Moderna's vaccine found highly effective, clearing way for a second vaccine

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FDA documents show the vaccine is not only extremely effective, but it may also reduce the spread of the virus.

The fact that President Trump, QAnon’s hero, claims credit for developing the vaccines hasn’t impeded the spread of negative rumors about them.The Treasury Department says it knows the Iranian intelligence officers who kidnapped the former FBI agent Robert Levinson who died in their custody. U.S. officials announced on Monday that two members of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security would be sanctioned for their alleged role in Levinson’s kidnapping and detention.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger would like Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler to re-evaluate their priorities.On Monday, the two senators facing re-election runoffs in January tried once again to discourage confidence in the upcoming election, demanding an updated list of registered voters before early voting began. But as Raffensperger, a Republican, pointed out in a Tuesday press release, Loeffler and Perdue already had the information they were looking for.


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