Laurence Fox launching political party to 'reclaim' British values

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Actor claims mainstream politicians have ‘lost touch with the people’

Laurence Fox on Question Time in January, when he said suggestions the media treatment of Meghan Markle was racist were ‘boring’.Laurence Fox on Question Time in January, when he said suggestions the media treatment of Meghan Markle was racist were ‘boring’.The actor Laurence Fox has announced he is launching a political party to “reclaim” British values from politicians, who he says have “lost touch with the people”.


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English values or what he perceives to be them. NOT British

He’s a posh nazi.

'National values' are a myth.

British values lol. Just treat everyone like you want to be treated.

What is British values?

He needs to start with what he defines as Britishness? If such a thing even exists?

Go there Lawrence ,I'll support you .

Hilarious enough that politicians has forgotten it!

‘Reclaim’ from whom exactly?

That picture looks like he's trying to figure out what they are

FFS. This sounds like a white male privilege party.

Laurence Fox launching a grievance echo chamber to espouse racism under the guise of reclaiming British values. How much self important can you get? His ego needs planning permission.The manifesto will carry all the intellectual weight of a Ladybird book.

This should be interesting ...

RECLAIMmagazine already covers that in a monthly magazine, with vintage, upcycled, creative & eco interiors and lifestyle :-) Latest issue:

The 'journalist' who wrote this appalling, utterly biased and manipulative piece should hang their head in shame. From the photograph, to the hidden jibe in every paragraph it is doing nothing other than saying 'Hate this person!'. Shame on you! Hooray for free democracy!

What? Like Bernard Manning jokes!?

People who bang on about the loss of British values always fail to demonstrate any values worth preserving. Funny that.

I wonder if he's made the Farage mistake and announced his intentions before registering the name with Electoral Commission.....

I would vote for him. If only to piss off that awful racist woman who attacked him in the question time programme.

This chap is an imposter who is ruining my enjoyment of LEWIS reruns

He is only doing it so that he can become an MP and drink in the commons bar after 10pm.

Wow Guardian readers despise this country!

The person who chose that picture deserves a pay rise

If Laurence Fox is the face of ‘British values’ (Whatever those are? Invading other peoples countries, taking all of their natural resources, enslaving the natives maybe & murdering those who aren’t so keen on the idea, maybe?), he’ll just be splitting the Brexit Party’s vote.

He’s so far up his own bum.

Will be about as successful as his “music” career...

don't encourage him 🙄

Unsavoury sort

I'd like to know the question that led to that facial expression, must have been a beaut.

As someone pointed out the other day Laurence Fox is to politics What Laurence Fox was to acting & rock & roll NEXT.........

Well. His acting career is well and truly fucked now so I guess he had to do something. Farage for the erm.....who exactly ?

Stop amplifying this joker.

When you see a article with a cover chosen specifically because they've caught the subject in a less than complimentary pose, you know the writing is going to be equally, shamefully, bias and unprofessional Sounds like a guy I'd support FucktheGuardian COVID BLM

Sounds like the Rise of the Facists.

Let me know your values. I’m probably in. Can I run as your assistant? DM me if you are really serious. Let’s take them down. Let’s give people the Uk they deserve

Some tory donors must really hate the BBC to give him money ... food bank will surely be a better use of it considering the coming economic catastrophe the country is heading to

What are our British values Laurence?

Ooo how lovely..a return to the good old values of...racist, misoginist imperialism.

Good on him much needed

This should be good. Cant wait🤨

That face he's making is the face a lot of us are making after reading that he's launching a political party to 'reclaim' British values.

Another far right party?

The British values that gave us the transatlantic slave trade and genocide by starvation of Irish and Indian colonial subjects? He can fuck right off 🤣

What exactly are the British values: 'Looting, murdering, and destroying other cultures?' Cuz I got to give it to you, you Brits do have an extraordinary talent for it.

dumb country, shame it was such a kingdom!

Another rich white man who thinks that also makes him smart.

And he knows? Jesus wept, another tool, another party

He's Lost It. Looked out of his fucking skull when seen on Lorraine and mashing it up big time after break with Billy Piper.

he should stick to playing a side kick of a side kick... in Lewis...

The Incel Harrovian Party

The values of death.

That picture tho!

What are “British” values?

He’s striking the pose we all do when we hear his name mentioned.

And he is possibly right ///

He is another nostalgia junky dreaming in the visual and literary language of DowntonAbbey Stiff upper lips and from his previous comments probably believes in the myth of the self made man who can overcome anything by force of will, am I wrong LozzaFox

Do me a favour. Whatever next!


Laurence who?

What an eejit


Nepotism being one of the 'British values'?

Those Victorian values that were terrible for 95% of the people in the empire?

🤣🤣 this is the best laugh I’ve had all day. Wonder what ‘British values’ he’s thinking of?

Don’t give him the time of day. He might like to educate himself as he clearly is out of work.

What an absolute bellend this man is.

He’s failed at everything else so odds on he’ll do the same here...he’s just another idle rich middle class arsewipe who thinks by being indifferent will make him current...

There is no such thing as institutions “free from political bias”

Can't wait for him to articulate exactly what British values are. This should be fun.

I think had his values been more in line with the Guardian, the picture chosen would have been a different one.

All The Young Duds...

Looooooool! Whoever chose that photograph is trolling.

What a bellend.

If by 'British values' he means embracing dubious populist nonsense and thinly veiled racist rhetoric then I suppose he has a point. Personally I think we're better than that, but I'll admit I'm not so sure anymore.

It is this kind of news, y'know - this, exactly - that makes me so genuinely thankful... for Zoloft. Truly. Feeling grateful, feeling good, feeling blessed.

Oh dear me

Such as generosity of purse and spirit ..compassion...tolerance...the pursuit of knowledge over opinion ... The pricking of pomposity and the belief that an Englishman's word is his bond and that lying for any reason is a stain on someone's honour.

Outstanding photo choice. Well played.

Yet another narcissist in need of more attention.

If it’s anything like his music about twenty people will be interested.

he looks like the boarder who deliberately lost soggy biscuit every night

Like trying to say something racist isn't racist, I'm guessing?

Tolerance, modesty, good manners, generosity! Lozza!

Literally every guardian reader in this thread 🤣🤣🤣😭

Worra tit

Wants to reform the BBC to 'free them from political bias'? So they'll finally be able to call the Tories corrupt halfwits, and Brexit a catastrophe? Ok

More power to his elbow. He'll split the right-wing vote. 🙂

good i hope hes successful in splitting the tory vote the more people actively trying to get the far right vote the better

Why not? He's very articulate and speaks common sense. Fed up with the woke culture and their moral superiority.

Oh dear

British values or English values?

And what does he think British values are ?

Another political Ltd company?

Was scrolling through and thought it was a pic of a tramp being wanked off.

Actually- try pissing on the carpet an see if it looks like a witch humping a pig!


I’m British and I think Britain is a piss stain on the planet. Sort that one out!!!

What a tw*t he is

Perfect photo.

Another loony. Just what the word needs right now. 🙁

I wonder what those could be.

His face in his photo oddly echoes many of our responses I think🙄


Half wits of the world, unite and take over.

What are British values precisely?

The Guardian 😂😂😂😂😂

Be Careful with the Prosperity of this world because it can deceive to you & make you think it's GOD's approval of you. 이 세상에서의 번영을 조심하십시오. 당신을 속여서 당신에 대한 하나님의 인정하심이라고 생각하게 만들 수 있습니다.

Laurence Fox’s sole claim to fame is being Lewis’s sidekick and for being married to (and subsequently being divorced from) Billie Piper.

Godspeed to this holy man.

Let’s have even more craziness - as if there’s not enough right now

Is he skint or summat?

You mean he’s seen how gullible people are in funding the likes of Farage , Britain First and oh Tommy Tommy , and he thinks there’s a gap in the market for one more right wing clown to exploit 🤪 💰💰💰


Excellent picture. Looks like his batteries need replacing.

Great picture choice 🤣

Who we going to invade and enslave first then Laurence ?

Who can sink further? It is a race to the bottom. What are they going to do when Trump loses on the 3/11, followed by the death of Brexit. Johnson is a goner & it makes no difference if it is Govie or Sunakie, the far-right Tory party had its day just like Trump, Johnson & Brexit

It's funny observing the woke left having a collective meltdown over this in their favorite sobbing place, the guardian 😂

If he represents British Values, we’re fucked!!

Laurence Fox always cracks me up. A man so far removed from intelligence, yet so insistent that he understands this vague notion of ‘Britishness’ and that it is the path to glory. In another time, he’d have been called out for the dim witted charlatan that he is.

The man is hilarious. I suspect it is not intentional

I voted Conservatives to reclaim British culture and values...still living in hope they can get a grip on both...just... LozzaFox LBC talkRADIO michaelgove BorisJohnson

Hahahaha 😂 This is so Lol. What an idiot.

I don’t know what he is going to say but I guess that any stand against wokeness and intersectionality will prove popular with almost everyone over 30.

British values - ignoring expert advice and ending up with trench foot.

A privileged right wing grifter. Doesn’t he realise Britain isn’t a country. That might stop him wasting his inheritance.

Maybe the Good Lord himself will Reclaim this young chap and give the rest of us a break.

Let's hope he doesn't accept BRIBES FOR INFLUENCE like the has (from Bill Gates)

Can you start with encouraging Brits not to litter. They just throw their rubbish on the ground and walk off like it’s nothing. I was shocked and grossed out when I first came to the Uk.

Bit sad really. The poor lad's obviously having a breakdown.


A voice which will thankfully remain in the wilderness. We don't need more right wing parties

The face he’s making in that picture captures exactly how I feel about him.

What are these “British values”? Asking for a friend. 👀

What are these British values

He’s heading for a breakdown, I’ve o idea whats tipped him over the edge but somethings going on behind the scenes . It’s very sad a talented good eggs has lost it

Looks like he's been taking too many white lines, by the look of that photo

Yawn. So as well as the whinging of Nigel Farage, the British public must be exposed to whatever a failed actor considers to be ‘British values’? As in, he gets to decide what they are? Double yawn.

The privileged party will do well, telling the disenfranchised electorate that they deserve better in these austere covid ruling times should work a treat, needs to just convince the voters that the system is working against them & he’s no way part of the system,easy as pie !

that's what's wrong with a parliamentary system, any yahoo can start their own party without being properly vetted by the best people.


What is this knobend on about

Sounds like John majors famously successful 'back to basics' campaign

I guess begging for donations on paypal isn't working. Grifters gonna grift.

Ah British values. An empire of inhumanity to man. No thank you



The Bories?

Remember when Bez from happy Mondays set up a party.

Cue Brillo TV afneil

That’s exactly the face I make when I hear Laurence Fox’s name in the news again.

Sick to death of seeing his scarecrow face. Can he go back to cutting eyeholes out of pillowcases, or whatever he's doing while he's waiting for the phone to ring.

Racist toff.

British values? What, like thinking it’s acceptable sailing/marching into countries, claiming they’re yours and killing anyone who objects?

As he astutely observed on Question Time, 'This is why you don’t get actors involved in chats like this. Because I’m just not smart enough to do it' If he doesn't feel wise enough to engage in political debate, it might not be the best idea to set up a political party...

Very much doubt this will do as well as his album

Oh, he is a silly sausage.

Gotta love this guy. He displays that British courage of those Commandos on a suicide mission in WWll. May he achieve his goal and live to tell about it!

I'm starting to suspect Laurence Fox has a problematic ego

Great come face

So he wants it to ”not be divisive” - let’s expect him to set an example.

Definitely deserving of the coverage it's getting 🙄

The thick white duke

Love the far left wetting their panties in the replies

Isn't this what political outliers say every year?

Who cares?

Drinking tea, losing at football, getting in war with France and starving poor countries to death. What a political plataform!

How will he find the time to run a political party while pursuing a successful music career?

artuss ir sācis veselu paneiropisku kustību ;)

Another right wing party to go with the already saturated right wing nature of England

Just don't reclaim the colonial ones please

What values?

Utter gobshite


Brilliant photo

Have the French got them again?

Welcome to the broadcast

Grauniad tears in full flow. Suck it.


Pictured being sucked off by Anne Widdecome there. doesn’t know what to say

Absolute cretin.

Loving the photo 😂😂😂

what exactly are british values?

I don't think you could have chosen a better photo.

Superb photo choice

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