Chicago man sentenced to 15 years for pouring paint thinner in Oak Brook theater, attempting to set it on fire

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The manager could smell a strong odor, later determined to be paint thinner, coming from theater six. Patrons were also seen quickly leaving that theater. The manager then entered theater six and found Ferguson seated in the theater with a can of paint thinner on his lap.

man has been sentenced to 15 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections for pouring paint thinner on the floor of the Oak Brook AMC Theater, and then attempting to light a cigarette while being escorted out of the building.An arrest warrant was executed on July 2, 2018 against Ferguson, who was being held in the Cook County Jail for unrelated aggravated arson charges.

When the manager went to theater five, he could smell a strong odor, later determined to be paint thinner, coming from theater six. Patrons were also seen quickly leaving that theater.The manager then entered theater six and found Ferguson seated in the theater with a can of paint thinner on his lap.


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The tenant who beat me up 3yrs ago got no jail time or eviction. July 2022, she beat up someone else. Still no jail time or eviction. And this guy gets 15 years

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