Many Latino Men Are Supporting President Trump This Election

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The Latino vote will be key this election, especially in tight races in places like Arizona and Florida. And about a quarter of Latinos — the majority men — remain supportive of President Trump.

"My family's been in Arizona for more than 100 years. We don't see ourselves as immigrants," he said."We're very much Arizonans and Americans. So to continue to treat us as if we're all still just fresh across the border, which most Republicans and a lot of Democrats would like to think we are — just to easily encapsulate us — is something that is not resounding.

"Hispanic men in particular are a swing vote," said Michelle Mayorga, a New Mexico-based pollster who worked on polls for Equis Research focused on Latino voters."They are a vote that we have to go and get."in key swing states from Arizona to Nevada, Latino male voters show much more support for Trump than Latina voters.

"Republicans will take a larger margin than maybe they have in the past or enough that it will start to eat into the Democratic margin," Mayorga said. President Richard Nixon set the tone with politics of patronage and high-level appointments of Latinos, Cadava said. So this year is similar.


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Because they are mysoginistic...they don’t like Kamala Harris; the same men did not like Geraldine Ferraro. I know, I walked blocks in Texas and met those men. By picking a women, the candidate disqualified themselves TrumpIsARacist

Trump will gladly accept their vote right before he tries too deport them and remove their wives uterus?

At least they dropped the term Latinx on this article

Why They are supporting an authoritarian person who wants to be a dictator. This is crazy and voting against their own interest. Also, the Cuban revolution happened because the powerful were exploiting the poor in the Sugar cane fields. Trump is buddies with dictators. Really?

Like a moth to flame

¿Por qué?

But can they really vote? Those two states are plagued with undocumented people rooting for Trump hoping they will get documents when Trump is re-elected.

I thought it was latinx

Estùpidos cubanos! Ignorantes, busquen democracia en el diccionario!

Nice, voting for someone who called Mexicans rapists and murderers. Way to vote for someone who thinks you’re trash.

Tell latinos to show us how trump has helped them,did he give them jobs at his resorts and they believe he will do more ?

How do they not know Trump hates them? Honestly.

Because it puts Women down, 'in their proper place'. We have evolved beyond this patriarchal, patronizing, misogynistic BS!

Do not know why any fellow Latino voter would support Trump. He had latino children be ripped out of parents’ arms and put in inhumane cages. He subjected 3.5 million American Citizens on the island of PR to fend for themselves after a hurricane. Just plain wrong!

This I do not understand.

Poor guys, they are so desinformed.


Pinchis pendejos.

How can any immigrant support Trump?

I understand why people are attracted to 'strength,' but what trump is perpetuating is not strength. It's simply a matter of time before he turns on Latinos and conservative Catholics, as he has turned on everyone else. But we don't have another 4 years to prove it.

The non educated man regardless of ethnicity is the common denominator of Trump base.

Los 3 Payasos.

Only in our screwed up system is 25% of a particular voting group a threat. This is so stupid.

I don't understand this, he has nothing but disdain for them.

Wrong the Latino and the black votes will decide this election and it's in favor of Joe Biden let's stop spreading misinformation.

Maybe a better title is, “some Latino men” because this Latina will not be voting Republican this year.

Liar in chief and FauxNews could sell sell junkyard cars as day old.

Why oh why?

Yep, because Hispanics generally can see honesty being in or not in people.. Trump is an exaggerator and rude, Biden like Hillary has 40 years plus of lies...

Machismo Why am I not surprised? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Being an asshole knows no demographic boundaries.

“Macho macho man I want to be a macho man” Well Hispanic men married to any woman....knows he’s voting BidenHarris2020 ;)

You have to remember how democrats never really pass what they say they will to help the Latin Community when they where in power yet you expect Latinos to stay ! Just another thought ... with that said I will vote blue but not a fan of joe ...

Explains a lot.

Doubtful. WOMEN vote will be stronger. Latinos are intrinsically racists among themselves and so misinformation targeted at them will simply nullify their vote. Am South American so understand. You need to do your homework. Also, Biden does not really need to win FL to win.

I hope it is not for the Macho stance of most Latinos, me included. We need to see how our women have to struggle under this administration, more than any man, at home, taking care of children, and working outside as well. More than ever. Voting for Biden is the way out. VOTE2020

Unfortunately, in my culture these type of men are exactly what payaso 🤡 is. My culture is not Latino it's Mexican. They love soap operas (novelas) on tv so they are not disappointed in real-life soap operas that 🤡 displays.

MANY many many Latino men are racist and afraid

soon to be InCel!

Well it is said that stupidity comes in all variations

A lot of Latino men in CA too 😎

I’m a Latino who casted my vote for Trump. 👍🏼

So it turns out selfhate is a b......

They are so stupid and banal - they think it's OK to be rude and course and lie lie lie. Hillary was so smart calling them deplorables.

I want whatever they be smoking....

How did this get through? Someone must have realized Trump is gonna win this thing. Too little too late fake news NPR


Mira mujeres, vota! I hope I got that right.


Yes they do, more than will admit.

Anything for a dollar I guess 😅

Of course they are not the smart women! The women should leave those idiots.

This is such a dishonest description of the case, and the premise is refuted by the reporting. Biden leads with Latino men per polling, and by 3x with all Latino/a Americans. Trump leads Biden with men - that’s your discovery!?

Sorry not this man!

Men are the worse

don't understand what they see in Trump.....

Why He could give a rats ass about Latinos..

How can we rely on election by Mail. It is all a fraud system for election. Post Office democratic worker’s collects 2 trays of the ballots and vote for Biden. Some even throw away the ballots when democratic people know that Biden is leading on the news. Not right !!!!

This Latin is Voting for BidenHarris2020 cause I got self esteem , I know my History , and a little World History .

🙏 try to think blue. The country will be better for all of us !! Please 🙏💙

Kids in cages mean nothing to these vile creatures?

Latinos LOVE Trump.

In Florida or Arizona. Not in California. I am Mexica, who grew up in LA. I don't know ONE Mexican or Mexican-American who supports trump. And those who say they do, are literally paid 'supporters' whom the LA media is familiar with on-sight, or, frankly, lost souls.

NPR apoya las políticas del Partido Demócrata y tiene una gran animosidad por el presidente. por favor no escuches NPR ...

Cause they are not in tune

As a male Latino voter this is very disappointing. It’s the machismo male bull shit and lack of education.

Considering some right wing militia groups also have white Latinos, it’s not a surprise they still support this guy.

It has nothing to do with race. It is jerk men.

I will never understand this demographic, truly a group voting against themselves 🤷🏻‍♂️

That sombrero is awesome!

The weakest link


More than that, I think. And good for them.

It’s the pendejos. Esos vatos se creen muy macho, pero cuando se emborrachan, se les moja la canoa. Trump es el rey de los pendejos.

We’ll save them just like we always save this country from itself. And by we, I mean black people. There, I’ve said it.



In my opinion, it's the machismo – plain and simple!

Not this Latino Man!!

No they’re not. Bullshit!

Then many Latino men are fools.

Whew! For a minute there I thought NPR was actively campaigning for Biden. Glad it was a false alarm.

By all means report on the 25% so you can ignore the 75%. Does that seem to you like the responsible thing to do?

Latest Trump tactic, even Latinos vote. Highly unlikely


They reaching for paper towels?

Latino man tends to be misogynist like Trump. This latina voted against him!

They know Trump wasn’t REALLY talking about them when he called people drug dealers, criminals, rapists, because he meant the other guys.... way to fall for the machismo magic :(

I personally know far too many latinos voting for him 🤦‍♀️ yet only 2 Latinas who'll do the same. It's like they get off on being 'rebellious'/going for the oppressor

Remember that woman whose husband was deported shortly after Trump became prez? she said many times she didn't think it would affect her. I'm hispanic and all of these voters don't realize how DT would not lift a finger for them - EVER

'Latinos who support Trump' = 'People who have not read a newspaper in the past four years' DumpTrump

Don't understand why they would!

As I’ve pointed out for years, the common denominator in almost all awful things is men. Maybe we should diagnose why that is and take the necessary steps to treat it properly.

Because they are mysoginistic...they don’t like Kamala Harris; the same men did not like Geraldine Ferraro. I know, I walked blocks in Texas and met those men. By picking a women, the candidate disqualified themselves TrumpIsARacist

What the hell

And to each one of them I say CHINGATUMAGA

Hi Media, I would love if in 2020 elections we would actually focus more on what the MAJORITY of Latinx think and VOTE for and less on the 25% of Latinx that support Trump. First the New York Times with a poll of 209 people to formulate an opinion and now this. Disappointing.

Skin folk, not kinfolk. They’ve convinced themselves they’re the “good ones,” and when the SS comes around, they’ll be spared.

I bet trump laughs uncontrollably that any people other than whites say they like him. I'm a working class white person and know his party loathes the working class. But they'll keep trying to find a way to get us to work till we die.

Proof that our education system is failing!


Well sure. Guess they identify with male dominance.

Smarten up men before it is too late

Not the smart ones. VoteBlueLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt

Dumb donnie said Hispanics are criminals, rapists, murderers. You can now add stupid and uneducated idiots. The dummies in the picture are probably not citizens and can't even vote. And if they can vote probably don't know how.

Makes no sense

How does Trump plan to crush the virus, he’s had 7 months and all he’s done is deny! Deny...what he does best!

Of course mostly men. They think it's so macho. Actually, it's the opposite supporting a sociopath. That doesn't get a lot of respect.

In other words, 75 percent support JoeBiden. You guys make me puke with your lack of professionalism. Biden has a 35 percent lead with Latinos, and the news you come up with is 25 percent, mostly men support Trump? Have you heard about burying the lede?

Remember how Latino veterans were deported? But hey, least racist president if you say so.

Of course they do.

Trump references “the wealthy liberal Hippocrates message under Biden’s senseless and cruel lockdown”. Wealth and liberal is anything but greedy. They have much to lose. That’s why most wealthy vote republican. Didn’t Trump lock us down? Vote for truth! We need it!

Not this 1!! Voted against him with extreme prejudice!!🇺🇸

So 3/4 are for Biden?

Most likely Cubans

Living up to “Bad hombres”

Latinos who vote for .realDonaldTrump emulate the Jewish police in ghettos. They beat their own people hoping to earn special treatment by the Nazis. They ended up being carted to concentration camps having lost their dignity & self respect. They forgot racism hates all colors.

Dam right! maga

Lack of education may contribute to folks voting against their own interests

Why do people vote against their own interests? Why?!

This Hispanic voted democratic. Go blue,!. Go forward!

They are not Latinos they are lambones

Actually the older Cubans in Florida are the ones that are for trump because of only one issue the 2nd amendment Castro took their guns then there lands so communication about the fact that the second amendment isn’t going away is what is needed.


That’s because they are pendejos, just like him.


Just goes to show, DeplorablesForTrump are not limited by race or gender. Just driven by absolute ignorance and hate at this point since realDonaldTrump has no agenda or plan TrumpHasNoPlan

'Macho macho man...I really want to be a macho man!'...problem is this is no longer cool or even a is boorish and infantile.

Not this one!

Macho man

So..3/4 are with Biden? Why didn’t you say that?!?!?

Insane. I will never understand why people vote against themselves.

To NPR: I’m not Latino but I am Hispanic and I voted for Trump. My partner asked me to vote for her, so quests who I voted for again🏌️

Dumb, dumbers if they believe Trump thinks and does anything for them. I wish they awaken on time.

They know it's the economy. Not COVID scare tactics and canceling fossil fuels.

Not this TX Latina! I don’t like cults or look-aid VoteBlue 🌊

Trump will win more of the Latino and Black vote this year and cruise to an easy victory

Not this Latino and every Latinex I know...

Maybe because Biden camp said they don’t need to court the Latino vote. 🤔

A bunch of pendejos

Why would they vote against their best interests?

545 Latino children without parents, do these people have not soul Uneducated sheep.

Bola de Pendejos

Cuz he has done so much for them too guess

FACT: Contrary to popular belief in some circles, white men don't have a monopoly on ignorance.

'Raise your hand if you wanna be deported!'

So the people realDonaldTrump called 'drug dealers' and 'rapists' have forgotten his words and are supporting him?

Too bad!

Because they are like Trump, Latino men are fk machos. I am from Mexico and I know how some Latin men are idiots.

Just a testament to the pull of tribal politics that a candidate could call Latino immigrants rapists and drug dealers and strip their babies from their parents and lock them in camps, and still 25% of good ol boys will worship the candidate. As if he or the party care for them.

Thought they were smarter than that!

They wanna be accepted. Im pro union so f 45

How Why If it were up to Trump, NO Latino people would remain in the US. He only cares about people like him... white & privileged (men) who he thinks can help him. He could care less about the rest of us.

My latino side of my family in Texas loves Trump and have all voted for him already. Pretty crazy but its their vote.

why dont the news outlets address that coming from totalitarian or dictator style countries - (not all latins but many) is a reason for seeing trump as 'normal' or 'harmless' its the same in canada w Philipinos and Duerte vs our conservatives

Thanks Latino men -guess u like fascist dictators

Latino machoism for trump. Que sopresa.

I always find it hilarious when people vote against themselves! The current administration locks Latino children in cages under freeways, but you’ll vote him back into office?🤷🏿‍♂️✊🏿💯

Perfect example why voting should be a privilege reserved only for men. Women lack the ability to make rational decisions.

If the left spent any amount of time asking why these people vote the way they do instead of automatically labeling them “toxic” and “traitor” then I think we would finally achieve world peace.

Ignorance knows no racial boundaries.

1ericasavage Many Latino men want White Privilege cards.

As a White woman, believe me, I am baffled and embarrassed by how many White women back trump, so I understand how incredulous it seems that any Latino man would either. However, there are plenty from both of these groups who back Biden and the Dems. I vote BLUE, always have!!!

How is this different from white, non-college graduates supporting Trump? Do they ever dissect Latino/Hispanic data with immigration status/years of immigration/education? Lumping all Latinos together is dumb🤦‍♀️

Due to the small brain in a macho man.

They have hijas at home whom they also grab by the p-ussy. That's why. Nasty men follow nasty men.


You say a quarter remain supportive of trump. You could rewrite this to say that three quarters do not support trump.

He’s cost this county hundred of thousands of lives and trillions in lost revenue/income/business. Wiped out millions of people and businesses. How anyone could vote for him is beyond belief.

Stupid comes in all forms.

This I can not understand. He doesn't even like them.


I phone banked yesterday for the Arizona DNC and spoke with several LatinX voters who were voting trump / Kelly ticket. When asked why they talked about how good trump has been for the economy and tariffs on China. Just an observation.

Torres cites the judges appointed by trump. He's overlooking the fact the majority are white & there isn't one Latino in trump's cabinet

Toxic male culture in America needs to end. We need to do better. We are failing our children by allowing such toxicity to continue unchecked.

Way more than a quarter in FLA. C'mon.

I love these white people in the comments telling me (a Latino trump lover) what my best interests are. Talk about plantation mentality, yes you totally know what’s best for me because of my race!

I can’t get my head around this. Who r these people and where r they economically?

Why Do they like being called bad people and the idea of children in cages Who is bull$hitting them into believing this is a good idea?

Machismo is a toxin.

Machismo is alive and well.

Then bring on the women!

We don’t want corruption/swamp to win this election !!!!

What does this say about Latino men? Yep. It sure does. Trump sees them all as his gardeners. Under pay them. Keep them afraid. Easily led schmucks . But then, they are. Aren't they?

Not this Latino! Blue all the way!

I ask salvadorean trumper what he thought about the Supreme Court resolution on tps and he said if they have to go they have to go he has bother and sister with tps.

Genuine it the machismo thing?

This latino voted for Biden 😁

Machos that like to treat women the way trump does, those are the ones he appeals to. But not all Latinos are made equal, fortunately. Some of us have more than enough brain cells to know who to vote for.


Those Mexican idiots don't realize that they are all on Trump deportation list. If Trump wins, let see how they feel betrayed by the president they voted for. I see the ICE gestapos break their doors down and round them all out. I am Hispanic too and naturalize . I vote blue 💙

American people know, who is the right American guy, and who is the right guy for his family. That’s why they are taking Trump over Biden

And then he’ll throw them out lol

Politics are bull💩. We’re screwed no matter who wins. Been the same story since day 1.

Why? I just don't get it.

Like all Republicans, it’s “I got mine and screw everyone else.”

Trump rally today in Arizona.


Tráeme el cinto! 😡

Kamala rally today.

Trump rally in Arizona just finished.

Thats why I'm not a person of color, I'm BLACK, don't group me with folks that hate me and themselves.. We ain't the same 🖤

I guess none of them had a relative that trump stole the uterus from

Misogyny knows no color.

And Texas!

Has anyone told them Trump literally doesn’t give a shit about them? Anyone?

Pendejos for Trump.

trump wants to deport them all. What the hell is wrong with them?!

Como hay latinos p*ndejos.

I'm just gonna leave this here...

Fear of market crashing if Biden wins is why people are pulling their money out JoeBiden hasn’t been elected and he is already hurting the economy 4MoreYears BidenCrimeFamiily KeepAmericaGreat realDonaldTrump

Yea macho men. They think women like that.

Imagine a chicken voting for Col. Sanders to be president…..well here it is folks….👍🏾

I guess they’ve seen the pictures of immigrant children in cages at the border and just don’t care.

Traitors. Traidores. El odio que el latino se tiene a sí mismo es impresionante. Vergüenza!

'MURICA !!!!!!!


It's gotta be the fake machismo. Otherwise, what else could be appealing about supporting a man who displays such hate and contempt for you? They have battered woman syndrome.

Whoa whoa whoa, people won’t have the whole “NPR is biased” narrative if you report positive Trump articles!!

Vote woke Latinos and Latinas!💙🇺🇸 TurnArizonaBlue☀️TurnFloridaBlue🍊Vote


If Americans would stop thinking Antonio Banderas as Latino, it would go a long way to being less confused by this.

Self-inflicted suffering is the best suffering, the greatest suffering, the YUGEST suffering. Also, F Dump.

Anonymous author Miles Taylor was Trump’s DHS chief of staff & worked w/ Kristjen Nielsen on Trump’s zero tolerance policy which separated asylum seeking parents ftom their children at the border. He has endorsed Biden who also separated latino families

It kind of goes to show you that men really are the weaker (minded) sex...

Wow, do they even understand how much Traitor Drumpf hates them and wants to kick them out of the country or give them no better opportunities than working the lowest end jobs possible making pennies on the dollar smh

In spite of the fact that he called them rapists and have separated kids from their parents forever and more. Tells you they’ve lost their sense of somebodiness

Que verguenza🤦‍♀️

No surprise. They'll rather vote to support their Anti-LGBT hatred. 🤷‍♀️

areina14 make it stop

It's seems clear that Trump does not care about anybody except himself.

cubans love free socialist stuff that republican party handed them over after coming here undocumented from cuba. they even think they are better than any other group of hispanics. and so it goes...

Trump is an unapologetic asshole and bully who never apologizes for it. He loathes the written word, any internal reflection, views empathy as weakness and objectifies women. For a lot of men that makes him a super hero; the Republic be damned.

The sad part is that Latinos immigrants believe being a Republican is the same in our countries as it is here. Rep are associated with wealth, religion & prestige. Sad bc not many r truly waylay & could benefit. We also believe being a democrat is for the masses & communism. Bad!

Most of the comments on this tweet are from people who view the world through the Twitter lens. Get out and see yourself why Latinos are voting for Trump. There are Arabs and Muslims out there who will vote for Trump and their numbers is very impressive. Twitter is not the real🌎

Latinos make $10,000 a year and they turn republicans

You mean the guys Dear Leader called criminals and rapists? Now someone will say .. oh he said that to illegals.. Umm but now how do you look at a person's face and say he or she is illegal.. I wonder 🤔

The President - 'They are not our friends., believe me,' he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: 'They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.' Dear Hispanic brothers and sisters. DON'T YOU FEEL INSULTED? TIME AND AGAIN? I DO. THINK AND VOTE!!!!

Lmao I mean ignorance knows no race.

Of course they are

he’s not even on ur side...

I wonder why?


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