Gloria Estefan Blames Fan Interaction For Her COVID-19 Experience

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

Entertainment Entertainment Latest News,Entertainment Entertainment Headlines

Gloria Estefan followed the pandemic rules. She claims she “rigorously” complied with health and safety measures, limiting her exposure to others. But the 63-year-old singer admitted du…

followed the pandemic rules. She claims she “rigorously” complied with health and safety measures, limiting her exposure to that she was “one of the victims of COVID.”

Despite her adherence to protocols, Estefan said she dined outdoors at a restaurant in Miami with three family members. She tested negative days later, but soon started feeling ill and got the classic“The only thing that I can imagine happened is that someone came up to me when I was eating and tapped me on the shoulder,” she said.

She continued, “I was very lucky. But I just wanted to share with you that I was in quarantine, and one day I went out and met with one person who was not wearing a mask. I even held my breath through their talk, but something must have happened there,” she said. Estefan fell ill in early November, spending two weeks in total isolation on the second floor of her home. She credits vitamins for her ability to avoid the disease’s worst aspects.

“Fear was my biggest problem,” Estefan said. “We’ve got to grab fear and shake it and just do whatever you can to keep your immune system as healthy as you can.”During her long career, Estefan has sold more than 100 million records, with 38 #1 Hits on the Billboard charts. She is a seven-time Grammy award-winning singer, actress, songwriter, and author of two New York Times best-selling children’s books.


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Maybe her ass shouldn’t have been out in the first place...hmmm?

Yeah, um, “rigorously” complying with health and safety measures does not include dining at a restaurant whether it’s inside or outside..... 😞

I feel like this isn’t gonna end well for anyone here

She's gonna get cancelled isn't she?

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