Gloria Estefan Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Interaction With Maskless Fan

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Entertainment Entertainment Headlines News

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GloriaEstefan revealed she tested positive for COVID-19 and spent two weeks in isolation in November after an interaction with a maskless fan on a rare outing

Gloria Estefan has revealed that she tested positive for COVID-19 and spent two weeks in isolation in November after an interaction with a maskless fan on a rare outing.posted on Wednesday that she contracted the disease caused by the novel coronavirus despite rigorously following public-health guidelines. Estefan said she has rarely left her home and, when she does, always wears a mask.

Estefan added,"I even held my breath through their talk, but something must have happened there,” she said. She credits vitamins and a strong immune system — and perhaps only being exposed to a small amount of the virus — with her not getting too sick.


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Lol What a joke

TheMartiScott It only takes one encounter to get this vicious virus.

Was she wearing a mask ? 😷😜

was the fan Trump. 😁😄😁😄



You gotta watch out for those maskless fans, Gloria!

ok this was a weird coincidence im watching modern family and they keep mentioning her name and then i see this tweet

The rhythm finally got her. Hope she turns the beat around. 🙏🏽

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