LAPD issues tactical alert to break up punk show in Cypress Park; revelers set off fireworks, disrupt traffic

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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Video of the show posted to social media showed a crowd of about 1,000 people or more

Los Angeles police issued a citywide tactical alert to disperse a large crowd that gathered at a punk show in Cypress Park on Saturday night, with some revelers setting off fireworks while others disrupted traffic.Police responded to the 2000 block of North Figueroa Street around 9:45 p.m. to reports of a large crowd setting up for a possible party, said Officer William Cooper, a police spokesman. They found people trying to set up a stage of some sort, he said.

A tactical alert was broadcast for extra officers to respond and help disperse the crowd, he said.posted to social media showed a crowd of about 1,000 people or more. A band could be seen playing while people set off fireworks.The event took place in Egret Park, which is next to an overpass, and some of the partygoers reportedly spilled onto the freeway, disrupting traffic.


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Waste of resources.

Bash their heads like in Echo Park! Oh, never mind, these are wealthier white young people just blowing off steam.

Sounds like Democrats

Were the white rioters tear gassed? Sprayed with rubber bullets? Thrown facedown in the ground, arrested, & tossed into jail? No? 🤔


TRIVIA QUESTION!!!!!! Who here likes Imagine Dragons?

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