Hunter Schafer Can’t Quite Believe 'Euphoria'’s Influence on Makeup

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'We were like, 'Let’s do whatever, let’s have fun with it!''

, Hunter has joined forces with Japanese beauty brand Shiseido as Global Makeup Ambassador. Her new role as the face of Shiseido is truly no surprise, given the lighthas shined on her beauty skills. "I still can’t believe it’s reached as far as it has," Hunter told's influence. "I mean, it’s really sweet to see kids seeing themselves in these characters and being able to try that on.

Hunter also went on to chat about her personal relationship with makeup, saying, "I definitely began experimenting with makeup sort of in secret, like stealing my sister’s stuff and doing it behind closed doors in my bedroom just to see how it felt and see how it looked. And then it moved into like sneaking it to school and putting it on, like, in the bathroom once I got to school and then taking it off before my parents picked me up.


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