Why European countries are giving teens free money to spend on books, music, and theater

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For a growing number of European citizens, coming of age now has the added perk of hundreds of euros to spend on culture — be that highbrow opera performances or action-packed comic books.

French teenagers were mostly drawn toward Japanese manga. Figures by the organization behind the Culture Pass app recorded that 75% of all purchases went toward books and two-thirds of book purchases were for manga, which is anSome critics of the French pass dispute how much freedom teenagers should have over what they buy. “A kid from the projects will lean toward what he already knows.

Manga purchases might not financially benefit French artists but French users have a €100 cap on online media offerings, which are provided by French companies, and any video games purchased must have a French publisher. Indirectly, any further spending on culture could help boost one of Europe’s most important sectors. In 2019, the cultural and creative industries contributed

, or some 5.3%, to the E.U.’s total GDP, according to Culture Action Europe, a leading network of cultural groups.


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