Noel Clarke: Sky halts work with actor after harassment allegations

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Sky 'halts' work with Noel Clarke after harassment allegations

Sky TV has "halted" its work with actor Noel Clarke after allegations of sexual harassment were made against him by a number of women.

The Kidulthood and Doctor Who star, 45, has said he "vehemently" denies "any sexual misconduct or wrongdoing".allegations from 20 women, all of whom knew Clarke in a professional capacity.Noel Clarke collected his outstanding contribution Bafta Award on 10 April A spokesperson for the company said it had "launched an urgent investigation to find out if any [alleged incidents] apply to any Vertigo Films productions", but that "no issues have been flagged to us".

"These were either anonymous or second or third-hand accounts via intermediaries," it said. "No first-hand allegations were sent to us. No names, times, dates, productions or other details were ever provided. "We completely understand why the individuals were extremely fearful to identify themselves to us, and we recognise how hard it is for victims to speak up," it said. But Bafta added that it was "an arts charity that is not in a position to properly investigate such matters".


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I love it when the woke crowd turn on their own!

What happened in innocent till proven guilty

Guilty until proven innocent? Could have sworn it was meant to be the other way around.

Lets see these 20 names then.. And each allegation.. Innocent until proven guilty man... Our society is all wrong... The world has gone mad in every aspect... JC.

Bunch of Jews playing Judge and Jewry again ... sorry jury

This is no different to when a teacher or a politician is suspended pending further investigation when faced with accusations of a similar nature, so what is the problem?

He should sue sky and all those who have stopped his work without due process!

Why are individuals convicted by public opinion instead of the proper judicial route. Sad times we live in.

Are harassment charges the new black or something? Everyone's getting them.

We,l, that’s him finished, shame, I like his work.

Trial by Social media where people are assumed to be guilty and need to proof their innocence rather than the presumption of innocence that should be followed. We live in a age where people hold as much value in someone's word as they do for actual proof unfortunately

He has not been found guilty of anything. Why punish the ITV audience? 😡

His career is very quickly disappearing down the potty

Media has already found him guilty. Wrong if he is innocent. Career now in ruins.

So many allegations from so many women plus a number of corroborating witnesses.i suspect more will come forward

😔..Once again TRIAL BY MEDIA..Just bc the guardian publishes a story allegedly by 20 women then obviously it must be true..GIVE ME A BREAK..What happened to innocent until proven guilty..instead people jump to knee jerk reactions believing him to be guilty based on MEDIA 💩..

Smoke no fire

Is it not appropriate that these allegations are investigated by Police and not by media?

When did it become okay to destroy someone’s life with presumption of guilt without any trial.WAKE UP woke mentality is destroying us and eroding our freedoms. Guilty unless proven innocent now normal. When did we become a herd of mindless followers. So sad

Feel sorry for this man his name dragged through the mud due to allegations. And of course the UK white media will be all over is because the alleged aggressor is a black male.

It’s just wrong that his career is being destroyed on basis of allegations which may or may not be true. He should be judged to be innocent until proved not to be.

That’s his career over, kangaroo court style justice

Publish the allegations or leave him alone

This worries me. His work is being cancelled and he has had his BAFTA withdrawn and people have stopped watching Viewpoint. Now he may or may not be guilty of these accusations I don’t know. But already he is guilty and work is drying up. Innocent until proven guilty.

lestamassive Is this a joke? Man won a major award & haters out there spewing shit for a bit of clout to ruin his name! Sky - get a grip & long May Bulletproof continue! Anyone seen how hard this guys worked to get to this position! Fantastic actor & all his interviews shows he’s a good guy!

Where’s Adam Decon? He was right !!

Our sensational media outlets seem to have changed the UK law to guilty until you prove yourself innocent. Worse of all if these allegations are proved false nothing is done to the persecutors. Women will change it when they start getting false allegations against them 🤬

Already presumed guilty which is wrong, due process should decide that, the Media being judge and jury

This is going to make some lawyers very rich

Guilty by media, this is disgraceful.

So they strip him of his award and you guys give him a trial by media, allegations are flying around about bigger fish at the moment don’t you think

What has happened to innocent until proven guilty. Oh Lordy Lordy!

They just love to bring a black man down . BLM

Surprised BBC news is reporting this a non white man doing something wrong ? Unheard of

Oh dear 😯

But he would also be classed as a employee and they have a care of duty over other members of staff to keep them safe until it’s investigated

This is incredibly wrong. IF he is innocent of these accusations then an innocent man has had work and reputation destroyed. IF he is guilty then he deserves this outcome. It is for the courts to determine, not the media and they should be prohibited from publishing any details.

How about everybody halts their Sky subscription s while they have a rethink?

Cliff Richard anyone?

refreshing, I thought it was only white people who are guilty before being proved innocent.

How's been a arrogant naughty little boy, when dirt sticks there's always a stench behind it, not so big headed and arrogance and smug now hay the great pretender

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