Knightley bans some Disney films at home

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Keira Knightley bans daughter from watching some Disney films


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Keira Cough nepotism cough cough! Sorry you were saying?

BBC for God's sake change your sensational headlining, she hasn't banned her three year old, she has just exercised get parental guidance !!!!

Silly bugger.

That poor luuvie Keira being so exercised over cartoon fairy tales. What drove her deep political insight into these malevolent & sexist Walt Disney classics? It’s ridiculous! What’s next? Complaints about Disney’s use of animals or their voices? equality Snowflakes Disney

By what desperate definition does this 'inform, educate and entertain'?

I’ve decided to have a self imposed ban on watching Keira knightly films

If I was Keira Knightly I think I’d be more concerned if my child watched my crap acting!

It’s just a cartoon.

But it's ok for her to play a character in a movie that has her shackling a man to a pole, kissing him without his consent & leaving him there to die? Oh & getting paid to do so. Atta girl, gotta love those double standards!

Would suck to be her kid.

Wow kids watching “underground “ movies at their friends house 😮

Get a grip Keira

Then Shes a great mom.

What a silly sausage have you got any nude shots of her?

Seriously this generation of actresses and actors are deluded....I bet she's allowed on mindless games!

Find something better to do with your time between movies Kiera like some charity work for battered women not cartoons

What do feminist parenting experts have to say about acting ?

Keira Knightley is an idiot.

Her kids get to miss out because fictional cartoon movies give Keira the hurty feelys.

The usual privileged champagne pc socialists who have no idea what life is like in the real world yaaaaaawn

Unsurprising. The last Star Wars was shite.

As is her right.

FGS,Disney productions are just fluffy pretend made up films for children's imagination (male & female)which in fact my nephew loved...dressing up in Cinderella shoes/dresses. HE wanted to be HER.They are NOT factual documentaries about role-models.

I have to admit I've never watched the film either. Disney films are just to airy fairy for me. Animated or not, they are unrealistic because not everything is 'happily ever after'.

Little girls like to dress up as cinderella They are children and in their eyes See arettyprincess so they want to have a dress like cinderella when the child goes to school and parenting Teach your children about life and growing up NOT DISNEY FILMS


Wrong wrong leave the Disney films alone you our parents and their parents grew up with snow white cinderella Bambi it's the new version that are wrong

That's very silly. We cannot change the world of yesteryear, but we can use it as a teaching aid to help children discern what is now acceptable in our world, and why. Banning past stories shows a level of intolerance which is fuelled by ignorance. No book ban ever helped anyone.

We have grown up with Disney films And taking away and changing is not the way They are little girls and boys dreams What do you want to change all the dressing up and wonders of the Disney world


Omg worlds gone mad silly woman

Sad. World has gone insane 😐🙄😔🙁😡

Disney issues profit warning ⚠️

This is news ?

Headlines in 15 years time: 'Daughter of once famous Keira Knightly checks into rehab for drug and alcohol abuse and criminal behaviour after years of bizarre conditioning by mother.' Some people just think they are special little snowflakes when affected by stardom and fame.

Lol the poor luvvie, has she been out of the news that long that she has to say something completely stupid ! Typical “look at me “ comments from a ridiculously needy actor (definition of actor=someone who can’t handle being themselves) . So , this is what it’s ....

She is a parent. She makes choices. Does not mean I have to agree with her.

She needs to ban herself from anything public .

FF’s sake ....

Self entitled virtue signalling celebrity has ridiculous ideas about the world to show how special she is. What’s new.

well Brave is a great one!

I thought her name was Kiera* Knightley*

So, she thinks Prince Charming was just trying to get his end away with Snow White, and not save her from an evil spell Kiss of life for women off limits then..? Keira Knightly and Ellen DeGenerate are both LiberalMorons who really shouldn't be on the screen.


Who cares? Report on something that matters.

Bless her heart

Pathetic didn't stop her becoming famous did it

This is news Do people really care what she or her children watch at home? There's some very bored people in this world..

That's a coincidence. 'cos I've banned my kids from watching Keira Knightley films because 1) they are predominantly shite and 2) I don't want them to grow up thinking constantly pouting like a fish is the norm.

Never mind Disney, the U.K. series of reading books (Floppy kipper and Chip) in schools is as close to traditional and Conservative as you can possibly get. Winds me up a treat.

I would not let her watch the news then.

I’m banning my children from watching Back to the future, time travel is dangerous

Daft cow

If she was a good Mother, she would only guide her daughter, allowing her daughter to see both sides & to dicide for herself. Wrapping our kids with cotton wool does not help them to develope

Quite right. Watch David Attenborough.

Idiots. Just stupid. Innocent entertainment for children used for politically correct claptrap agendas. Mad.

Bend it like brainless

I totally agree with her 👍🏾

More minor celebrity shit who cares what she does, this is a waste of energy

In Britain our kids watch CBeebies

They are fairytales FFS - when’s this PC shite ever going to end

I’m sorry you look into things too much ... I don’t think any small child is thinking that way only if you portray it to them !


Can we ban Kiera Knightly from acting in films because she’s so annoying?

Never heard anything so ridiculous

Here we go ......🙄


Her films are shit so I don’t watch them either


Its between Keira and her 3 year old. This is not news.

People are way too sensitive these days. The little mermaid and Cinderella are classics!

Wouldn’t it be better to use the opportunity to explain however simple that things used to be different and how!!!

Any film with Keira Knightly in is banned in my house!!

Why is this news? All parents know what's best for their own children. So what if you disagree she ain't your mum so why waste your time writing this article and our time by reading it. Come on do better BBC

And yet again the only reason this complete non story gets airtime is because is pushing their agenda onto the British people. Understand this .. The vast majority of the British public will read this and think ‘ what a silly cow’

Absolutely pathetic. Liberalism at its worst!!

Good for you. I loved the fact that my daughter never got into gender roles. Never went for dollies or barbie dolls. She went for SpongeBobSquarePants. Which lead her to be very accomplished in playing the ‘Clarinet’, then the ‘Saxophone’. Thanks Squidward!!!

Who really gives a flying fuck?

Really - fairytales excluded from childhood - what next children shouldn’t be children

Like Pirates of the Caribbean?

But happily takes a pay check from Disney

yawns sad and sick

Watching anything with a strong man in the lead role...

Hopefully Love Actually then, because she is a horrendous person in that movie.



That's nice

Is she short of work or something, she gone a bit potty

You can lay down whatever rules you want while they're young but it doesn't mean they will love you for it when they are older.

Aren’t disney films just adverts for the overpriced tat they sell in their shitty shops?

The tone of voice is mimicking and ridiculing parents who have raised valid concern on raising kids in our world where abuse and discrimination become senior authorities. What’s it about self initiative humans and treating fellow citizens with respect troubling you, BBC?


Banned It Like Beckham

I don't believe a word of this. This is simply a struggling actress looking for attention!!!

But she’s happy to star in the movies and take a pay cheque. Hypocrite

Don't worry, they can still watch Song of the South together.

They are fairytales FFS - when’s this PC shite ever going to end

I mean, each to their own so I'm not going to criticise, but I think I prefer the route of helping my child to enjoy an entertaining film *and* challenge any content that may need challenging.

😢 🎻

FFS! This girl-power stuff went out of fashion years ago love...😏

Fuck me who cares

only some!? I have banned my nieces and nephews from watching all disney channels and movies. They do nothing but dumb down children especially black children.

Such shit honestly everyone’s going mad

In other News Kiera took a 💩 this morning

Why does this shit even make the news!!!!

As she is like a stick insect, hope she's also going to ensure her daughter doesn't think its the norm to look like her mother.

How is this news?

Is she about to push a new film or something..........,what so called celebs will do or say just to get into the news 🤔

dipshit...they are classics.

Why is this news?

Don't ban your daughter from watching the movies, use it as a teaching moment. MAGA

Parenting is getting more and more difficult every day. I shall look on with great interest how my granddaughters react.

What a complete arse. It's fuckin Disney films for kids

Well,we live in a world where everybody can say anything they want,even stupid things and one of them is you🙄just trying to get some attention even though you’re an actress and you should understand more than us about movies.

Another celebrity twat, famous so controversial

How on earth's name can the BBC class this as news

😂 this creases me. My 11 yr old daughter is fierce. Her heroes are iamstephbeatz and MingNa. Strong women who do the rescuing. But she was raised on Disney and recognises for herself that women don’t need to be saved. A child will learn, you don’t have to decide for them

So movies like Frozen where girls are drawn with perfect figures and women are taught to be princesses. You think that’s a good thing? I wish feminists actually knew what feminism was. Of course they’d likely have to have an education or know how to read, turns out that helps.

Fair point. I'm yet to see a half woman, half fish hybrid amongst society. Totally unrealistic.


Fuckin GROAN...............................

If I had kids. I wouldn't band from watching any movie they wanted. I’d watch movies with them & talk to them about the what we’ve just seen. Let kids discover & hear different views than your own. I wouldn’t shield my kids to much cuz it doesn’t help them in the long run.

Well if I were that kid I'd sue her. This is a free country; we have rights here in the USA! We should be able to watch whatever we want!!!! What's wrong with being a woman? Bad Mommy!!!

What a crank


Hope she gives Disney al her money back then from when she played a damsel in distress !

Top notch reporting wasting license fee as always!

Bet she’s fun at a party 🎉

Absolutely pathetic! Do people really take Disney films that literally!!

Muppet media promoting the scripted opinion of a created celebrity, and that is where we are at.

Why Disney films are for kids nothing wrong with em my kid watches then miss knightly should get a life

Some of them are shit to be fair...

Recently, the BBC seems to have 'published' several Keira Knightly non-stories. May the good licence fee payers ask why? Is it because the BBC is no longer a serious News outlet, but is now a glorified 'Buzzfeed' ? Consequence of poorly-educated 'journos' and editors?

This is news? Must be a slow day 🤔

Who gives a shiny shit?

Doesn’t she get a royalty check from Disney? She is biting the hand and Hollywood is eating their own. Where’s the 🍿?

Absolutely pathetic. What has happened to this once great country of ours?

Who cares about this OK magazine drivel?

What about a leading researcher in child psychology? What do they recommend? That would be more valuable information than what an actress says.

Cinderella is my favourite movie, and I'm sick of people saying she just 'waits around' for men to help her. She is a strong, smart woman!

her own?

Stupid reasons. Every fairy tale has a hero and a fair maiden. It's all these gender neutral rubbish that's filtering through now.

I’ve banned everyone from watching Keira Knightly films. A wooden plank is far more able.

Sorry but who cares

Instead of banning them why not teach her why you think they're not so great. Wait until she gets a bit older and watches them herself anyway

What about cartoon porn?

Let’s just ban everything become clones that is the way it’s going. Actually who really cares I don’t.

....ban the Bible while your at it Dickens, Shakespeare... in fact...burn down all the libraries, start again..Year Zero

This is not noteworthy at all.


Of course all of these Disney films have seriously damaged children over the years, harming their prospects of any future, and bringing no joy whatsoever.

Political correctness gone insane.

Sad that her daughter won’t ever get the magic of the Cinderella story. For a child, it’s not about feminism or the power of women or anything. It’s just a love story. Ffs 2018

Slow news day?

Imagine if Disney films were all you had to worry about in your life... 🤔

how sad ChildrensChildhood, I loved the Disney films so beautiful let them have a choice, magical films will always stand the test of time, let them think about issues when their older.

Who ? What rubbish news

Stupid woman just another let’s moan about something to get attention. I will lay odds she dressed up as a Disney princess when she was a child.....oh wait is that whys she’s a bloody moaning Minnie now?

If I had children I would definitely ban them from listening to radio 1 surgery. Some of the topics pushed are truly disgraceful

She can make these ridiculous decisions because the bloody kids will never enter the real world! There kept in an hermetically sealed environment until there ready to become luvies like the parents.

SteveBrookes69 Does it include the film Bedknobs and Broomsticks because it has the word knob in the title?

I'm all for our children being little adventurers - brave & fierce but we also want them to pair up that sass & independence with some cuteness & to be inspired! The music, the tales, the funny characters - Disney films are not solely focused on a girl/boy relationships x

Who cares, attention seeking biff

K K only lets daughter watch Snow White Disneys...could be The Sun's headliner?

Don’t care much for Keira Knightley , she is mediocre and can only play one type , like her even less now

The inside of Ms Knightley's head right now... KeiraKnightley LostInShowbiz UpHerOwnArse PCGoneMad MorePCBollocks

Bambi 😂😂😂 as it’s brutal 😜

Cods wallop !!!!!

This isn’t news.

Not exactly headline news

Absolutely pathetic. Why dont these Hollywood stars use their recognition to try and fix real world problems instead of wasting time of these idiotic ideas that help no one. The media should stop endulging them and printing their stories. Those of us from reality dont care.


I thought little girls wanted to be a princess, isn’t that what Disney portrays.

Honestly... who cares what she does?

How is this news? Why is this news?

Proof once again that you can't be too thick to be an actress

Those shit Pirates of the Caribbean ones for starters

Please tell me why this is news worthy?

Start with The Last Jedi

Keira 'twice' Knightley has lost the plot

YES!!! I'm not the ONLY one🙌🏽💁🏽🙋🏽

What utter nonsense. They’re fairytales, don’t allow radical feminism to ruin the fun.

Actual news. BBC news. Well done. No really.

Yes I suppose The Little Mermaid is an inaccurate representation of woman

Bambi Goes Crazy Ape Bonkers with his Drill and Sex? bambi disneynasty

Disney made Pirates of the Caribbean?

Shame. I used to like Keira.

Biting the hand that feeds you

Can you please start reporting some actual news. I'm sure the world has not ran out of them.

I don't blame her. Those movies ruin all men for women. Plus, no one has a waist that tiny.

Bless her heart

Keira has become a feminazi, a shame cause I liked her back in 1999-2008(when she actually starred in big films)

What about Snow White?

I'd better make sure I am home for the News at 6 to follow this story live.... NotNews

Depriving her poor child of such great films.


Someone should ban her from our lives!

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 would be a good start.


There is slave trade ongoing in Libya and 14 million of people are starving because of civil war. Report these.

Didn’t complain when she got that big fat paycheque from Disney though did she hypocrite

Who give shit

Poor kid🌸

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