Ex-Bayonetta Actress Asks Fans To Donate Boycott Money To Anti-Abortion Group

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Ex-Bayonetta actress asks fans to donate boycott money to anti-abortion group:

. “Low pay resonates not just in the gaming industry, but in the wider world beyond, all over the planet. To donate your boycott money, there are many small local charities that need your help.” While Taylor suggested traditional charitable causes like giving to food banks and organizations helping homeless people, she also promoted 14 organizations she had directly contributed to in the past.

“Your posts hit a nerve with people because you deliberately misrepresented the entire situation,” responded one person. “That and one of those charities is anti-abortion,” responded another. “I didn’t have ‘Bayonetta’s original VO is kind of a turd’ on my bingo sheet this year, but here we are.”Gifts under $20, $10, and even $5. It’s Wish, the catch-all shop for all of the above.


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Go away attention wh*re

Sorry I'm against anti abortion. A women should be free to have the right to an abortion

we get it you dont like families.

lmao I feel gross for defending her at first

At least a good cause.

Boycott failed

That's Good at least

Thats a woman that gets less action than me

I'll consider donating to adult literacy, seeing as no gaming journalists can fucking read.

Classic Milkshake Duck

Nearly half the country is some level of pro-life. This article is not about the craziness that happened regarding the voice acting job, but a 'stealth' ideological post by the author. I respect both sides of the issue here, but I don't respect ideology pushed as a news story.

this is so not bayonetta

It's quite common for those in the spotlight to promote their own personal goals and values. I don't think Kotaku, Polygon or TheGamer quite expected their current darling to spin that fast though.

Ok I will donate it to Bayonetta 3 then 😂

Ok well now she’s lost me

It went downhill pretty quickly. First it was like „maybe we should stand by her side and support her“ to „ugh, she’s a bit out of her god damn mind“.

Oh, 'anti'-abortion. Disgusting. Absolutely not.

Respect her for it too

I am honestly surprised by the way you're attacking her, someone looked at the charities she mentioned, looked into their history and stuff then reported it and this article was written and for what ? meanwhile Jason Schreier is making it his life mission to go after her..

Thanks for the repost, I’ll see this article again tomorrow.

hellenataylor Thank you for introducing me to such a good looking game. Hyped to buy it!

How funny. 29 comment when her lies came out but over 100 when she said she got worst offer lol.


you posted this like 2 days ago but anything for clicks you fool

In other better news:

Platinum just needs to sue this woman for defamation. Her career is pretty much ended because of all this


Or... buy the game if you want and support everyone who worked on it.

Now she went over the fucking rails. Not only a TERF now this. How 2 weeks of fuckups can get you disintegrate with fans.

Is it just me who thinks, she googled 'charity' & posted what came first with little to no research?

Why would anyone donate “boycott money” in the first place?

oh no, how terrible, anyway

You'd all murder the Jews if you wanted to believe they control your lives. Shut up.

AHHHHH how horrible!!! I'm literally shaking!!

İs she think bayonetta fans care her opinion?

She's awesome.

Good for her

Hellena Taylor is just digging a deeper hole for herself - weird that she decided to lie in the first place

She is such a fool lol. She isn’t going to get hired for voice acting anywhere after lying like that.

well she should stop talking because this starts to be very comical in not good way, only worst thing she can say at this point is that she supports orange daddy Trump😅

I’ve never seen someone go from 100 to 0 so quick

She's become quite the milkshake duck, hasn't she?

1/13 charities, charities including mine removal, a Kenyan church & saving combat animals meaning it's likely random & there is no controversy with the charities chosen, instead, the lying actress is the story

Girl let it go. You gave us half truths and then when the real came out and you had to come clean. Nobody hears you anymore after trying manipulate those fans. Thank god ok not cause I’d be so mad at you. If they donate it won’t be because of you.

This so fucking random lmao


It’s fascinating how a lot of people just go all in on having the worst stance on everything. They can’t just hate trans people, they can’t just want to deny women bodily autonomy, etc; they have to be all those things, all or nothing.


A worthy cause.

never played a bayonetta game but now it seems like a pretty good time to jump into the series

I know nothing about Bayonetta but I'm suddenly tempted to buy the game.

How the fuck this keep getting g worse.

Everyone working on Bayonetta 3 sucks wth


Yall can't read. Imagine saying to donate to a local billboard company means she wants to end abortion. Yall just love to hate

Never played Bayonetta but

Not even a Bayonetta fan, but I might just buy out of spite

I like to think this situation was a whole inside job to get people to buy more copies of the game, people out here buying 5 copies for no reason lol

i'll just buy the entire stock then...

I don't even think she hates Bayonetta well atleast when they offer her the money to join Bayonetta 3. I think she was just trying to bargain for more money but didn't expect them to flat out say no and cut her loose. now she's hating. I still lover her voice but just move on....

Oh no a actress has different values than me

Oh so she's just all the way a piece of garbage



You know I think I will check out Bayonetta I never played any of these games but this is a good advertisement for it

Typhoneus yea I was wrong, she nuts

Kinda based tho

'fans' huh interesting...

Man this game is going places. Right into the shitter

Holy shit lmao

Oh fuck no

I've never played Bayonetta. I'm buying Bayonetta 3.

Incredibly fucking based

I wasn't going to buy the game. Now I might. Or maybe I'll just give the money to planned parenthood.


I suddenly have an urge to buy Bayonetta 3

Oh, I felt sorry for her but it's now more clear that it's grift.

man, this is such a deflection to try and get some of hte anger off her. but man all she's done is ruin her and other VA's credability and show that your most trusted VA's can and will stab you in the back over money.

Oh yeah sure NOW you're gonna buy Bayonetta 3 like you weren't already

Now question is this a group where the anti abortion is out front primary or is this like the Salvo’s who hide their anti-samesex bullshit behind other things? Could this have been an innocent err

Wasn't gonna buy bayo 3 but honestly, i might now


What a legend

This world is so fucking stupid lmao

I played bayonetta on ps3 and it was fucking horrible, so dgaf

I wasnt going to get bayonetta just cause I haven’t played any games from the series but now I might just give the games a shot

6amerBr0 OK, that’s certainly not messed up on what she’s supporting

Ill buy 100 copies for that remark


I'll probably get dragged because I read more than a headline but she didn't ask fans to donate boycott money to anti abortion groups. She asked them to donate to a list of charities and one of them puts money into anti abortion billboards. Still shitty but not quite the same.

This starting to make me want to actually buy the game, even though I don't own Switch.

At first I understood her pleas for better pay rates for voice actors, and then the rest of the story showed up…..

She really did a speed run for how to ruin her career

Good on her.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

I’ll buy 20 copies instead of giving her money

Another reason to hate Jennifer Hale.


Ha! I knew it was a farce!

Everyone ignore this wacky broad

So she is against murder and gamers who live in their MOM'S basement are mad for her personal stance. Hmmmmm

no imma buy 15 copies now thanks :)

.... Did she get sick of being sympathetic to the public or something?

Jesus christ...

Is this real life

The only good thing she's done

What IS IT with British bitches?!

Wtf I love Bayonetta now

Wow based

Well I do support anti abortion

Me: I have two switches, one copy for each!


Look just because PG aborted her doesn’t mean we’re going to abort buying Bayonetta 3

Wow just like that I want to buy Bayonetta 3 again


What I know first that's she's suspiciously transpohic but also wanna support anti abortion charity? Damn that extras the bad of her

We buyin hella copies now especially with this, I’ll have 5 just for me and buying some for friends. Lol

lol no

Poor previous behavior aside, this is bad because why exactly?

Her finger why is nobody talking about her index finger! 😭😭😭 I am going insane why is it so long LOL (Also I love all the replies in here showing the other things this VA has said in the past!! I didn't know any of it and I'm glad I won't be supporting her now!)

This is old news nobody gives a fuck about her anymore because she lied as tall and wide she is..lol

If supporting the Police and being against abortion makes me a Racist then sign me the fuck up

Yea that done it..

I just keeps getting worse…


Port that shit to PC so we can join in on NOT donating to fuck-nuggets.

Will do!

Fuck that this woman seems to be getting more problematic as the days go by. Also won't be boycotting 3


Good time to use this

Guess I finally have a reason to buy every single Bayonetta game


Drama sells? I just found out this game came out

Superior Bayonetta voice. Inferior person.

Woah.. I nearly forgot to buy Bayonetta 3 if i didn't see this tweet. Thanks!

Until more sources confirm this story, I’m going to take it with a grain of salt

Talk about doing a terrible job of supporting her industry. Uggggh. What an ending.

lol lmao

Dog she just gets worse and worse

and she remains jobless

She sucks

Ay people should be anti/pro whatever they’d like but I’ll just say… this don’t surprise me at all. What a person.

its weird to lie for publicity and then when people call you out you hide behind donating to a good cause. Only makes her look even worse to be honest

im going to do neither

Is she nuts? The Venn diagram of people who like bayonetta and conservatives is two untouching circle

I can't wait to boycott Bayonetta 3 just like I boycotted* the other 2. Actually I have bayonetta 1 on steam for some reason but I don't remember buying it, must have been during a seasonal sales high.



Tf is boycott money

More reasons not to support her boycott

Can someone fill me in as to what‘s actually happening here As someone outside of the bayonetta fandom watching this jump from one place to another every 2 seconds is kind of funny ngl

Better than donating to Pro-abortion groups

She keeps digging

She’s anti-abortion and a TERF, *and* lied in such a way that belittles real struggles of voice actors that persist. Donate to a cause that is truly about helping others, or buy the game and realize that Jennifer Hale killed it as the role of Bayonetta.

Waiting for PoorlyAgedStuff 😂

Message understood loud and clear. Donate to an abortion clinic! Got it

Why does it get worse

well here's to the Bayonetta franchise entering the mainstream with the amount of shit being spewed by her. Better then any marketing team could have done.

When trying to 'fix your rep' literally backfires cause you didn't consult anyone, and just said 'I'm not a bad person, don't believe me? I don't need the money about my lie, send my lie money somewhere else.'

I am now going to buy it just to spite her

I love this woman even more now!

What a world we live in where somebody is shamed for being against murder of those in the womb. Truly an evil world.

We sure this is not just a publicity stunt?

what a twist...

Gotta say the one thing I'm happy about in all this is that jhaletweets really did do nothing wrong. She *made* Mass Effect for me and I am really annoyed that she got unfairly attacked because of this bullshit.

Hope the game crashes and burns.

With pleasure, Fuck Bayonetta 3

I guess a broken clock is still right twice a day. She still attempted extortion and should be charged for that but at least she said one thing in her life I can agree with.

Lol.. Even though she was lying, now you're going to boost sales for the game by promoting her like this. Your attempts at 'oh no she alienated her fanbase' are gonna backfire

The amount of edgelord in the comment is ooooof

I was honestly buying her side of the story so yeah shame on my quick judgement here but this if i was still supooting Nintendo and had a Switch i would buy two copies just to spite her, what a dishonest scumy and poor emulation of a human being she is.

God damn it

I don't even like Bayonetta but for that statement I'm gonna buy 2 copies

the biggest switch up oat

meh article She has objectively been lying several times dont make it sound like she is just taking up how unfair it is or w.e


'Taylor was promptly ratio’d.'

As if I needed more reason to ignore whatever that hag says

I've never played any of the Bayonetta games, but looks like I'll buy this one

That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


Its too bad I'm a bit busy with other video games right now because between lying about the exact money she was offered and this horseshit I'm VERY tempted to pick up Bayo 3 now. Knowing the success of that game will make this woman seethe is worth the 80 Canadian dollars imo.

You mean the one who lied for attention ?

So, after all the Hellena Taylor Bayonetta 3 drama:

I love repping what you believe in but this is the wrong choice if you wanted more people to support you. Don’t go against 50% of the people backing you, should’ve stayed neutral.

looks like I can buy bayonetta in the end

Never played Bayonetta but I’m gonna make this my first one ☺️

I dont even have switch but will buy this game

She is allowed to do that ya know. This ain’t a dictatorship. People can have differing opinions. It really bothers me that this is so difficult for some (the left) to understand.

Why did she think she wouldn’t get exposed by a multi-billion dollar company? What was her objective here lmao?



Good for her, Being conditioned to kill babies instead of taking many of the steps to avoid getting pregnant early and being with someone you could have a future with is pretty sickening

what a spectacular meltdown

At this point I'm going to buy the game just out of spite

'One copy of Bayonetta 3 please.'

Based I guess? IDK who this is.

Lol no

wasn’t gonna buy it anyway but tis a good cause

Boycott money! 🤣 Are people actually donating to her for real? You know she lied about the whole thing right?

Why should men fight for women’s rights of freedom and they’re rights taken away when more than 40% of their own women’s population? Don’t wanna be free or wants their right taken I don’t get it. I don’t get it I don’t get it. What are we fighting for here people

Lol I bought mine!

Jesus christ who cares. Btw I believe she gave more than one donation option.

Bayonetta Dev Calls English Players Worthless Insects. They’re both bad people. Shocker…

How are you just gonna wake up and be like 'time to destroy my own career and everyone's trust'

Haha. For a partially-reformed troll like myself, this is all gold material. I didn’t create it, but the popcorn overfloweth. Good luck to all!

This whole ordeal is why I don’t see things with a black and white view. Never jump to conclusions.


Sure I will, let me hop on to the nintendo e-store en buy bayonetta 3... O wait was that a small lie?

Yep, despite what all you weirdos think, it's actually ok for ppl in the gaming sphere to be conservative. And maybe if y'all didn't alienate 50% of the country every day your website wouldn't be circling the toilet drain.


Taylor shows her true colors. What a two-faced pile of dung.

How fucking fast can you turn around the internet's opinion on you, jfc

Who donating money? Why are those people donating money? What tf is going on?

She's a mess tbh

That villain Arc is really crazy

So she lied and she’s a conservative. How am I not surprised?


Finally, a good article

lol what?

The is right that

Oh right, because there’s only one right opinion.

Lol there goes her entire career.

What a turn of events lmao.

Yeah I bought the game lol

The more I hear about this woman the less I like her.

It really sucks that a genuine discussion of how poorly the industry treats voice actors has been muddied by such an awful person

Ok but as someone who has English as her second language, boycott money sounds so off to me, it's like 'ohh so we tie up a dime and use it in a spending machine?'

I bought it from a physical game store and they gave me the preorder bonus even though it wasn't preorder 🤫


I wasn't planning on buying Bayonetta 3 since I've been too busy for a lot of gaming but this makes me want to buy the game now.

Jeez, she's working very hard to push the game up my to-buy list.

Better idea.

Grifters gon grift.

Man, she's just digging now

Glad to see she's taken all the steps to make sure we no longuer have to feel conflicted about whether to boycott the game or not, lol!

Nope. That typical bs a woman caught in lie then wants others ti come to her aid. Nah


how about a No. :)

How the hell does this woman expect us to support her cause, but she won’t support women 🤦🏾‍♂️ f outta here

I might go buy the game after all

Fly me to the unemployment office

It’s getting worse

Career suicide any% speedrun


Only thing she's done right

I can confirm that as a person who haven’t even touched nor even watched anything about bayonetta that it’s a terrific game and is worth all of your hard earned money!

I might just buy bayonetta

can someone explain what happened? i know she lied about 4000$ shit but like in what way

What a slow motion crash it's been since last week...

Bruh nvm lmaoo im going to buy the game just to spite her now why she have to turn everyone against her 😭😭😭

im busy playing bayonetta 3, sorry

she really is speedrunning how to ruin your public image


Damn. Now I want to buy Bayonetta 3.

You’re trying to paint her out as a bad person here.

I think I’ve bought everything I need.

JimSterling is gonna have a field day with this. The story that won't die.

Holy f*ck, never in my life have I played Bayonetta but thank you hellenataylor for convincing me to buy Bayonetta 3. You deserved less than $4k.

Lol now the liberal pile on begins

This is GENUIS marketing for Bayonetta 3.

Ah yes, pay money so people can suffer longer with potentially stupid mistakes. I'll get 20 copies of this game.

I think she was in a speedrun for who could destroy their career the fastest. Ezra Miller definitely looking good too, though.


Aaaaand all respect gone

Hard pass, I wont be in support of something that harms and effects countless lives. sorry for being pro-choice, but I believe women have the right to do with their body as they see fit.

Well she can go to hell

I cannot wait for MoistCr1TiKaL 's video.

This turned out well for her.

woketaku weirdos, dont freak out too much!

If anyone wants to donate a copy of Bayo 3, I'll stream it. 3

Call her Stanley Yelnats because she keeps digging herself deeper

Shes done for i fear

Bayonetta sucked anyway.

She wrecked her career over right wing politics...maybe the Lord does indeed work I'm mysterious ways....


prefer give it to this

Im going to buy the game and donate

lalo_irl La chica sigue cavando 💀

the way that people jumped to her side was funny ngl

Oh no

Too bad about the whole bad faith pay debacle, but at least she knows murder when she sees it.


lol anything for clicks ehh kotaku

Okay but honestly I just do not understand these 'charities' what will these groups even do to prevent abortions with money? Just go on full Mr.Beast and throw money at people to prevent them from abortions? Honestly just looks like a scam

Welp 💀 time to buy the 3rd game!

Yes, and?

Smells like damage control.

I'm so excited for the remasters of 1 and 2 that will feature a new voice actress.

I'm gonna buy the game so fucking hard

Will do, but I'll also buy the game.

Anti abortion lol

That lady did not tell the truth. Can’t trust her. She needs to be careful not to get sued

I have never seen a public image turnaround so fast lmao


Fk no, abortion is great!

GET HER ASS!!!!!!!


I would say that's the only good thing from her, but she'd probably lie about that, too.

Ya salió el peine

I think I'll buy the game now

Bruh Nintendo please release Bayo from Switch hell, this is the beat marketing anyone could ask for

These replies... You people are sick. Staying as far away from this game as possible and giving the money to that charity instead. You degenerates.

dang an ever bigger L

Ex-Bayonetta actress asks fans to donate boycott money to anti-abortion group

SamNX236 Damn she really suckin at winning this properly

Wtf is boycott money

Man this lady is just going further in the hole lol

She really had the world convinced she was a victim for 2 days but instead she's basically blacklisted herself and got bayonetta 3 a lot more press than Nintendo did

Bro what

Yeah, this is a sentence….


She sat there and lied about what happened to Platinum games that they had to pull out evidence. And you ask us to fucking support her? She might be lying about this. We can't trust her. Remember everyone and take this experience as a lesson. Don't trust a liar.

Why tf did it take you so long to tell the news, you’re like a week late


What a scumbag lol

I am all about life not death

Awww hell nah wtf man

Kill your babies have your cake and eat it to. Liberals.......


Man this is a disaster. It only gets worse

I’ve never played bayonetta but I’ve always been interested, well looks like today is the day to get all three

I'm just not gonna do either thing.


When a celebrity convinces the mob to do the opposite of canceling something they were a part of...

against abortion aborted her whole career

GospelOfIHM Guess we’re buying it now huh GospelOfIHM.

Damn I’ve never wanted to buy a game so much rn

Kotaku doing what they do 🤷‍♂️

Y’all really so eager to kill babies that’s wild😂😂


I don't even own the 2nd yet, but that's the fastest I've ever ordered something Fastest career nosedive ever?

I originally sided with her when Kamiya was throwing tantrums, but holy shit now she's telling us to support anti-abortion groups? Shitty.

She just keeps getting worse and worse, huh?

Ms. Taylor is done.

RIP her career, talk about a dumpster fire

I donated my money to Platinum Games, and they gave me a copy of Bayonetta 3 in return. 😂


Her loud ass supporters are really quiet for some reason today...wonder why...anyway

Anyone knows any good pro-abortion groups I can donate to?

Sorry I couldn’t hear you over the sound of jhaletweets absolutely SLAYING her new role

Didn't realize Platinum Games was an anti-abortion group, because that's the only place people's boycott money is going.

Still will do it ! You don’t replace actor thst easily! This is why American VA! Are trash

Fuck now I gotta get switch

Man she really said, I’m the worst most inconsiderate VA LOL huh

I wasn’t gonna buy Batonetta 3 but now I’m tempted to buy 2 copies just to spite this bitch

Just keeps getting worse and worse

You know I was feeling a little bad for buying the game and playing to all day today, but that was promptly dissuaded once I was having g so much fun AND NOW THE GUILT IS COMPLETELY GONE LOOK AT THAT

This entire situation has been the biggest 180 turn i think I've ever seen

Yesterday I was thinking this drama can't get any worse.

Buying beyonetta 3 asap

Let's not and say we didn't


I feel like a chump for believing her

It’s amazing how I go from supporting to absolutely hating someone in a matter of days.

MASSIVE FUCKING L, she is DESTROYING her career and fanbase

'Controversial anti abortion group' Unreal.

Good idea. Fuck abortion

Thank you for today’s entertainment


Ex bayo actress gets caught lying, proceeds to roll with the L by digging a deeper grave

Oh hell nah now we buyin multiple copies


Just when i thought this story couldn't have a shittier development...🫠

Good I will donate

Well, I'll be boycotting anyways because Nintendo doesn't need money from PC players. I'll gladly play it for free on my amazing Steam Deck ❤️ They should have tried to negotiate better with Hellena Taylor... her voice is Bayonetta's essence itself.


Gamergate 2: Electric boogaloo. Prepare the memes

So wait, the woman that voiced a witch, that kills Christian dogmatic monsters with the power of female sexuality, is anti-abortion? How did she square that circle in her head?

Imagine feeling so entitled as to tell people how to spend their money.

I'm 21, but i don't understand this headline

Maybe I'll buy Bayoneta now just cause

So... what... like I think what she did was wrong, at the same time her being anti abortion shouldn't be that big a deal, most people who are anti abortion, are women.

Based. Was gonna buy it now gonna boycott.

Just for that I'll be buying two copies.

Watching you all flip flop sides on this issue multiple times just reaffirms that most people lack any ability to think for themselves. You just want to be told who you are supposed to hate, cancel or support

To Hellena:

Damn, I might buy bayo 3 now

Was this not a news like a month ago or something?


Just got my copy today. Bye Helena.

Screw her, don’t bring politics into games


Gross. Pro-lifers.

Double down I guess.

Oh no she didn't!

The more I learn the worse this gets.

You hate to see this happen…. The self-destruction of a once great sultry-sounding icon. 😓

Yikes. She got Milkshake Duck'ed fast.

And now she begins to show her TRUE colors. I bet she will be getting chummy with Vic Mignogna in the future.

This is literally the opposite of what she actually wants lmao 🤣 nice 👍


Dude these women are evil

Naw, she's a liar.

It keeps getting worse. I want to get off this wild ride!

I need a sugar daddy to buy me 3 copies of Bayonetta 3👉👈


She officially lost the plot.

You know this kind of title is trying to create a narrative and specific reaction based on selective information. Journalism at best 🤦🏻

Haven't played the first two games, but now I'm considering buying the whole trilogy out of spite.

The quick fire Hellena fans that cancelled their Masquerade editions.

Now buying multiple copies 👍

That Jennifer Hale upgrade 🔥

Wow, she went from 100 to 0 in 2 weeks.

i wasn't actually going to buy this game at first but you know what, i might

I can’t wait to play this. I’ve never felt so good about a purchase

And y’all want us to believe all women LMFAOOOOOOOOO

lol 😂😂😂

It hasn't even been a fucking DAY man

Hellena Taylor's such a good sport, marketing Bayonetta so hard even after being dropped from the franchise

Is that supposed to be a bad thing? She listed multiple charities.

I love this so much. What a PC pretzel for the clowns to sort through.

Despite having no interest in the series after all these years, I'll be grabbing Bayonetta 3 for the holidays because of this.

I wasn't planning on buying Bayonetta 3 since I haven't played the others... But I sure am now.

She keeps taking L after L bruh 💀

No one cares what this bitch wants. I'm going to enjoy this fantastic game.


Bruh this shit keep getting worse and worse every week. When will she stop ruining her career.

I was going to stick up for her but after seeing this…


buying bayo 3 day one


They should redub the first two games at this point.

based, abortion is gross

Bro Bayonetta would have abortions for fun. Hellena is a fraud

She is like kanye in the way she is killing her career so fast.

I ain't buying this argument pal. And probably many people didn't as well.

$4k was too much

She turned her fans against her faster than she killed her career lmaoo

Wait a damn minute!! Kotaku is still a thing?

Already bought a Copy of part 3 with a steelbook... Now i want the collector edition.

good and why is this making headlines in a negative way? if it was the other way around people would be championing her. she is on the right side of this debate abortion is murder and glad she knows it and is willing to help stop it

Not even a Bayonetta fan but ima buy a copy now just out of spite.

She sucks it gets worse

Gonna buy a Switch and get Bayonetta 3 now

Never played the game but nice

I'm gonna support both then

Bruh I take everything back about supporting her. Fuck this

My sympathy was low after the lie, now it’s in the negatives. Glad her career is dead. Bye bye now!

Oof I knew this woman had something when she posted a religious passage on Twitter. That was a red flag

She pulled a 180 on being a fan favorite so fast💀

I might actually just buy bayonetta 3 now, even tho I had no plans to before xD

Shes a abortion hater? Lmao hell Naw then. I'll be donating my Money to Bayonetta 3 next Tuesday


All of my sympathy for her vanished in an instant

Sounds good to me!

I play 4 free so I don't care, thks to the people who buys.

Gonna donate to Planned Parenthood instead and then buy the game

I don't even have a Switch and at this point I'm gonna buy the game


Fuck now I have to boycot

Man this drama has TAKEN A TURN

Good for her fuck abortion.

And? She should go for her bag like everybody else does these days.

To late sorry already gave them 89.99 + tax maybe next time

x_spookshowbaby Lol

Oh hell no

She also said this back in 2019

Roleplaying as Witch

first I felt bad for her because I was more apt to believe that a company would severely underpay people, then when the proof rolls in and her follow up responses show that she is a terrible person.. I felt bad that I wasted any sympathy for her.

This just keeps getting worse eh?

Lol fuck that

ah hell no, this boycott backfired so fucking hard 💀

Uh oh. The many that don’t anything about the abortion topic that go by their parents and friends are really not gonna like this one .

How fast people went from “boycott this game” to “let me buy every copy in the store”

She's entitled to do as she pleases, but daaamn!

I suddenly want to buy 5 copies of Bayonetta.

Well that escalated to new heights!!

wait for real? oh this just got so much worse

More disappointment. The conversation should have stayed centered on recognizing voice actors and their potential mistreatment in the industry and instead we have this.

Dang it all

w h a t

What a Fucking joke lmaooooo ☠️

I don't even like Bayonetta but she is working hard to convince me to buy part 3 anyway. 😂 Platinum/Nintendo really SHOULD pay her more. If not for voice acting, then for great PR for a franchise that always struggled to reach a broad audience.

Who she think she is trying to be, Scott Cawthon ?

Yeah no. I'm not a fan of this game but I'll buy it just because she's totally lost it and I want to spite her now....

Well she could have used that £4k they offered for charity.....

She wont find decent work again. Keeps digging that hole deeper. What a dodo

What has to do gaming with some group?

Finally Kotaku stops trying to ‘both sides’ this story and mention that the old-VAs lied in the first paragraph instead of tucking it away near the end of the article Of all the major gaming sites, their coverage of this story has consistently been the worst. Shockingly bad

Rofl this keeps getting crazier

Uh oh

Buying 3 now

Now I'm going to buy Bayonetta 3 and donate to a pro-abortion group.

Bayonetta 3 turned out pro-life too 💩

Turns out the liar is as deranged as Kamuya or whatever the guys name is. Lol

Omfg she’s still at it? I think she may have killed her career

are you still going to defend her kotaku?

Really hoping that Bayonetta 3 handily outsells Bayonetta 2.

Swing and a miss

everyone if you can buy five copies

She can ask for whatever she wants.👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Definitely the hell no lol, Bayonetta would want women to have more rights not less

The 'when you already tanked any possible chance at doing voice over work (which she hasn't done in years) and want to make sure there is zero chance of recovery' mothod to quitting....

What the fuck

I think after all this shitstorm, she should stop talking for a while.

I'd donate it to Platinum Games instead and get a free copy of Bayonetta 3

Fuck Hellena

Excuse me?

Thats means she is pro life.

this actress gets worse by the day

I just received my trinity masquerade edition

Qué hacía a esa señora doblando a BAYONETTA?

And just like that she tanked her entire career

She really gave the game the best advertisement possible, should have asked to get paid for that

Oops. Anyone got any more Ls left to hand this lady?

We won't be boycotting lil bro

Thanks I love it

I got my special edition.🤣

What boycott money?

Of course the greedy liar 🙄

Yeah, as if anyone will believe or do what comes out of her mouth ever again.

Well. There’s the right wing bullshit.



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