More than a million Canadians engaged in overnight holiday-season travel, data show

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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Those who ignored the stay-at-home warnings tended to be wealthy and white

“That’s a bit of a dangerous thing during a pandemic.”

Zain Chagla, a professor of medicine at McMaster University and an infections disease physician, said the socioeconomic discrepancies in overnight travel figures point to which groups see themselves as low-risk. “It’s remarkable,” he said. In Montreal, the affluent neighbourhoods of Westmount, Outremont and the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce also saw the highest overnight travel rates. Similar trends were also apparent in Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver.“I don’t think anyone who watched the news, read a newspaper, listened to the radio or engaged with any type of media wouldn’t know that they shouldn’t have congregated over Christmas,” Dr. Chagla said. “This was a population that saw that message and decided not to adhere to it.


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Well there you go and they wonder why cases are going up?

I see the media is trying to deflect from the real issues such as: where the heck are the VACCINES?

Overnight holiday travel would mean staying at a family members house, how on earth would they get that information?


Do not allow them re-entry into the country. Generally - they disobey quarantine orders, thereby segregate them on an island etc., to ensure transmission rates are isolated.


Keeping the coronavirus alive.

So how about instead of lockdowns we restrict travel? People stay at home, kids don’t go to school, businesses are ruined , but sure, go on your holiday 🙄

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