New texts cast doubt on Andrew Gillum's 'Hamilton' ticket explanation

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Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum received a ticket to the Broadway show 'Hamilton' from a group that included an undercover FBI agent, according to text and email records released under subpoena by the lawyer for a former Florida lobbyist


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Ride that BlueWave. Watch video as dozens - yes DOZENS - of people turn out for Bernie Sanders rally.

Sounds rather innocent compared to conspiring with Russians and Saudis, or creating fake university or asaaulting dozens of women or stealing immigrant children from the arms of their mothers. BreakingBlue.

A Hamilton ticket? That’s the big story? 🙄

And? So what!

he watched as he was watched...great guy....told us all what was going on before it was going on....They call it the Trump Trap

FBI Really? Hmmm, they spent more time investigating Andrew Gillum for less then they did Kavanaugh for more and look where that got us... Sounds to me like the whole thing was a set up. But hey America Voted Trump in office apparently they will believe any old lie.


GOP wishes they had a member whose worst sin is accepting tickets to a play.

Oh give me a break, what has trump done and look at him, Kavanugh, GOP, stop it already!

I'm so glad and the FBI are hard at work figuring out who paid for Andrew Gillum's ticket to Hamilton... meanwhile the President of the United States is conspiring with Saudi Arabia to cover up the butchering of an American journalist, giving state secrets to Putin, etc.

Really cnn? Trump, Scott, desantis, and every other CorruptGOP are robbing the American people blind to the tune of millions and billions and you report on an Hamilton ticket as alleged by a lobbyist. For crying out loud. Get some perspective.

I think Andrew Gillum is a striaght up socialist, but this ticket thing is pretty lame.

Criminal,not worthy of office. If he takes that,what will he take in office.

So where does that rank on a scale of zero to billion dollar Medicare fraud?


Oh pleasE THIS IS FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!👎

Who cares?

His brother gave him the tickets but of course the GOP are going to make a huge big crap pile 💩out of it what has the GOP governor Gotten that he’s never disclose before and not from his brother how about from he’s good buddy crump

PreSiDenT TrumP PaiD HusH MoNeY To StorMyD & AnoTheR WoMaN! He DamN NeaR KiSSeD PuTiN’s Azz & InViTeD HiM To WhiTe HouSe FoR DiNNeR! BuT Ya’LL TaLkin BouT a TicKet! WaT AbouT DeSanTis BuDDIES At Jax SeCuRiTy MgmT GiVinG $700,000 FoRCamPaiGn ConTriBuTioNs! SweePinG UnDeR the RuG

So what

If he broke the law then why did the FBI or DOJ not file any charges. Why is the FBI not stating they gave him the ticket. This is a bull of a article and they are just trying to stir up false dirt on a candidate. They would of done charged him by now if there was any wrong doing

Tax breaks for the rich, no problem. Oh no! Hamilton tickets we need to investigate. Pure bullshit set up by GOP / WhiteHouse crooks. AndrewGillum bring it home!


They really desperate!

RACIST ROBO CALLS IN FLORIDA! This racist robo Call was probably orchestrated by the crazy dems willing to do anything to gain power. Republicans would never lower themselves to level. Look out Floridians.

And trump hasn't released his taxes and trump org is under federal investigation and report after report has demonstrated that the trump family fortune was built on corruption. Every time you run a bs story like this you should remind folks of this. To be balanced and all

Media giving this more coverage than the President's tax fraud. Typical.

Gillum is simply a liar. Democrats cannot be trusted. They are too desperate now.

🤦🏻‍♀️ really? Why is our FBI waisting my tax dollars on trying to catch this guy in a Hamilton ticket sting with under cover agents? This tweet is painful. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Hamilton tickets compared to thousands of dollars from the NRA supporting Trumpturd congressman.

What's the big deal? Glad he got to c it. Wish POTUS would go see Hamilton

Okay, and?

How can I put this so that all Republicans understand. You guys have Trump! Until he’s gone out of office all Democrats get a pass. We don’t care about any allegations on a Democrat like you didn’t care about all the allegations against Trump.

Oh no! Tickets to a broadway show? It’s worse than years of tax evasion and money laundering. Definitely worse than saying you like to grab women and most certainly worse than using a hostile foreign government to cheat an election 🤷‍♀️

Which he denied ever doing

Holy shit you got him! You finally got him! You’ve got hard evidence he *checks notes* Uhhhhhh *Flips pages in notebook.* Saw a broadway show?!?

What is your intention here🤔👀👀 see the orange president. Got lots in his closet.


Why should we care who has received tickets to a broadway show when the President is enriching himself with potentially billions of dollars as he breaks emolument rules, given himself & other wealthy folk tax breaks while the middle class gets crumbs?

Oh no!!!! I got gifts all the time from my students parents. I’m in trouble now! Republicans stop . You’re getting ridiculous. Win fair or go away. And media stop pandering to Republicans on these stupid stories they don’t watch you anyway. MSNBC nytimes washingtonpost AP

Wow this is all the dirt you could find, who hasn't gotten tickets for a show.. gtfoh

Wow? Hamiltons tickets is the problem GOP is worrying about! Not Russia, not election interference, not voter suppression or illegitimate POTUS but Hamilton tickets. GOP will have the moral authority of the devil when this fever breaks!


Here we go

The same FBI that was oblivious to what was going on in the campaign, doing a Hamilton ticket sting? They have zero credibility!

Trump steals half a billion in Tax Rip Off, and you report on this. Keep digging.

Boy, CNN is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. This is why the Food Channel is a higher rated show than CNN'S Anti American propaganda.

So What ?

WoW-trying to find dirt anywhere that is sensless.

Oh my God he took tickets Trump has done far worse.

Sour grapes from a former “friend.” One ticket from a group? Lol. How can this person allege an undercover FBI agent? I heard the FBI never admits to any ongoing investigation.

Suspicious timing CNN. You sure this isn’t a “her emails” story?

And GILLUM PAID FOR HIS OWN RACIST ROBO CALL... The DEMONcrats hard at work dividing the Nation...

He’s a typical entitled, corrupt leftist politico.

He was corrupt to the core in Tallahassee….would be a total disaster as Gov…and this goes way deeper than 1 Hamilton Ticket. DeSantis just got a gift. How is he losing to this guy in the 1st place.


So he LIED

That’s it, act like special favors and tickets worth thousands of dollars is no big deal... Let’s just overlook corruption because he’s a Democrat...


Hamilton tickets? Who cares? Is this supposed to be a campaign violation? I don't support this guy but this issue is ridiculous. We're using court time and money to investigate tickets to a play? Are we to believe because a lobbyist gave him tickets he's now bought and paid

No surprises. He runs one of the most corrupt cities in Florida.

Ok, we have a white man 'running ' our country who admitted to sexual assault, tax evasion, draft evasion, AND committed treason on national television so you want to go after a man who saw Hamilton with the FBI?! Wow..

🤨 Ya’ll know this is leading up to the FBI going “oh we are gonna investigate him” a week out from election day - Then a couple of days later, FBI “oh, nah, we not, nothing there, our bad” .. Cue “But HIS emails!!!...” 💆🏽‍♀️

guilty until proven innocent - clearly this is as big a story as the President of the United States covering for dictatorial murders

Undercover FBI agent giving out covert Broadway tickets to entrap politicians? Some may call this hostile entrapment. Still, if the fish didn’t open its mouth, it wouldn’t get caught in the hook! Fact!

Oh so the right isn’t worried about Russia meddling or a lying orange hack. But upset over a PAC giving out Hamilton tickets.

sounds like some Cambridge Analytica crap. the goverment did this stuff back in the day right. In the sixty surveillance on MLK, and others of color so it is ok undercover surveillance of black politicians. Set up

Seriously? Hamilton? A Broadway Show?

For Florida's sake I hope they disqualify the Democrats

SlidinDelta No surprise -

What about his all expense paid trip for his family to Costa Rica? Then, magically, the same people who paid the bill were awarded million dollar contracts? 👎👎👎👎


Ok now do DeSantis and the missing $145,000 in taxpayer money. I’ll wait

Don’t report this shit.

So the FBI entrapped him. The republicans are in the death throws and they know it. This is the textbook definition of “grasping at straws”. Next you will tell us that Blackburn received over $600,000 from the opiate manufactures in a state plagued by opiate addiction!

Just who cares, just more propaganda, Trump and his administration have done so much worse.

There you go corruption at its finest!!!

Good thing Liberals don’t vote for people under FBI investigation

This is the difference between news outlets like CNN as opposed to FOX (Fake) News.If Gillum was a Repub, FOX would never report such an allegation, but here we r with CNN reporting this about another story on Scott & how he defrauded Medicare.

Where did VP Pence get his Hamilton ticket? I know... from the FBI agents that protect him and paid for by me and my fellow Americans You have got to do better than this petty bull

More propaganda

Are you KIDDING me? A ticket to a show? Why don't you come out here to California and address tens of thousands of dollars used improperly by DevinNunes to go to Celtic basketball games. I will not watch anymore. jaketapper donlemon ChrisCuomo andersoncooper WTF

Gillum tax and spend. Is that what you want in Florida

Don’t the Democrats get it, only Trump is entitled to lie or misrepresent things. Everyone else is held to a higher standard. Lying and misrepresentation is only acceptable for the President. How messed up is that?

If Ryan Zinke did this the left would want him held at gitmo while he awaited trial.😆

Wow. realDonaldTrump lies multiple times a day. This is bs

You are seriously going to denigrate a guy fighting a Nazi for THAT?

F*cking CNN going full NYT over these past few days to dig up dirt on Dem candidates. I KNOW they’re not this good at scoops, someone’s dropping “hints” and these reporters can’t help but to p*ss the bed. Hmmmmm....

Go ahead CNN ... make huge headlines about our democrats POSSIBLY getting free tix to a play but forget that trump is a racist nationalist!! It’s 2016 all over again ... but Hillary’s emails!!As long as our candidates didn’t commit sexual or treasonous crimes, IDGAF what he did!!

Ok I applaud equal reporting but fucking really? This is our focus - people in trump admin are flying on private jets daily and he is campaigning and breaking all really I don’t give shit about Hamilton show ((which everyone should see btw)

So sad, grasping at straws!

cnn at it again. Still waiting to see the leaked audio of Republican Kemp saying something has to be done to suppress the minority vote...y'all shady.

Rick Scott paid the LARGEST fine for Medicare fraud, no problem. But the black guy who somehow git a ticket to a Broadway show, now that’s a problem.

And?...... Whats your point?...... We've seen worse!

He is corrupt. Last thing the failing democrats need is another unethical self serving candidate.

Really CNN, this is what you are going with!

So he lied on your debate program.

I haven’t heard a peep from y’all about that nytimes article about what’s his name not paying taxes or did you already move on?

He is a Progressive. Like Obama they have to lie. I can’t understand why Florida want higher taxes and sanctuary cities. It’s crazy. Snap out of it. Jobs not mobs

WOW a ticket to Hamilton.

This is all they’ve got on him? Haha!

So what! Trump and his family have violated law after law and he is still president. Stop looking for reasons to bring good politicians down and focus on what we can do to advance our country. Because right now we are in deep shit

Is this Scott's and Desantis best shot?

Oh my GOD! Hamilton tickets


Pay to play involving a play. Classic.

Really? This is news? Come on! Let’s talk about who paid off Kavanaugh’s debt or the Trump Crime Syndicate and their taxes.

Better than a certain someone.. on a certain bus via YouTube

Who cares? No one.

Now you just need to report on Cory Bookers sexual assault, Robert DiNero involvement in underage sex trafficking, the carvaners being paid, the bloodied Mexican police and the fact that all have claimed they are coming for better jobs none claimed their safety. Try and be real

JC! you've got Rick Scott who stole millions from the elderly and trump who colluded to win the election! YOU WANT TO GO HERE CNN?!!! REALLY!!

...The campaign against him has been fueled by blatant racism and gaslighting, and the best you can come up with is 'He maybe lied about how he got a Broadway ticket?' I'm gonna swing for the fences here and say that those don't balance out.

October surprise. How did that happen?

They praise Trump for his corruption. Anyone else? Not ao much...

This crap is not going to work; The Man is doing this and none of the mess republicans are trying to do (again) is NOT going to stick to anything!!!

So y’all on a smear campaign too CNN?

This has Trump written all over it... Desantis probably gets money from the NRA and the Russians.

Did someone payoff his $200,000 debt for this Hamilton ticket? How ridiculous is this?

This is what you are covering?!?!? FFS!!! Not like anything more important is going on out there or anything. I have yet to see any of you confront president with his lies.

Republicans can act with total impunity, but one slip by a Democrat and it’s a month long FoxNews talking point. That’s the problem with being bound by morality.

Meanwhile, Dotard is referring to himself as a nationalist. Perspective

Lol. CNN has a new ad featuring Andrew Gillum saying 'facts first'. Turns out, like CNN, he is a phony and corrupt as hell!

Corrupt Socialist will destroy Florida’s economy and retiree population! State taxes will be implemented in order to fulfill his agenda!

Who gives a f%k about a broadway ticket, trump is covering the murder of a journalist. Focus on that!

Seriously? AYFKM... do NOT make this a story

So, his brother was in the crew that went to the play, but because there was also an FBI agent, there were doubts about his brother? I’m sorry but unless his brother peeled off his skin to reveal an alien during intermission, I don’t see the point here.

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Andrew Gillum got 'Hamilton' tickets from undercover FBI agents, despite claims to the contraryText messages reportedly show that, despite past denials by Gillum and his campaign, he accepted tickets during their trip to New York for the Broadway musical play 'Hamilton' from an undercover FBI agent. Trump has shredded the emoluments clause, and continues to line his pockets via the presidency, and nobody seems to care. I don’t see why a couple of theater tickets should matter at this point. It's one freaking ticket, seriously
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