Fifth Covid wave crashed through SA’s 97% antibody protection

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

The findings show the ability of Omicron sublineages to infect those who already have defences against the disease

SA experienced a fifth wave of Covid-19 infections despite 97% of the population having antibodies due to previous infections or vaccination, the results of a blood survey show.If you have already registered or subscribed, please sign in to continue.

SA experienced a fifth wave of Covid-19 infections despite 97% of the population having antibodies due to previous infections or vaccination, the results of a blood survey show...If you have already registered or subscribed, please sign in to continue.

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...but NO deaths. Why do you not report THAT!!

I'm unvaccinated

You mean those who are vaccinated?

My family and I are happily and proudly unvaccinated!!!!

With sincerity and gratitude in my heart I am sharing this testimony so other people will know that this platform is really legitimate am grateful AmelieBtc1

It always affects the vaccinated

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