending to speak for everyone. Why not create new content instead.

anthonyted To those who have issues with things of the past, that's why it's called the past. Work towards a better future and stop trying to sanitize the history you don't like.

anthonyted You had me until 'problematic'. Simpsons isn't problematic, it just isn't funny anymore.

anthonyted Orwell’s 1984 was not an instruction manual it was a warning ffs

anthonyted No. Morons.

anthonyted Has it occurred to you that “some modern audiences” might just be really fucking stupid?

anthonyted Nobody is forcing anyone to watch what an individual may feel is problematic.

anthonyted wants to disregard history. Hollywood gives us a glimpse into the world of yesterday. Also doesn't match up with the snowflake agenda.

anthonyted How about you let the audience decide what is problematic and when it's shelf life has expired! You know. Like in a free society. When consumers don't like it they will stop consuming it. Therefore please stick your moral finger wagging where the sun don't shine.


anthonyted Then the AP and some modern audiences may just be for censorship and against free speech. Part of what makes art and history great is that you see the evolution of thought, you learn, and you grow. Censorship harms cultural development, and is an evil way to avoid 'hurt feelings'

anthonyted Can we rethink using the word problematic?

anthonyted please don't breed

anthonyted You have a point. How long you been around ?

anthonyted Fuq you, Ill do what Inwant - Cartman Also, every red blooded American

anthonyted Modern audiences meaning millennial with PC sticks up their asses.

anthonyted Degenerate art, right? I bet the jews are behind it.

anthonyted Life must be so tough when you’re literally offended by everything. Btw why is it wrong to have Apu in the simpsons but the Scottish guy is ok?

anthonyted Modern 'journalism' - asking if we should just go ahead and censor everything so the communists don't get upset.. SMH.

anthonyted The AP is shit.

anthonyted I have zero problem with any of those and I never will

anthonyted Burn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anthonyted uh NO --

anthonyted Some modern audiences can kiss my ass. So can you. Finally, I can take no more of your stupidity.

anthonyted , what you are describing is also called censorship.

anthonyted How about thinking instead of rethinking? Try to report the news correctly instead of posting steaming piles of manure.

anthonyted Censorship repackaged as sensitivity and political correctness.

anthonyted Well, too fucking bad.

anthonyted How about what your 'news' organization has become is problematic?

anthonyted Na, modern audiences just need to relax, and not take everything so seriously. The whole up-roar over these old time classics is silly. GrowUpAmerica

anthonyted Pound sand

anthonyted ...Bite Us you weirdos.

anthonyted That's why in the United States we have a thing called choice.

anthonyted Ah, more censorship.....you guys just LOOK for stuff to be mad about. 😹😹😹😹😹

anthonyted 🙄

anthonyted What miserable people they must be

anthonyted (((AP)))

anthonyted The problem is with the audience, not the entertainers.

anthonyted I bet Bob Stone is pissed

anthonyted Or you can just not be pussies about everything

anthonyted Yes, let's go ahead and ban anything we determine contains outdated values. While we're at it, let's judge everyone who came before us by today's standards. That way we can take George Washington off the dollar bill, and burn all of Mark Twain's books,

anthonyted This is bad, and you should feel bad for doing it.

anthonyted Thankful that reruns keep offending millennials.

anthonyted 1984 all over again. Hey! Let's go burn some books too!!!

anthonyted Hahahahaa GFY

anthonyted I’m so tired of this “problematic” bull crap.

anthonyted Advice: if you are offended or have no interest, do what what countless people have done for 100 years of radio and Tv... don’t watch/listen and move on with your life.

anthonyted How did 'modern audiences' become a euphemism for politically correct lefties?

anthonyted My eyes literally cannot roll back into my head far enough for this Tweet...

anthonyted Outdated according to who? Early Simpson's was way funnier than new ones.

anthonyted 'Problematic': excellent. Given how bovinely uncurious the average 'woke' cultural carping critic is, some gnarly problems of interpretation may be just what they need to exercise their flabby, rote powers of analysis.

anthonyted Maybe people should stop being pussies? I'm glad guys like Richard Pryor and George Carlin are dead so they can't see what this country has become.


anthonyted How silly

anthonyted You people are out of your f&$(( minds.

anthonyted 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. Get a life!


anthonyted Translation We will begin banning books, movies and songs that we produced last week that haven’t kept pace with our stupidity.

anthonyted How about don't fuckin watch it if you don't like it....

anthonyted There is a simple fix with entertainment. Whether it is old entertainment or modern...IF IT OFFENDS YOU, DO NOT WATCH/LISTEN TO THE MEDIUM THAT IT IS ON. There are plenty of other variations of entertainment that appeal to you, leave the rest for those who are entertained.

anthonyted no next

anthonyted I have another suggestion. Comedy makes people laugh. I want to give a shout out to that new generation of woke comedians that doesn’t make anybody laugh. It’s just weird stares and nodding. Now that’s true comedy! Good riddance to that offensive genre!

anthonyted So switch the damned channel.

anthonyted Instead of reading this, I think I'll just watch Blazing Saddles.

anthonyted I hope your company implodes You’re whats problematic for your audience by giving this a pulse. It’s very irresponsible and you should be ashamed for hiding such scum to lead your press...

anthonyted That’s the problem of modern audiences. We can’t go on being so politically correct every time. As long as things are not done in a mean and spirited way, laugh along with it.

anthonyted Modern audiences who are bothered by these things can do this magical thing called, “turning the tv/radio off.” They can also stfu because we’re all sick and tired of listening to their incessant whining. 🙄


anthonyted Guess it was a slow news day. Tony's bored.

anthonyted I just came for that beautiful ratio.


anthonyted No, they’re only problematic for post modernist snowflakes who have no historical context or a perspective outside their intersectional bubble.

anthonyted Stop trying to tear down American culture. The AP is garbage. Leave America if you don't like it.

anthonyted It’s very simple the people that don’t want to watch or hear it can change to channel. Plain and simple. People need to grow up

anthonyted “Some audiences” = uptight, social justice, outrage mongers that nobody in mainstream society takes seriously. Not sure why popular culture insists on pandering to these modern day puritans and their fanaticism.

anthonyted Written by a straight white guy, of course.


anthonyted Sure it can. Look at how nich music tv and movies faded to nothing do to its hateful tones


anthonyted Hail to the Redskins. HTTR

anthonyted It’s not mandatory that anyone who is bothered by these things must watch or listen. They need to stop trying to control what everyone else does just because they don’t want to do it, listen to it or watch it. They don’t have to.

anthonyted Retthink the the modern audiences. What some modern audiences think is appropriate entertainment compared to what they complain about, shows they are sick in the head.

anthonyted Everything has a shelf life. Part of being an adult is knowing WHY; that’s not problematic, that’s called “thinking about it like an adult.”

anthonyted This is why the media in this country is loathed.

anthonyted delete this


anthonyted your mom is problematic

anthonyted Maybe the problem is modern audiences.


anthonyted This is just another attempt to control thought. It will fail. EnemyOfThePeople fakenews


anthonyted GFY

anthonyted Does watching blazing saddles make me a racist?


anthonyted They're not problematic for the audience - they're problematic for privileged spoiled brats who have no real problems in their life that can be solved with simple censorship hunts on Twitter.

anthonyted What’s actually problematic are the squishy groupthink attitudes that believe old movies and songs are problematic.

anthonyted Here's a crazy thought, if you don't like it change the station

anthonyted Tell them to grow up maybe?

anthonyted Some audiences should be shelved.

anthonyted Those modern audiences can not watch them?

anthonyted Nope.

anthonyted Obedience is required....


anthonyted Ill watch sixteen candles as much as I want. Stop trying to cram political correctness down our throats.

anthonyted How does anyone leave the house. Given all the freakin’ offensiveness. Grow some balls people. Don’t like it, don’t watch it, listen to it or buy it.

anthonyted Don't omit classic literature. Many are full of chauvinistic stuff, you know, stuff you may find sexist. Heck, let's ban everything except stuff approved by the modern leftist intelligentsia.

Entertainment anthonyted I’m so offended by you pc wimps, it’s easy for you to tell me and others how we should feel. This is easy for me to say, mind your own business and stay out of mine.

anthonyted I disagree with this, because then people would never learn anything. You would always be trying to tell things through a modern lens, rather than learning what things were like back then, and maybe expanding your mind a little bit. It's not good to become even more narrow minded

anthonyted If you have a problem with some form of entertainment then don't watch/listen to it. This is really quite simple.

anthonyted Should we sensor the associated press? You people are sooooo uninformed.

anthonyted 'Modern' audiences are rather stupid.

anthonyted Then turn the damn channel! Not everyone likes the same stuff. Others should not have to suffer to please the rest.

anthonyted 🙄🙄🙄

anthonyted My 15 year old loves all of these, says the 80s were awesome. She says today's movies are crap and most tv shows. Sad to see what political correctness has done.

anthonyted We don’t want or need to rethink old favorites.

anthonyted Here’s an absolutely insane thought. Those who find them problematic can opt to not watch or listen to them. Some present these “issues” as though people are being forced to watch or listen.

anthonyted Oh please, just STAHP.

anthonyted It happens. Watch Holiday Inn and check out the Blackface number. Despicable.


anthonyted Ah book burning my old friend You’ve come to the digital age i see

anthonyted They're meant for the past. Leave them alone and worry about the things of now. Let's stop worrying about how Baby It's Cold Outside is offensive while Anaconda is apparently not.

anthonyted I think, personally, the ap should have a shelf life

anthonyted oh wait till you see Warner Brothers cartoons.

anthonyted ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

anthonyted Don’t touch the 3 Stooges or anything Mel Brooks

anthonyted This question, this premise, and your little attitude are problematic for me. I’m damned sure you and “modern audiences” should “rethink” pushing this BS out into society.

anthonyted You framed the issue with the nuance & rigor it deserves. It frustrates me when, instead of participating in healthy discourse, folks choose to look at the past through today's social lenses. To be frank, a lot of things were effed up. But, we need to study it & not hide it

anthonyted Modern audiences need to grow up and just not view things they find offensive

anthonyted GTFOH with this crap!

anthonyted If any of these things offend you, you deserve to be offended.

anthonyted Don't like it? Don't watch. Offended? Turn it off!

anthonyted GFY, AP. Some of us are not made of glass.

anthonyted Shitheaddery has a definite expiration date. Expire yourself, you revisionist twit.

anthonyted Pussification of America

anthonyted Here for the ratio

anthonyted Its this cool thing called ‘Don’t fucking watch it if it offends you and force everyone to comply with your ideals’

anthonyted In Jamaica we have some songs needs to be off the shelves in a day one day shells life. Baby it's cold outside is so cool trust me bro.

anthonyted We watched “Sixteen Candles” and “The Breakfast Club” amd “Young Guns” over and over again with my family at Thksgvg, nieces and nephews ages 1-15. No issues, leave it alone.

anthonyted Left wing totalitarian freaks demand more censorship.

anthonyted 🙄

anthonyted Oh do shut up and stop feeding the outrage mob

anthonyted Can’t just enjoy them as great fun from times past? I can and do.

anthonyted I think this article should have been rethought and not published. Times change, cultural norms change, and people can and should watch whatever the hell they want to.

anthonyted Leftists need to quit living their life in a constant state of offense. They search for things that offend them. Try being a little more forgiving. Live and let live.

anthonyted This is literal Nazi sh*t. Think some ppl are truly confused about that label, but here is a perfect example - pushing for the erasure of history on the basis of declaring a public audience too incompetent to grasp contextual meaning.

anthonyted Great piece, Ted

anthonyted Here’s an idea. If they offend you don’t watch them. But best not try to erase the past. Maybe just take it in context of the time it’s from, and hopefully we can appreciate that we’ve moved forward...hopefully.

anthonyted Or everyone could lighten up a bit.

anthonyted The only thing problematic at this point is the AP.

anthonyted Up yours, cold stuff.

anthonyted How about we talk about the films/shows and their context when we rewatch them instead relegating them to the trash? Offensive or not, art is a reflection of life at that moment and is worthy of discourse. Action without discussion is part of the problem.

anthonyted Yeah how about Modern audiences grow a pair and not watch it or listen to it if they don’t like it. You know like ALWAYS.

anthonyted This is a great idea. We need to assign a Czar of Appropriate Historical Art and Entertainment. Then that person could purify the past so that we wouldn’t even have to know that it happened. I look forward to visiting our local museum and seeing all the lovely empty frames.

anthonyted GFY

anthonyted actual, subliminal article title and intro: Pop culture DOES expire, at a time and place of our choosing. The characters, songs, routines and jokes featured in this article HAVE EXPIRED!! You are ordered to cease appreciation for them from this point forth! That will be all.

anthonyted Modern audiences are problematic.

anthonyted If snowflakes are offended by these films, songs and tv shows, they should choose not to watch them. Problem solved.

anthonyted It’s happened throughout our history. When was the last time you saw an episode of Speedy Gonzalez? Or the “mammy” song on TV in the Goodfellas scene where the cops are searching Karen and Henry’s house.

anthonyted I am reminded of film showing book burning. As horrific as some events from our past are do we really think we can erase everything that offends someone? We can learn from others, even if we don’t like their actions. At some point the pendulum will swing the other way.

anthonyted Please don't let the sensitive sub species of humans destroy the things we enjoyed growing up. Lets just send them to a remote island far away from the 'cruel civilization'.

anthonyted 'problematic' is a catch word used by leftist fascists whose shelf life should have ended some time ago.

anthonyted How are you not just repackaged puritans

anthonyted Maybe we should rethink anthonyted.

anthonyted What needs to be rethought is the snowflake society we live in nowadays.

anthonyted More idiot B S .. Get a life and stay out of mine

anthonyted Liberals. Ruin. Everything.

anthonyted Meanwhile rape porn exists. Where are the torches and pitchforks over the objectifying of women in such an overt and vile way?

anthonyted Yet Turner classic movies are doing quite well. Context and understanding of the period too difficult for people?

anthonyted .Nobody needs to rethink anything. “Modern Audiences “ don’t get to dictate what entertainment we see. Tell them to grow the Hell up.

anthonyted Perhaps it would be better if AP went back to being the excellent news service it was for years. Otherwise people may begin to 'rethink' news sources as censorship devices.


anthonyted I want to know what idiot(s) all of a sudden decide what we can say, listen to, or watch. So sick of this crap.

anthonyted Perhaps the Associated Press should have a shelf life. Perhaps -200 years.

anthonyted I have an idea.....f you don’t like it, then don’t listen to it, watch it or read it. Then those of us that don’t get triggered by everything can still enjoy it if we so choose. Quit trying to ruin things for everyone.

anthonyted The heckler’s veto is NOT how art is done.

anthonyted Or rather than rethinking them they possibly could mind their own business and understand that most of us don't care. Sixteen candles is a great movie. Baby it's cold outside is a great song. The Simpsons is one of the greatest shows ever. Quit getting butt hurt at everything

anthonyted No we don't need to rethink anything.

anthonyted Nope, it’s called progress and it’s ok to see where we were vs where we are. Seriously this political correctness is getting old. I get it, but some of it is too much.

anthonyted A lot of your classics are gone. Gone with the wind and Wizard of Oz offends me. Burn the books....

anthonyted Again why worry about good old fashioned t.v. just because it's not p.c enough for easy offended ordinances some things in fact most things of the past need to left alone

anthonyted What are we talking about? Who fucking cares. And why would it be a group decision. Either you like something personally or you don’t. I don’t check in with everyone to see how I feel.

anthonyted Shakespeare, Mozart, Zola, Mark Twain, Dickens, Yea we need a shelf life on entertainment

anthonyted This is dumb. There are many examples of timeless entertainment. Or is Charlie Chaplin too edgy for you now? Perspective is key when looking back on entertainment history.

anthonyted We are become a political correct version of the movie idiocracy

anthonyted How about this, if you feel you are going to be offended by a film then don't watch it.

anthonyted I don't think suppressing our free speech from our past can teach anyone any lessons in the future. We still study America's ugly side, what's the damage here?

KTLA anthonyted Then don’t watch them. There were previous eras before now that can’t and shouldn’t be erased. Get over it!!!

anthonyted That’s for me to decide, not you or anyone else.

anthonyted How about we just stop being so damn sensitive to everything?


anthonyted No. If you don’t want to watch...don’t. It’s pretty simple. The libtards have freedom of speech...as does the entertainment industry.

anthonyted Entertainment is art. Art is a form of speech. You don’t get to limit anyone’s speech no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel.

anthonyted Good Grief!

anthonyted Or people could just stop the PC thought police nonsense and get over it. You don’t have a right to “not be offended”.


anthonyted Doesn’t anyone remember “if you don’t like what’s on, change the channel?” If you don’t like the particular media, don’t bring it into your own face. With so many sources of entertainment nowadays, you have the most control over what you see now than at any point in history.

anthonyted uh oh.....a journalist was triggered. Time to censor.


anthonyted Modern-day leftists are the most evil, most destructive people in the history of humanity!

anthonyted Nope

anthonyted People got to chill the fuck out. getalife

anthonyted Hell no. Tell the complainers to grow the f%k up. Not everything in life is about them.


anthonyted “Erasing history is a dangerous road when it comes to art — change is essential, but so, too, is remembering the past, in all of its transgression and barbarism, so that we may properly gauge how far we have come, and also how far we still need to go.”-Ringwald

anthonyted Boo Leave these classics alone!!

anthonyted Oh please. Think! If we eradicate all things politically incorrect or even decades centuries ago., we'd have no history, even if it's frivolous social history. Political correctness is so over-the-top yet real hate or racism is so prevalent and in our faces.

anthonyted Homer is thick. That’s apparently okay though? Imagine in Marge was thick and Homer smart!

anthonyted I suggest you just butt out.

anthonyted Maybe the “modern” audiences are the real problem, here.

anthonyted Pretty simple well, ehh Don’t watch.

anthonyted “Should history be rewritten because some morons don’t like stuff?”

anthonyted Your shelf life has certainly expired.

anthonyted Then DON'T WATCH... for God's sake grow the F up!

anthonyted Accept, even relish that times change. But you don’t have to have a competition over what’s wrong with everything or who feels the most slighted decades later.

anthonyted No.

anthonyted In the physical world where the masses live their lives away from the hall monitors in the media, press and social media we're politically incorrect and generally accepting of ppl and we enjoy life. We don't ask or need your permission to have fun.


anthonyted Mark Twain? Blazing saddles , the Bible ?

anthonyted “Woe is xe who despised the admonitions of the Associated Press! Therefore, let us use the iron tongs of excommunication and remove this putrid and incurable member who refuses to accept the remedy, so that the rest of the body may not be poisoned by such a pestiferous disease.”

anthonyted Sorry, I was watching Porky's. What did you say?

anthonyted So many want to control thought, speech, and what we’re allowed to see but yet conservatives are referred to as Nazis....

anthonyted 'Some modern audiences' aren't forced to watch them.

anthonyted If you don't like it don't watch it or listen to it. But don't force your views on the rest of us.

KTLA anthonyted Grow up.

anthonyted Maybe everyone should just unfollow the AP since we no longer see eye to eye

anthonyted only a journalist could be so small-minded

anthonyted Then don’t listen to/watch those things and leave everyone else alone

anthonyted Delete your account

anthonyted People can like what they like. I don’t need you to decide for me if something is worth watching.

anthonyted “Problematic” is the secret phrase that means “We’re a tool of the Democratic Media Complex”

anthonyted No

anthonyted It's as simple as changing the channel, turning it off, or not purchasing it. 🙄

anthonyted 'Modern audiences' need to get a grip and not be such oversensitive amateur dictators.

anthonyted Are you suggesting we burn these movies or just ban them?

anthonyted No artform should ever have a shelf life. We are attempting to antisepticize past choices and cultures in hopes of becoming whimsical amateur idealists and narrow-minded archivists. Such rhetoric has constructed into a modern-day prohibition and attack on artistic decisions.

anthonyted Life loves on, and our views too with that. How is this a new thing?

anthonyted Rudolph always reinforced how I did NOT want to treat people. Hollywood and progressives want to dump their empty moral vomit on others, yet erase anything that would give people a choice of a better way to behave.... while they, themselves act like shrieking, tyrannical shrews.


anthonyted No. What is this Year Zero?


anthonyted No

anthonyted So, basically book burning. How about, instead, we recognize the timeframe from which they were made, how we've 'evolved' since then, and quit being so freaking outraged by every.little.thing.

anthonyted Perhaps we can start with pop music lyrics from the last, oh, 30 years before we work this hard for outrage scrap.

anthonyted If someone is offended by what’s on there’s a way to fix it without taking it away from everyone else. Just

anthonyted ... what a crock...!

anthonyted Lord what has happen to people? This whole reality is full of snowflake who think they are entitled to change every single thing that upsets them. There is a very special place in hell for snowflakes.

anthonyted Good Lord, people! pathetic

anthonyted No. But you should shutter your fake news org....

anthonyted No one would go see a minstrel show and no one would deny that a remake would be racist. Entertainment reflects the era it was made in and DOES become outdated. Baby it’s cold was made for an audience who knew women couldn’t consent either way. It no longer belongs

anthonyted How about minding your own business and letting people decide for themselves what they watch, read or listen to.

anthonyted Fake news expires very quickly

anthonyted No. Get your grubby censorious hands away from entertainment.


anthonyted No.

anthonyted Enough. Go away. This is incredibly stupid.

anthonyted Tryna beat sexism by staying sexist.

anthonyted No u should grow up and realize if u don’t like a song or movie u can just not watch or listen to them. Why mess it up for others that enjoy these movies and songs.

anthonyted MSM outlets are looking like they will have a shelf life...

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Should journalistic agencies have a shelf life? I can name a large number that are problematic today.

anthonyted Most of what you point out is feces. On the other hand, maybe there were some good, virtuous works that arent considered classics, maybe were just a writing on the wall.

anthonyted So you want to censor shows, books and music? You do know that makes you a nazi right? You actually read some history and realized what happens when you start to censor people, I'm assuming. I'm probably wrong.

anthonyted Errr. No.

anthonyted No. Get lives.

anthonyted Should Mozart and Beethoven music have a shelf life? Stop your attempts to run and ruin entertainment. 🙄

anthonyted 'many other popular works are problematic for some modern audiences.' So much for Shakespeare.....

anthonyted I suggest that we start calling out the use of the word 'problematic'. It's a passive-aggressive way of saying 'I don't agree with ______' without taking ownership for the speaker's objection, but rather projects it as an inherent quality of the thing objected to. 1/

anthonyted Very narratively, pervades, culture, entertainment. If something what is said was popular it doesnt mean it was good. People make mistakes everyday. Pizza is a stereotype, opening blouses with mind is fuckerish, so is orient..., putting in effort to get aroused with the same sex.

anthonyted Modern book burnig, definitely a good idea...

anthonyted I think all media should have a shelf life. The AP should have been trashed in the 80's.

anthonyted Should failed Leftist policies have a shelf life? The fact that entitlements fail to solve underlying causation & bleed tax dollars is problematic for critical thinking Federalists.

anthonyted This is what your putting resources towards? Crack journalism while we’ve got Putin’s puppet in the Oval. FFS people!

anthonyted It’s an interesting, thoughtful article. I believe that discussion is generally better than censorship. We could also discuss problematic themes and attitudes in popular music. I laugh at folks who tut-tut “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” but love gangsta rap. Double standards prevail.

anthonyted Modern Audiences need to grow up and learn to appreciate the past.

anthonyted Bonfire of the Vanities. Look it up.

anthonyted The answer is, 'no'. Nothing is inoffensive to everyone, and offense can be found everywhere if you look hard enough. However, we only deem it potentially 'problematic' if it's offensive to at least one intersectional group. Enough with the vapid virtue signaling.

anthonyted It is better than the garbage we see today

anthonyted Or. No.

anthonyted “Some modern audiences” need to get a life. These entertainments have been around for decades and not bothering anyone - these minorities who love to be outraged and offended by anything and everything, should not be taken seriously by the majority.

anthonyted Gaaaaaaaaaay

anthonyted *postmodern

anthonyted Maybe someone can teach the 'modern audiences' how to change the channel?

anthonyted To quote Steve Hughes: 'I'm offended!' I DON'T CARE! GROW UP, GET OVER IT.

anthonyted This is the BS that the AP posts between retractions and deletions.

anthonyted Of course, let's ruin everything to appease the IdeologicallyInfirm

anthonyted Piss off.

anthonyted Everyone needs to take a breath and use the fat stuff between their ears to realize that different times=different mores &stop being a bunch of toddlers about it.

anthonyted No but maybe the AP should have one after garbage articles like this.

anthonyted Up yours, you bloodless, schnivelling scolds.


anthonyted When there are term limits!

anthonyted They are 'problematic' because millennials are fruits

anthonyted It's only 'problematic' for the individual, not the whole and if that individual is offended, then he can very easily change the channel. And even more so, that easily offended person would have to pursue finding something like 'Sixteen Candles' in order to be offended.


anthonyted No, and I really don’t need an assclown telling me how he “thinks” I’m being “insensitive”.

anthonyted Asks the moldy, stale (Dis)Associated Press.

anthonyted Or people can get a life and stop being offended just to count themselves as being offended.

anthonyted Like it or not they’re part of our past and we shouldn’t toss things aside because opinions change. Learn from the works that were meant for yesterday’s audience to understand what it was like. Don’t like something on TV? There’s hundreds of other channels.

anthonyted Maybe those super sensitive modern audiences need to grow up and not force society to be their personal hugbox.

anthonyted How about The Associated Press ? Haven't you been around longer than that list ? Just saying , shelf life.

anthonyted Have 'modern audiences' stop liking those things? Or only a small group of PC critics?

anthonyted Rapey is not a word, is it?

anthonyted Hey , please just stop.

anthonyted 🎶 Sweet Little Sixteen 🎵

anthonyted I don't need to be told how to think, but thanks anyway.

anthonyted The perennial problem with trying to dictate attitudes and opinions to others is that it too easily turns into oppression. Do we remember Stalin, Mao and their ilk? The article's conclusion is the most sane. Talk about what you don't like, but don't try to erase the past.

anthonyted Welp, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure 😊👑 Get fucked AP.

anthonyted Or, and is a crazy idea, I know, let people watch and listen to (or not) what they want. I find some things “objectionable”, certain songs, tv shows, video games... So I, wait for it... don’t listen, watch or play them. But I would not start a debate on them not existing.

anthonyted Yes. Let’s have more of today’s high standards of entertainment. Kardashians, Jersey Shore, misogynistic rap music, cable news, Miley Cyrus, “reality” TV, UFC fights, etc. That’ll help cleanse our palates of the bad old days. 🙄

anthonyted Leave it the freak alone. Stop giving overdramatic morons a chance to ruin more.

anthonyted By 'shelf life' you mean censor and erase art from the past to reflect modern ideals. GIVE ME A BREAK!

anthonyted 'Problematic'? Nobody is making them watch any of it and nobody cares if they don't like it. A lot of people don't like what they produce either, and none of them are trying to take away their media. Stop being thought police and word nazis. The left are such fascists

anthonyted Here is an idea: don’t like it, don’t watch/listen to it.

anthonyted The word 'problematic' is becoming an irritating buzzword now.

anthonyted Delete your account.

anthonyted Everyone should grow a pair. It’s entertainment.

anthonyted Is 'problematic' the new label you're handing out?


anthonyted Damn hippies.

anthonyted They are trying to erase social history, folks. The fascist democrats are at it again.

anthonyted No. Grievance culture should be derided and lampooned just as much as ridiculous racists. Unfortunately clickbait media and political hacks continue to empower both.

anthonyted Total BS

anthonyted They're only a problem for Feminists and the Left who have no sense of humor, hate romance, and men!

anthonyted Thank you MSM, for gaslighting the public and signal boosting the relentless complaining of a tiny minority of the chronically miserable and mentally unwell. What a distorted picture you choose to paint. In pursuit of what I wonder..... 🤔

anthonyted Then don't watch them, whiners.

anthonyted I posted this after the death of President Bush. This latest from is just another nail in their coffin.

anthonyted Just because people decide things are “problematic” now, to get attention as they complain about them, doesn’t mean you should give them any attention

anthonyted ... feeling righteous is empowering, it feels great to tell others what to do, what to say or otherwise control others. Some people are addicted to this.

anthonyted I think youve reached your shelf life

anthonyted No

anthonyted No. It's funny how the vast majority of dystopian literature seems to suggest that the dystopia comes from the top down. We are walking into it happily.

anthonyted All I can say is “Blazing Saddles” is one of the funniest movies ever.

anthonyted Idiots. Truly.

anthonyted This is the problem with the coddled generation. No 1 wanted to hurt any feelings, so everyone got a trophy. Games played without keeping score. Now we have a generation that thinks they should never be offended or made to feel uncomfortable, and they are offended by everything.

anthonyted No. Entertainment, even problematic entertainment, presents to us a society as it used to be. It is important to study the past to track our progress. More, the past must be understood in its own context.

anthonyted First of all: who decides what is amd isn't 'problematoc'? Second: if one finds it 'problematic' one should take a cue from the Simpsons and JUST. DONT. LOOK. What a bunch of emotionally immature, psychologically damaged, mentally underdeveloped, infantile asshats.

anthonyted Mass media 'news' outlets should have a shelf life.

anthonyted Maybe we should rethink what news can be reported and who can report it; maybe with licenses.

anthonyted Get a grip

anthonyted The derelict, biased, tiresome 'press' has a shelf-life, and expiring itself with it's own internal microbes....Happy day when they're thrown in the trash!

anthonyted So many things wrong with this. Where to begin? I know, let’s begin with - “You don’t get to control what other people think.” Then move on to - “Your feelings are not the standard by which the world operates.”

anthonyted The Constitution allows for free expression. These songs, films, tv shows, are artistic expression. People are free to choose what to watch. They are not in charge of controlling what others may or may not see. That would be totalitarian ..👈🏼

anthonyted Two takeaways... 1) Molly Ringwald’s quote at the end is spot on and 2) We all need to take a deep breath and be able to laugh at ourselves.

anthonyted I guess they shouldn’t watch or listen to it! I don’t see anyone raving over porn near as much as songs and commercials and movies in this currently “enlightened” culture! enlightened should also include commonsense and acceptance for individualtastes

anthonyted No, people just need to grow thicker skin and stop being so damn offended over irrelevant shit.

anthonyted 'In which I consider the changing mores of entertainment...' My radical proposal is that everyone gets to watch what they like..

anthonyted Meanwhile, the generation that created these timeless classics is the same one that liberated the world from Hitler and Stalin, yet Millenials and Gen Xers hate them so much for their lack of “wokeness”

anthonyted If they are “problematic”, then some “modern audiences” shouldn’t watch them. There. Solved it for you. 🙄

anthonyted Well, only the stupid ones. The rest of us are cool with it.

anthonyted 30yrs from now, articles like these will be called problematic.

anthonyted Your attempts on creating a society that silences forms of artistic expression by labeling them as 'problematic' is far more dangerous to this country (and the world), than the Simpsons or sixteen candles could ever be.

anthonyted Unfortunately for you, stupidity has no shelf life, it is eternal.

anthonyted The vocal minority expressed these attitudes.

anthonyted This is pure fascist leftist thinking. It ends with book burning, destruction of art and relics and censorship of all designated wrong think. For more of this elect Democrats, they know what’s best for us little people.

anthonyted This kind of thinking is a scourge.

anthonyted no, the people that are still alive that were alive when it was relevant didn't 'expire'...people need to grow up and develop the ability to interpret things in the time they were done...

anthonyted You’re right let’s change all the history books and say we never fought wars and slavery never happened. The world has been a basket of rainbows since forever.

anthonyted Wait....what’s wrong with Sixteen Candles?!?!?!?

anthonyted Document ratified in 1788 guaranteeing freedom of speech is problematic for whiny snowflakes and viciously hectoring scolds. Fuck 'modern audiences' with a red hot poker.

anthonyted The bigger question is how do we return journalism to reporting on a story instead of creating political propaganda....any ideas?

anthonyted The ap has a shelf life and it expired years ago

anthonyted You could use them as teachable moments, or something. Better yet, shield your children from all things that make them uncomfortable. That way when they get into the real world, they won’t be able to handle such things

anthonyted Shut up

anthonyted I think news aggregators should have a shelf life. Entertainment is only as good as it is entertaining to people. True if it’s new or old. I like that song and that movie.


anthonyted I have a better idea. How about we enjoy what we want and you shut up about it?

anthonyted You have to be wealthy, zero problems & very bored to give this shift consideration...

anthonyted No. It is sad that so many 'woke' people are SO DESPERATE to be offended. those people are cancer on society and the kind of people who contribute NOTHING other than whines

Entertainment If people don't like them or are offended they simply don't have to watch or listen. Can't censor on personal taste

anthonyted I hope the Simpsons makes it to 100 years.

anthonyted I think it's enough to talk about why things are problematic in today's times, I don't think things need to be banned or censored, they can be appreciated as representative of their time. Within reason of course.

anthonyted Maybe some audiences need to toughen up.

anthonyted How about the people who have a problem with old favorites just not watch them or listen to them? Its almost 2019. We have thousands and thousands of entertainment choices out there! Not trying to be a smart $$ or anything. But come one!

anthonyted Again with judging the past with today's standards. How many cubits will you drag this?

anthonyted There are so many movies and TV shows that insult the average American, but we just turn them off. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it!

anthonyted Hunt them down (files, videos, films, etc) and destroy them as to not offend anyone.

anthonyted it’s really simple - if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. quit trying to rewrite history 🙄

anthonyted Further proof that liberals ruin everything. HOWEVER, they still stand by serial rapist Bill Clinton and his wife. Stunning hypocrisy!

anthonyted “Modern audiences” should toughen up

anthonyted Don’t you have any real news to report? Here is a REAL STORY! Here is the headline: CA Police Officer killed by an illegal immigrant. Thank you Gov Jerry Brown and your sanctuary city/state policies that are endangering law enforcement and other US citizens.

If you can’t take it gtfoh stupidmillennials

anthonyted No more yanky my wanly, the singer need food

anthonyted They’re only problematic for social justice brown shirts. As has been said elsewhere, this is the result of “campus creep,” where de-platforming others is more important than expressing oneself.

anthonyted Idiocy

anthonyted I’d rather be entertained by any of those old favorites than have today’s Hollywood favs ➡️ graphic sex/transgender sex/perverted sex /same sex crammed down my throat (Pun intended).

anthonyted For decades now liberals have told conservatives to turn the channel when we object to their trash. So if there's a problem for some audiences now, just turn the damn channel!

anthonyted These examples do reflect the culture and rhetoric of the time they were created. Help with perspective regardless of perception.

anthonyted Yes. Let's let hypersensitive, pinch-faced neo-puritan millennials dictate what should or shouldn't be allowed.

anthonyted Cause leftist fascism is good, amirite?

anthonyted You definitely look and examine but lately there’s been a tendency to throw the baby out with the bath water.

anthonyted The people who let art offend them are the issue. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it, and then you won’t be offended. It is as simple as that.

anthonyted Deport the Snowflakes!!

anthonyted Not outdated. Liberals are nutcases. That lunacy is outdated.

anthonyted People need to grow up.

anthonyted Nice ratio.

anthonyted How about learning self-absorbed needs to end after high school

anthonyted IMO its mostly because people today would rather be outraged by something they know little about instead of learn the history or context of it. Baby its cold outside is a great example, in its own context & history its a playful back & forth - feminists have imposed rape culture

KTLA anthonyted So sorry millennials are forced to watch this old television entertainment

anthonyted Entertainment's shelf life is the audience. I actually proactively care more about all those examples and more vigorously indulge them mostly because of totalitarian scolds like you guys.

anthonyted modern audiences. translation=snowflakes

anthonyted Only “problematic” for liberal weirdo Marxist dipper doo audiences ....

anthonyted Baby It’s Cold Outside has always been one of my favorite songs, especially with Ella and Louis. It is only a flirty little song meaning don’t leave yet. Don’t know about others as I never watched. It is tricky bc I don’t like honoring Confederate statues

anthonyted This story is bullshit on a stick . The AP is garbage news .

anthonyted Ah yes burning books but for the digital age. It is a classic past time reserved for the very best societies.

anthonyted The shelf life is whether or not there is still an audience. The other winey little bitches need to get over themselves.

anthonyted This tweet is BEGGING to be ratio’d.

anthonyted They aren't 'problematic', you're all just pearl-clutching cowards, pretending to be upset to show how hip you are.


anthonyted 'Apu' indeed. I appreciate not wanting to ban these works, but this is still a crap take. Recognize they are from another time and leave it at that. We don't need to talk everything through! Nice ratio, though!

anthonyted You know, when this controversy first broke, I thought y'all were spazzing out over Big House. No, you crybabies are having a fit over some 1950s classy romance Christmas song with super tame lyrics. LOL! Here! This should really make you raeg defecate!

anthonyted And the AP has outlived it's usefulness too. Just another propaganda machine now..

anthonyted Sometimes modern audiences need to gain some perspective beyond the end of their self-centered noses.

anthonyted I suggest that if people are offended by such things that they do not watch them. Not their right to force others to comply to their opinions.

anthonyted People getting spun up by this obviously didn't read it.

anthonyted Everyone buy a copy of Blazing Saddles now. Before it is taken out of circulation for our 'protection'.

anthonyted How about the modern audience grow up

anthonyted No just don’t watch if u don’t like it bunch of fking fascist

anthonyted When will your book burning commence?

anthonyted GROW UP

anthonyted You can't fool us, . This is just an attempt by the film industry to make us accept their awful remakes. If nobody is allowed to watch the original, we will have nothing to compare the half-assed remake.

anthonyted This us absurd. Change channels, turn it off, leave the building if something like this is too much for ya. 🙄

anthonyted And they wonder why SteveCarell wound't reboot theofficenbc ...

anthonyted Stop it.

anthonyted Have you picked up a copy of Tom Sawyer-Huckleberry Finn or Brer Rabbit lately? OMG!

anthonyted Those damn symphonies of Beethoven are too long!

anthonyted Modern audiences would be offended by a David Attenborough documentary.

anthonyted I love how rap music is immune from political correctness. BlackPrivilege

anthonyted Purges are so woke!

anthonyted I'm just here for the ratio.

anthonyted Should reporters and news organizations have a shelf life? Can we explore those examples?

anthonyted Yes we evolve. There will be a day the thought of circus, zoo and sea world are unthinkable and cruel and barbaric, if not already


anthonyted Great idea. Don’t watch.

anthonyted While you’re at it, why not include art, music, literature and history for expiration? As not to offend......

anthonyted The Deep State 🤡🤡 is NOT going to be successful in erasing cultural history that doesn’t meet their sick PC worldview.

anthonyted No

anthonyted Well, we still read literature written by the Greeks, so no.

anthonyted This article was 75% too long. The answer is that people shouldn’t be so sensitive or easily offended.

anthonyted I find the word problematic problematic. And there is no such thing as a 'shelf life' when it comes to entertainment. It can be put into the 'classics' eventually.

anthonyted Also is problematic for some modern audiences too. You in the OldMedia are definitely passed your shelf life.

anthonyted I wonder what Michelangelo or Van Gogh would have to say about that.....

MelindaDeslatte anthonyted Why don't y'all ask Lenny Bruce?

anthonyted Times change, society changes We don’t go to Minstrel Shows or Aristophanes anymore It’s hardly newsworthy

anthonyted Of course entertainment expires...who’s watching blackface tap dancing films?

anthonyted No. Don't like it? Change the channel. With a thousand channels available plus streaming, it is impossible to produce content that won't offend someone. Grow up, and move on.

anthonyted Propaganda disguised as news. Please stop.

anthonyted No. Leave individuals to choose what they want to consume for entertainment. This sounds very authoritarian

anthonyted Its only ‘problematic’ if the media keeps insisting it is!

anthonyted Any surprise that all movies now a days are remakes of older movies? Comedy especially is dead this generation

anthonyted “...problematic for some modern audiences.” Oh, my, the poor dears. Let’s just change everything for them and their manufactured sensitivities. getagrip

anthonyted Try watching Amos & Andy. Why sweep our history under the rug? Embrace it. These shows are proof of our evolution & growth as humankind. They should be proudly viewed. The writers/actors were pioneers who used humor to reflect the world as it was.

anthonyted Oh boy.

anthonyted How about GROW UP?

anthonyted This is stupidly arrogant.

anthonyted Is this news or opinion? 🤔 Show your work.

anthonyted “Some modern audiences” are stupid.

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Guess we should also forget our whole history because we don't like it🙄

anthonyted no. the alternative is worse.

anthonyted That depends if you’re considering acting, singing, animation, directing, producing, wardrobe, dancing, art or “entertainment.”


anthonyted I'm rolling my eyes soooo hard right now... 🙄🙄

anthonyted I still enjoy the Monk, Golden Girls and Mash reruns.

anthonyted No.

KTLA anthonyted Stop crying and enjoy, 'real' entertainment, not this forced p.c. crap

anthonyted Stop. Just. Stop.

anthonyted Don’t listen to the radio station. Don’t watch the TV show. Don’t go to the web site. Hit the off button. Don’t deprive me of traditions.

anthonyted George Orwell wrote a book warning us of such things.

anthonyted People need to get a life

anthonyted It’s “problematic” because you attempt to victimize everyone on the planet. Anyone with guts and brains see any of it as good entertainment and nothing more.

anthonyted Casablanca is a favorite of many and it features Dooley Wilson in a very prominent & positive supporting role for a black man at the time in Hollywood and yet this dialogue is spoken by Ingrid Bergman: “Could you ask the boy at the piano to come over here?”

anthonyted Shelf Life? Kinda like AP? This, like many other stories, appears to be an attempt to stay relevant. Yaaawwwnnnn .

anthonyted Should the have a shelf life I vote yes

anthonyted No. Screw the adults who can't figure out things were different in a different time, laugh and get over it.

anthonyted How about you just watch them and stop with this over analysis bs.

anthonyted How totalitarian; for the millionth time: 1984 was a warning, not a fucking instruction manual.

anthonyted Rethink all you want.....I am going to enjoy what I want, when I want so screw you!

anthonyted Get over yourselves

anthonyted Just wait till people remember the show “Married...with Children” heads will explode.

anthonyted Maybe rename The Ass Press

anthonyted Also “Oliver Twist” and “Merchant of Venice” are anti-Semitic and the Jews are outraged! They are marching, they are protesting they are...actually they are going about their lives and dealing with fictional worlds in a perspicacious manner,

anthonyted The has a shelf-life, and it's way past expiration...

anthonyted These people are useless


anthonyted This is a ridiculous idea.

anthonyted 16 candles? Are you people for real Maybe you stirring up shit all the time is what is wrong

anthonyted Nah, freedom of speech over fascist, think tank: speech restrictions.

anthonyted Don't need to change the entertainment, just the attitude of snowflake consumers.

anthonyted 🙄 NO

anthonyted What absolutely asinine suggestion! Can thought police self-expire? Please! Don't like something? Don't listen. Don't watch. Don't read. I don't like rap so i don't listen. I don't like FakeNews, so I don't watch CNN or MSNBC. 'Variety is the spice of life', remember?

anthonyted The only thing that’s problematic is caving in to the incessant crying by the weakest among us

anthonyted When I was a kid it was small groups of Christians who used pressure campaigns to bully the majority in the name of religion. It’s the same with today’s Left, only now the religion is identity politics. I’m never voting Democrat again.

anthonyted Tell younger viewers to chill out and toughen up. Relax and enjoy life.

anthonyted Then dont watch them.

anthonyted aleta not implement People the film/tv version of “book burning”. It was a different time with different sensitivities. Don’t ban it, learn from it.

anthonyted He’ll no. The left are just whining babies now. They’re all fine and funny. Sixteen candles is still one of my favorite movies of all time.

anthonyted if certain entertainment isn't banned then the Nazis win

anthonyted Or here’s a thought if you are so easily threatened and offended just don’t watch or listen . It’s what reasonable grown up people do.

anthonyted How about if people don't like something they don't watch/listen and allow others to make their choice as to what they do?

anthonyted This generation won't be happy till they purify every aspect of American Life

KTLA anthonyted Entertainment is that, entertainment

anthonyted no

anthonyted How bout you guys let us handle the culture. The people.

anthonyted Simpsons is a classic.

anthonyted Does this mean we can get rid of 95% of rap music?

anthonyted So why no metoo backlash on 'Santa Baby' is it b/c it is a women trying to seduce a man. She will let him' come down her Chimney' providing he buys her a: sable FUR coat, convertible car, a duplex & checks ,deed to a Platinum mine, Tiffany jewelry and a Yacht?

anthonyted It appears all forms of history is troubling to some people,

anthonyted 'How have I offended? All's not offence that indiscretion finds And dotage terms so.' - Goneril, King Lear.

anthonyted The new church ladies

anthonyted I

anthonyted Can someone refer me to a website where I can access everything I am suppose to be offended by or boycott... I can’t keep up these days.

anthonyted No. And I hate you.


anthonyted God damn it, NO. Why can’t we just appreciate things for what they are and understand that things were created at all different times and with different attitudes than today. Stop trying to rewrite history. Appreciate it and learn from it and stop erasing it. 😡

anthonyted Odd that “modern audiences” seem fine with graphic violence, nudity and profanity in entertainment.

anthonyted Demolition man wasn't a movie, it was a peek into the future. Be well.

anthonyted What a bunch of sissy’s!! This is America, remember? We have freedom of speech! They have the freedom to turn the freakin channel! I’m starting to get a short fuse on this kind of stuff. Sorry

anthonyted No! Entertainment is just that entertainment. If something “triggers” or upsets you here is a novel idea; TURN IT OFF! People need to grow up. Entertainment and specifically comedy has been pushing the limits since its inception. growup and moveon

anthonyted Don’t like don’t watch.

anthonyted Yet so far I don’t know anyone that has been offended. Where are these people?

anthonyted Yea, I know we could throw all the 'problematic' things in a big pile & burn them, like lets say, books. That's never been done before.

anthonyted No. It’s contextual for the time period. Revisionistic history leads to a greater likelihood of repeating the same mistakes.

anthonyted Maybe everyone who is offended should shut up and relax a little - all of your examples are humor- get over it.

anthonyted What I find offensive are people who want to censor what I can watch, read or listen to, because they find it offensive. They should be censored

anthonyted they don't have to watch them. what is the problem? from free speech that protects enciting hate, but let's waste time banning crap that's not currently politically correct. get a life people

anthonyted It’s almost as if cultural norms are not permanently fixed, and change with the passage of time...

anthonyted Seriously? Seems these new generations are more primitive than modern. They have no problem engaging in nude selfies & making their own child porn, but Sixteen Candles, The Simpson’s & the lovely song, Baby it’s Cold Outside is offensive to them? They need help.. & less Rx drugs

anthonyted This is all made up by the media. There is no systemic offense to these things. You have better subjects to report on,

anthonyted You can’t just erase history bc you don’t like it.

anthonyted Don’t like it? Don’t watch it.

anthonyted This is America folks. Unbelievable!

anthonyted what's your shelf-life AP? -- unreal.

KTLA anthonyted People need to be able to move on if they see something they don’t enjoy and leave it alone for those who do enjoy it.

anthonyted People should just stop trying to find things to bitch about every day

anthonyted Should PC censors masquerading as news organizations be problematic for modern audiences? Obviously yes.

anthonyted How far is the AP past its expiration date?

anthonyted Who gives a crap what the “modern audiences” think. It’s a part of our history and should be kept.

anthonyted Everyday I think I’ve seen the dumbest thing ever and then the media goes and shocks me.

anthonyted No


anthonyted Please stop.


anthonyted Don’t watch. Simple.

KTLA anthonyted You don’t make things go away just because they are not relevant to new thinking. A lot of us enjoyed things that are older and still enjoy them today.

anthonyted It’s the “some” modern audiences members who are problematic. Should Radical Leftist outrage mobs have a shelf life?

anthonyted Does that go for porn and CNN?

anthonyted It’s clear the AP now hires escpaed mental patients to write for them. This is some shit tier level click bait...

anthonyted OMG. Get a life

anthonyted We leave things alone . If new audiences don't like it . Tough shit

anthonyted No

anthonyted We should apply evolved standards of correctthink to barbaric past wrongthought and erase history so the future can be glorious.

anthonyted Oh FFS 🙄

anthonyted Lefty moral panics are the worst

anthonyted Why change “The Simpsons”? They are a reflexion of our own idiosyncracy. How about make a change and THEN see the change reflected on entertainment.

anthonyted C I just

anthonyted So dumb

anthonyted Things happened that way. It’s pretty ridiculous that things that defined culture, society and life are now being changed out of sensitivity. We can’t change what happened but we can learn from it

anthonyted No. Those who ignore the past .... stop white washing history.

anthonyted I'm old enough to remember when classics like 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 were only fiction.

anthonyted The shelf life of every entertainment product is entirely and individual decision. No one is allowed to tell anyone else when they are no longer allowed to enjoy something. Sorry.

anthonyted Just don't watch them if you wouldn't like them. Problem solved.

anthonyted Seriously people the crap you see in cable today is crap raunchy and inappropriate. Growth the hell up.

anthonyted Problematic for SOME modern audiences. You've answered your own question. Most of us couldn't care less. What offends me is people who give in to the PC, snowflake, spoilsport minority and their ridiculous claptrap.

anthonyted Sounds like some modern audiences need to stop being offended by literally everything.

anthonyted Speaking of shelf life, the media is expired.


anthonyted That’s why there’s different channels & stations & knobs to change those channels & stations if it’s not your cup of tea! You’ll never please everyone all the time. Everyone is different with different tastes. Variety is the spice of life!

anthonyted LOL The Baby, It’s Cold Outside thing was laughed at by the nation. A joke. The Simpsons because of one comedian and an accent. Remember when he thought the creators of South Park were siding with him in that new episode but really were dunking on him? These are not real things.

anthonyted But what about the video games?! Weird how modern audiences can pick an choose-

anthonyted no. Entertainment doesn't expire. People get weird. As is the AP. Unfollowing.

anthonyted So out of touch



anthonyted no, it represented who we were at that time. when we go as far as to freak out about a 75 yr. old song, we become a joke.

anthonyted The reality is that times, attitudes &,therefore, entertainment change. History doesn't care about societal, political or other change. It is what it is, get over it.

anthonyted No, just NO, just grow up!


anthonyted Now do rap music.

anthonyted Then DON'T WATCH!

anthonyted Puritan Left will line up their dumpy blue-haired minions to attack whoever you say. PRAISE BE TO LEFTRELIGION

anthonyted I'm not rethinking shit. You rethink why suddenly everything is a problem for you, authoritarian trash.

anthonyted The same modern audiences are watching rick and Morty, which is disturbing in itself. If you haven’t seen it, it’s about an insecure teenager who’s suffering from PTSD and low self confidence who goes on adventures with his sociopath, alcoholic, genius grandpa

anthonyted So many people just read the headline and not the story. I see all these 'PC culture is out of control' type comments. The author concludes that these things may now seem inappropriate but that doesn't mean we should get rid of them. Sheesh. Outrage at non outrage.

anthonyted The only thing that's 'problematic' is your article. GTFO


anthonyted Or ... Not.


anthonyted No. Grow up.

anthonyted Don't like it, don't watch it.

anthonyted You're problematic, Ted Anthony.

anthonyted Bring back Andy Griffith & Gunsmoke, please.

KTLA anthonyted You are now a parody AP.

anthonyted OR - you can use your critical thinking and know that attitudes change with the times. To be able to view entertainment through history and knowledge and decide if you still find it entertaining... you might even learn something along the way about History/societal changes.

anthonyted If you don’t like it... don’t watch it.

anthonyted If you don’t like it, don’t watch or listen. Mind your own business and quit telling people how to think.

anthonyted Sounds like an issue with young people, not the content

anthonyted You just out grow the Simpsons to better shows like it’s always sunny in Philadelphia imo

anthonyted No, just no.

anthonyted No.

anthonyted Maybe their intolerance will have a shelf life

anthonyted a lot of the world is problematic for the younger generations. It's a parenting fail.

anthonyted Fuck modern audiences

anthonyted That’s entirely up to you...nobody is forcing you to watch...just stay TF out of my business. I’m so sick of you idiots dictating to the nation what is or isn’t “problematic”.

anthonyted Reply 237 Retweet 47 Like 112 Got nearly 2x as many replies as likes. I fear that reactionary cause-ists will do more to damage 'american culture' than any class of immigrants ever will.

anthonyted Restarted watching MASH a few years ago & it is off the cringy charts offensive. But art doesn't have a shelf life. Someone enjoys it, so who cares? Watch/listen/dance to what you like, don't watch it if it triggers you.

anthonyted This is silly. Let’s begin the book burn too

anthonyted The word 'problematic' is becoming problematic. Remember when progressives told ppl 'change the station', or 'turn it off', or 'dont watch/listen' We did 🤔 and now here we are... politics

anthonyted Ppl are reading too much into these things. It’s entertainment if ppl don’t like it don’t watch or listen

anthonyted Weak, weak, weak

anthonyted The Simpson's isn't any more 'problematic' than anything else. Have you ever heard of South park? Family guy? Rap music?

anthonyted Modern audiences? You mean the very vocal minority? SF Bay Area station polled listeners and 90%+ had no problem with “baby it’s cold outside”.......

anthonyted Then they don’t have to listen. This is censorship and you know it.

anthonyted Then dont watch or listen to them

KTLA anthonyted How about “Grease”. Good God

anthonyted No venue can satisfy everyone. Keep your target audience

anthonyted Brb watching Blazing Saddles

anthonyted Trying to apply today’s culture to culture of decades ago does not work

anthonyted Mass surveillance should offend people, but noooo, the shit media wants people offended by dumb things.

anthonyted I miss Archie Bunker’s good ole days. Screw modern viewers and let their feelings be hurt into infinity and beyond.

anthonyted Snowflakes gonna snowflake

anthonyted No, and this is dumb.

anthonyted Then don’t watch/listen to them. Boom. Problem solved. Also ban Gone with the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird and Breakfast at Tiffany’s while you’re at it. 🙄

anthonyted Even if you wanted to, You can’t go back and erase everything that’s a product of it’s time but is no longer acceptable. All you can do is move forward. You can’t fix the past.

anthonyted Oh stop it!

anthonyted That’s the audience’s problem, not the entertainment. One can always choose not to watch or listen to art that they don’t like. To force others not to watch/listen to it is authoritarian.

anthonyted “Some modern audiences” = losers that cant handle reality.

anthonyted It’s not even a Christmas song

anthonyted You and your readers must be sheltered, shallow and thin skinned mental patients. If you actually believe this - seek help. You are either a threat to yourself or others. Maybe both.

anthonyted I find the associated press offensive

anthonyted Social Justice ruins everything.

anthonyted No. What means something to someone else doesn't take into the sane meaning as another's perception of what can be deemed entertainment it's a matter of selection & a matter of discretionary choice no one can say when we all share the appreciation of feel good stories

anthonyted No, absolutely not. Nobody is forced to watch what they dont like. Just change the fn channel. Don't tell me what I am and am not permitted to watch.

anthonyted No.

anthonyted No. Quit complaining that everything offends you. Life is offensive. Get used to it.

anthonyted How about they just watch something else?

anthonyted ❄️❄️❄️

anthonyted You just have to acknowledge the time any music or film was created in, and how we are different as a society now. Censorship should never be an option as there is no one I would trust to have that kind of judgment.

anthonyted Life is always problematic for people who have no humor and are easily offended. Why should we do anything to accommodate them? They are in the minority and it's not our fault they can't laugh.

I think this article cancelled itself out perfectly when it talked about a relative few trying to wield their power of offendedness over the rest of us. If you don’t like something, don’t watch/listen to it. You have to be educated enough to see it for what it is: entertainment.

anthonyted Hahaha... Problematic. Let's 'problematize' everything!!!! I would encourage everybody to watch this video or listen to this on podcast when you get a chance.

anthonyted Headline should read, “new generations hate comedy, puns, and anything else that makes normal people laugh”

anthonyted No. Because censorship is regressive, fascist, totalitarian, jack-booted thuggery.

anthonyted fakenews stop creating problems and go back to your bubble

anthonyted Maybe people should quit acting like crying children.

anthonyted So.... there are numerous teachings in the bible that are outdated and quite literally sickening, does that mean we’ll start there, by pulling every bible from the shelf. People need to grow up and not blame movies or songs or literary works for their decisions.

anthonyted Can’t we just stop being pussies and see things for what they are? Entertainment. Form your own opinion on it.

anthonyted How about grow up and get over your problems. Leave my stuff alone.

anthonyted Sixteen Candles?!?

anthonyted If someone doesn't want to watch something they can chose not to. What you are advocating is for some third party to decide what's 'appropriate' content and what isn't.

anthonyted If you dont like a certain piece of music DONT LISTEN TO IT! GEEEEZ folks this is not rocket science, does not need s Supreme Court review, moooove on!

anthonyted No, but we could retire some “entertainers” without missing them one bit.

anthonyted An attack upon our ability to tell stories is not just censorship - it is a crime against our nature as human beings. Salman Rushdie

anthonyted Oh bite me

anthonyted Entertainment doesn’t expire.... it’s LEFTISTS driving wedges in the slats of ordinary entertainment that changes. These people are offended by everything and have no sense of humor. Got it?

anthonyted Sure, but don't forget about all the Disney fairy tales people raged about too! Anyone who agrees with this nonsense needs to stop watching TV and leave social media for a few years.. maybe check in to a psych ward.

anthonyted No. Stop. Just knock it the F off. JFC.

anthonyted I am one more stupid tweet from AP and Routers to remove them, forever.

anthonyted Baby it’s cold outside? This is 70 years old

anthonyted The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

anthonyted “Problematic”? If these shows are causing problems for people, their problems run much deeper than the shows’ content. The 1st thing that the habitually outraged need to do is find the nearest mental health hospital & check in. Mental health hospitals are the new safe-space.


anthonyted No. Stop being a so sensitive, no one cares about your pointless subjective argument about offensiveness.

anthonyted Fire this idiotic writer ASAP

anthonyted Not gonna rethink it!!! Classics will remain.

anthonyted Todays liberals are yesterdays conservative Christian right. Everything right of communism today is to the liberals what marilynmanson was to the conservatives.

anthonyted Those are all great great compared to the pure garbage coming out these days.

anthonyted Killing or bowlderising films that modern audiences find problematic is patronising to modern audiences. Films SHOULD be problematic. There's a right wing, misogynistic, racist attack on democracy in the English speaking world. Now is not the time to edit out the problematic.


anthonyted Footloose 2.0

anthonyted Yes, let's get more op articles on how we 'might' think about what exists vs. presenting good old facts and letting us decide. Ugh.

anthonyted Refurbish

anthonyted Lets start with climate change and then move to cartoons.

anthonyted PC SNOWFLAKES

anthonyted Donald smoking a cigar

anthonyted It’s the young audience that’s the problem, not the popular works. AP is mental unhealthy.

anthonyted No. Bcuz entertainment is relative to who’s listening/watching. Really music police? 🤷‍♀️

anthonyted Donald Duck attempting suicide

anthonyted 'problematic' designates any material that a far leftist wants suppressed from the awareness &thought of everyone else - get stuffed, control freaks.

anthonyted It probably just needs to be appreciated in the context of it's time. We should also pick and choose our battles carefully.

anthonyted Donald Duck holding Chip and Dale hostage (Toy Tinkers)

anthonyted The Little Rascals was a favorite of mine.

anthonyted All In The Family still best show ever!

anthonyted “Modern audiences” aka the PC- snowflake-triggered” audience.

anthonyted The “problem” is 100% fake - the better question is How can we get rid of all these people torturing us with fake problems?

anthonyted Don't be silly.

anthonyted YALL SOFT

anthonyted It's history, and that's the context within which we should watch them - or not. Trying to whitewash previously offensive norms, teaches us nothing. Leave it and learn from it.

anthonyted Hey 'modern audiences', get over yourselves already. You take yourselves WAY too seriously. Toughen up a little, you're soft.

anthonyted No. Absolutely not. People need to grow thicker skin and not be offended by everything they see or hear.

KTLA anthonyted Listen, I grew up watching the Roadrunner dropping anvils on Wile E Coyote. We thought it was hilarious but never entered our minds to drop one on someone. Don't like don't watch or don't listen. Simple as that.

anthonyted The fallacy is thinking of these as mere 'entertainment' and not art, as they truly are. All art must be judge within the context in which it was created. Otherwise Michelangelo's 'David' is just gay porn.

anthonyted Let's ban the word 'problematic' instead.

anthonyted Just the existence of this story is evidence that PC is ruining everything. Why don’t they go after Rap songs that degrade women?

anthonyted No problem with 30 years of fathers being portrayed as idiots? Also, men cannot take cold medicine, babysit, or load a dishwasher...according to television commercials.

anthonyted Heck no... let's dig out some Foster Brooks outtakes from the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast or clips of Amos and Andy... Hey maybe a Bugs Bunny where he's in blackface. Some things do NOT age well and folks need to realize that.

anthonyted Grow up!

anthonyted Modern audiences need to grow up and accept differing points of views

KTLA anthonyted This happens automatically due to people’s tastes. This is what fascist leftism doesn’t grasp. You don’t have to FORCE people to do anything via bans, regulations, or hate laws. If society, as a whole, wants something to end, it will die silently through free-market choices.

anthonyted I think 'Baby It's Cold Outside' made it to the top 3 favorite songs for the first time this year. Keep banning things PC Police - they just get more popular.

anthonyted How to rethink songs, television and movies that offend you: don't think about them.

anthonyted They’re problematic for the ever offended minority. Most people love these pop culture icons

KTLA anthonyted Fahrenheit 451

It’s called an OFF button and works on any device


anthonyted GTFOH!!!

anthonyted Omg eternal_realist check out this insanity. Like wtf

anthonyted Erasing history. Pathetic.

anthonyted Modern audiences are a bunch of pansies.

anthonyted Just ban them. Problem solved.

anthonyted Reading through these replies it seems the overwhelming majority of people have a sensible approach to this. It always comes down to the loud incredibly small minority that all of a sudden makes it out to be a problem. It is not a big deal nor is it a problem. Move on

anthonyted Just as 'News' organizations should have a shelf life as with time they all become corrupted.

anthonyted If teenagers *aren’t* watching “Birth of a Nation,” that’s already a problem. The significance of the film, and Griffith’s racism need to be studied and discussed. And bullying in “Rudolph”? Yeah, but the little claymation talking reindeers are *wrong,* as the story points out!

KTLA anthonyted The word “problematic” should have a shelf life. Hopefully Dec 31 2018 🤞🏽

anthonyted Next you'll be telling me that Triumph of the Will is problematic somehow. Folks, art has had these problems for a long time, see Merchant of Venice. No, Jesus wasn't white- but that doesn't make the Pietà less of a masterpiece.

anthonyted Change the channel there’s a million other options.

anthonyted If humans under Thirty were to watch the original Bad News Bears, they would break down and start crying while crawling into their safe space.


anthonyted People just need to stop being such empty headed attention seeking wet fannys

anthonyted “Modern” audiences are overly sensitive assclowns. The participation trophy generation is screwed.

anthonyted I should have died at birth. This world is kissing ass it doesn't need too. Why should I be exactly what you want.

anthonyted This is so dumb. used to be a respected news outlet, but it's just trash!

anthonyted Entertainment already has a shelf life. I watch films made 30 or 70 years ago understanding that what was acceptable then is no longer the case today. We can’t censor everything. Watch with an open mind and understand that what’s acceptable in 2018 will not be acceptable in 2038.

anthonyted People who are going to the extreme are ruining things & taking the fun out of them. I watched 'Jingle All the Way' Christmas day & saw all kinds of things the extremists would flip out over, thinking 'This one's next.' Ruined the movie for me for just letting my mind go there.

anthonyted Giving a fuck what these rootless cosmopolitan's think about anything is problematic

anthonyted The fact is, it isn’t. It’s only a small portion of the public who is outraged, but they seem to have the biggest mouths. Anyone who sees any of these things as anything else but entertaining, has a bigger problem than the item they question.

anthonyted The problematic audiences should go into the woods and kill themselves. 2019fuckPCpolice

anthonyted It's not sixteen candles it's Four Candles *sigh*

anthonyted No, but news orgs definitely should.

anthonyted Things that were fashionable, popular, and beloved sometimes become outdated.

anthonyted Isn’t this why we have The National Film Registry? The (NFR) is the United States National Film Preservation Board's (NFPB) selection of films deserving of preservation. The NFPB, established by the National Film Preservation Act of 1988.

anthonyted No! When I use to watch I Love Lucy or The Dick Van Dyke show when I was a kid in the 1980's, I understood things were different before I was born. I still watched the shows and enjoyed them, as I still do now at 49 years old. These ultra sensitive people are idiots!

anthonyted You mean liberal audiences!

anthonyted Only idiots do not allow historical context into the entertainment they are consuming. I read classic poetry and literature and have since I was a teen. Some were and are 'problematic' to the time I was reading them but not to the time they were written.

anthonyted Why just grow up its history!!!

anthonyted 90s - Congress and mothers say videogames influence reality - the younger generation disagrees and knows the difference between fantasy and reality. 2018 - millennials say old movies influence reality - the older generation knows the difference between fantasy and reality.

anthonyted Perhaps the way “modern audiences” have been babied and coddled with safe spaces is what’s problematic.

anthonyted You forgot the Honeymooners

anthonyted You contextualize it. Simply. Much like you don’t throw out Mark Twain because of the N word or “Injun Joe”

anthonyted The same issue has been coming up for years, be it the old cartoons with outdated racial references(like Tom and Jerry or Song of the south). But if we banish the past and don’t learn from it, we are doomed to repeat it. It is like schools that want to ban Huck Finn...we have to

anthonyted The Simpsons is brilliant. Educational and hilarious. If viewers don't know that Bart's friend, Milhouse, has the middle name of Richard Nixon, their loss. The chilli eating episode with Homer when he goes on a 'journey', remains my favourite.

anthonyted This is so terribly wrong. Don't like it, dont watch or listen. It's really that simple.

anthonyted Apu is fine

anthonyted nope Not problematic for me Shelf life is determined by individuals Stay out of my life thank you very much

anthonyted It's almost as if the AP wants to decide what is appropriate for ALL, and what would they do with things they deem inappropriate? Delete them? Erase history? Because a few are triggered?

anthonyted Bullshit headlines like this make you part of the problem, . Thank god 2018 is over. Maybe people will find their sanity in 2019, although it's likely to only become worse.

anthonyted If it’s no longer entertaining and has become seriously problematic... why watch it?

anthonyted Can history expire? Are you saying it's okay to erase the past? Seriously stop, this is going too far.

anthonyted Remember when Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck each fought the Nazis? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Are you not entertained?

tell them to grow up and get a grip on reality.

anthonyted Yeah, Eddie Murphy’s Raw would be way too much for today’s snowflakes.

anthonyted PC outrage culture is almost as bad as the 'world is changing and I'm terrified' crowd..

anthonyted No. The thought Nazi's rule. You will be assimilated. And AP is it's conduit ...

anthonyted Greensleeves is basically 'I gave you all this stuff, why won't you have sex with me? ' it's half a millennium old and still played around Christmas.

anthonyted Giving any exposure or hint of legitimacy to this is sad...you can’t please everyone but that’s ok...

anthonyted By some “modern audiences” do you mean whiny SJWs who can’t differentiate reality and fiction?

anthonyted Music, like books are timeless, they will always appeal to someone. Those that don't like it, don't need to listen to it. Those 'moder audiences' would probably get rid of their grandparents, because they're too old. idiocracy

anthonyted Ya, they like it much more blatantly in your face. No more hidden messages. Refrigerate after opening.

anthonyted Modern viewers are offended at their shadow old movies TV shows songs are from a time when people had thick skins race wasn't a big thing then 8 years of Obama who divided the country among racial lines

anthonyted Give us a break. Stop peddling this grievance nonsense. This isn’t news, it’s campus drivel.

anthonyted Oh course it can....who still does black-face?

anthonyted It really isn’t problematic. You guys in the media program people to think everything is offensive.

anthonyted Don’t like it? Don’t watch or listen to whatever it is that offends you. But to destroy it is censorship.

anthonyted Not letting vagina hat wearing, unhinged, dimwitted lefties dictate my conscience

anthonyted If you don’t like it, watch something else. Boom. End of fake controversy.

anthonyted Stop being so sensitive

anthonyted No the Entertainment is Fine the people that complain and insinuate are idiots.

anthonyted Instead of trying to re make things or PC everything from the past just come up an original idea or 2

anthonyted No! That was an easy question to answer.

anthonyted The AP is problematic.

anthonyted Another article that wants to spell out exactly how we got it all wrong and what it needs to be replaced with through guilt. growup

anthonyted Yes, let’s get rid of everything. They should have known in the past that we would have snowflakes that can’t handle anything🙄

anthonyted All aboard. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

anthonyted A liberal gets their wings every time someone says 'problematic'

anthonyted Don’t like it? Don’t watch. That’s your right. Just don’t dictate to others about what they can and can’t enjoy.


anthonyted No! We should NOT be advocating rewriting history.

anthonyted Wow. Advocating for censorship.

anthonyted Politically correct bull crap

anthonyted No. People just suck now.

anthonyted Enough already...

anthonyted Lol

anthonyted Don't watch or listen to it is the easiest fix

anthonyted If you don't like it, don't watch it.

anthonyted Don't like, don't watch.. PC is out of control....

anthonyted Change the channel or change your tampon

anthonyted The Simpsons?!

anthonyted No shelf life, the complainers today are not strong and a country built by them would be weak

anthonyted Only if we live in a world where bad behavior is never portrayed or discussed will the censors ever be happy.

anthonyted All pop culture has a shelf life. When it comes to the Simpsons, that date will happen when it becomes more expensive to make than it brings in in ads. That's how the shelf life of pop culture is determined, almost by definition.

anthonyted Perhaps we should rethink the present; much easier than changing the past, though maybe a tad uncomfortable.

anthonyted No.

anthonyted After spending the last few days watching many many movies on Turner classic’s… I am not sure anything would withstand. I absolutely love them anyway

anthonyted why dont we fix the mental health problems this country has, instead of changing everything to fit some bullshit narrative

anthonyted Don't tell the millenial SJW crowd about Blazing Saddles.

anthonyted People act like we didn’t have this conversation re amosnandy or Disney’s songofthesouth. Content is a product of its time and future audiences will treat it thusly. We are just too close for many to detach their emotions from the artifact.

anthonyted Real Headline “Can we put all safe spacer doublespeak nothink dolts on an island, with no TV?”

anthonyted It’s called art and it’s appropriate to it’s time/era. Don’t like, don’t partake. Asshats.

anthonyted Can’t erase history... learn from it and move forward...


anthonyted Or people can stop acting like pansies and live and let live. This is a fad. There will be backlash from the next generation. Trends are cyclical.

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