Everything you need to know about Lupin, the new Netflix series that's overtaking Bridgerton and The Queen's Gambit

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What's all the Lupin fuss about? Here's what you need to know...

Other cast members include Vincent Londez, Ludivine Sagnier, Hervé Pierre and Soufiane Guerrab.Viewers and critics alike are praising the show, with comments like: "Very stylish, slick, Omar Sy is one of the most charismatic people you will see on TV.

"Binge-watched Bridgerton? These are the best period dramas on Netflix that are perfect for a spot of escapismBinge-watched Bridgerton? These are the best period dramas on Netflix that are perfect for a spot of escapismAnd: "Three episodes into Lupin on Netflix and absolutely loving it. Think Thomas Crown and Danny Ocean teaming up with the Count of Monte Cristo and prepare for a smart, deeply drawn show."cookie preferencesStrong recommendation: Lupin on Netflix.


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