Lando Norris Shoots Hilarious Scene With James Corden

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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McLaren driver Lando Norris (LandoNorris) shot a hilarious scene at the Miami Grand Prix with late-night television host James Corden

Norris responded with, “I’m Lando. I’m warm, but I’m getting on top of you later,” to which Corden told Norris, “Make it more of a friendship. You got to trust the track and let the track trust you. You are gonna lie down and tell the track a secret. Tell a secret that no one knows.”

After pausing for a moment, Norris, lying on the track, replied with, “I failed my first two drivers’ tests. I told my mom and dad that I passed the first time.”The hysterical scene that was captured byUnfortunately for Norris, the weekend wasn’t entirely filled with smiles and laughs. He did not finish the race after an accident with


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LandoNorris Can’t be that funny if that fat bloke is in it

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