'Why join a force of people you mistrust?'

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Police diversity: 'Why join a force of people you mistrust?'

"In schools, from a young age, people are taught 'if something isn't right, talk to the police', but a BAME child's parents will say not to trust them," Ms Farhat, a diversity officer for the Welsh Liberal Democrats, said.The figures show there were just two new joiners from BAME backgrounds to three of Wales' four forces in 2019-20, and seven new joiners at South Wales Police.At the country's biggest force, South Wales Police, 0.19% identify as black, 2.

"I've been stopped three times since I've been in Wales, at random points, and never for a valid reason," she said. "They looked through my bag and I was asked to go to Carmarthen station. When I said no, they told me to report to Aberystwyth station. She thinks the implications of"cultural mistrust" are far-reaching, from people not reporting racism for fear of not being taken seriously, while Ms Farhat has had friends in"dangerous situations" who have been reluctant to call 999.

Equalities commissioner Joyce Watson said the issue should be highlighted, adding:"I would prefer to see this being discussed with some depth of meaning not just political statements, but examining the reason and gaining improvement." The force also has a dedicated team to encourage applications from under-represented groups, with seven new joiners from BAME backgrounds in 2019-20.


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I trust the police. If you’ve got a problem would you call the BBC? What a joke.

BBC in serious danger of becoming a political party. Time to shut them down.

As usual BBC, you have failed to do BASIC research. Since you only employ incompetent activists unworth of the title of journalist...let me help you: -Wales is 2-2.1% non-white i.e. BAME. -The figures show Welsh police as 1.85% non-white. A mere 0.3% gap, or 12% differential.

Why join a woke left wing organisation that is preaches to you in a patronising manner like the BBC?

It’s really difficult for white people to join the police - but if you are BAME, you pretty much just walk in. So biased against white people.

RubyDoobyDoo1 You can expect nothing less from the 🐂💩💩Broadcasting Corporation, it’s only ambition is to cause unrest, distrust and general mayhem in the publics mind, what really upsets me is “ we have to pay “tv licence” this 🐂💩💩Broadcaster to listen to their 🐂💩💩.

scummedia defundtheBBC

Typical BBC, spreading an opinion as a fact, an opinion based from, as indicated, Lib Dem, campaigner. Where is the research a simple poll maybe of all population top show by ethnic group who would join the police and who would not including sub cat by social economic groups

DefundTheBBC . For balance the BBC should

There’s some great police that do the job for their communities. Some though are bullies with badges and act in the interests of the rich, corrupt and powerful of government, who they’ll back no matter how unethical or unpopular. The Met beating the miners showed true colours.

Scum BBC at it again. The sooner you are gone the better 👍

Dear , why do you hate the police so much? 😡

I don’t mistrust them! The more shite the BBC speaks about the police and the more the BBC fights for criminals the more I trust the police!

But 100% human, so very representative. You keep telling us colour doesn't matter, so why does it here?

Journalism at it best here .. Maybe it’s time to cancel the TV license.

Why join a force of ppl subjected to assaults, abuse, threats & violence from their senior managers & as well as the street scum? If reckon being a London copper is easy, why don’t you do the job for a month & see how long you cowards last?

disgusting headline! 😡

you are kidding, the BBC used to be trusted but cannot be relied on for the complete picture anymore. Most people would stop paying the licence if they could

The police should be about ability not colour and If I am not mistaking we still..... just...... live in a white Anglo Saxon nation

Why pay a license fee for an organisation you mistrust?

No respect for bbc I don’t waste my time watching

STOP with your RaceBaiting BULLSHIT bbc FakeNews

BBC News has entered the click bait game. And they are using racial tension as it’s Inducement

LindaDo07847582 The only people that don't trust the police a criminals.

This should be of no concern to people who are not racist.

Personally this is diabolical news reporting. Disgusting in fact We need to support our force with respect. It is difficult enough for the police force to do their job with all this attacking by left wing forces.

Are the BBC trying to force wedges between races before they loose the licence fee & dwindle into non existence?

Have they all now had training in taking the Knee 🤔🤔🤨🤨🤨

The bbc really has been over taken by the disgusting hard left

DefundTheBBC defundBBC

Why pay £160 per year to a broadcaster you mistrust? DefundTheBBC

Another insightful, well thought out piece by the BBC 😐 Well piece of something anyway !

DefundTheBBC boycottbbc

What is the BBC trying to do, it's quite laughable how deeply offensive the BBC have become. DefundTheBBC

Why are their so many middle-aged white women on Radio 4? I hate women and when they are white - aren't they supremacists? How many whites are on the board? Can they all step aside for BAME please? Maitliss is white. Shouldn't she be sacked? She offends me.

Why keep banging on about race? WE ARE THE HUMAN RACE - deal with it and quit your constant racist comments, its despicable to try to divide us!

The BBC. Not fit for purpose.

The ScumMedia or is it MediaScum, trying to whip up racial divides AGAIN. DefundTheBBC TvCancel DefundBBC

More unidimensional opinion from the BBC as evidence for a sought narrative. I expect this is equally as dismantleable as the wage gap.

Why pay a licence fee to people you mistrust?

Good old BBC, whipping up social tensions, again! defundBBC

The BBC's obsession with melanin knows no bounds, it's had its day, time to call time on this divisive, race baiting, metro centric woke factory. DefundTheBBC


It’s a white country for white people. The BBC are the enemy of the people.

What a terrible headline - this is fake news and a disgracefully divisive attack in the police by bbc that stoops lower and lower every day. Anti establishment and anti British. Why do the public have to pay for this crap. metpoliceuk pritipatel

And Wales is probably 98% white. And?

Never going to forget the part BBC staff had in making this country more dangerous than it was 20 years ago. We are in a terrible time in history, and you lot stirred the pot and smiled.

The sheer hate from this scummedia is staggering.

More INCREDIBLE racial divisiveness from the BBC. And another attack on the police. The BBC are the most despised National Broadcaster in the Western world with a large majority in UK wanting an end to the License Fee. So far Boris is failing us on this issue. DefundtheBBC

More negative news


Because you cannot change anything from the outside.

Such a ridiculous title

Wonder if Dawn Butler is behind this

I trust them. There’s always going to be the odd bad apple in any profession. We’re lucky our young people are still joining up. We should encourage them. Easy to judge sitting back and watching.

why is the BBC so anti british

I wonder when the BBC will produce figures to back up its racist accusations of the police? By that I mean let's see the ethnic breakdown of crimes in any police area and overlay that with the number of stop and searches by ethnicity in the same area. Then we will know, won't we?

If all these people who complain about the police want to make changes to the police why don’t they join the police and help make the changes

Why pay a licence fee for woke left anti white propaganda.

The police do a very good job, it’s the UK Fake News outfits like the BBC and C4 who spread anti-police propaganda.

What an utterly pathetic piece of woke journalism that has so many mistakes. South Wales is not the biggest force, the Met are, by far. Just another attempt by the BBC to stir up racial tension.

Because the majority of BAME people know that racism in this country is very low in all walks of life.

With bing demonised in the media constantly I’m surprised anyone wants to be a police officer.

Because you're too soft-hearted to be a politician or reporter and prefer a working environment where they at least don't pretend you're one of the gang if you're really not.

I used to be proud of BBC. now I believe that we should DefundBBC. They speel out damaging headlines.. Promote disorder. Yet if I refused to pay.. I'm in trouble.. How does that work?

The police have a hard enough job as it is, without ridiculous headlines like this. The BBC is becoming an awful organisation.

I guess the pay cuts at the BBC is beginning to show as they have clearly lost all class in reporting quality.

I'm very proud that I'm still not watching pbs nhr until it finds a NEW chief anchor. .a few more fixes and improvements are needed.

93.2 per cent classed themselves as White British (including Welsh, English, Scottish or Northern Irish), 2.4 per cent as 'Other White' (including Irish), 2.2 per cent as Asian (including Asian British), 1 per cent as Mixed, and 0.6 per cent as Black 128 out of 6999 is 1.83%

Most people don't, just you lot put a spin on it with no balance, but seems that's the level you are at.

Perhaps it's to ensure the Albert Hall isn't overrun with people singing Land of Hope and Glory on the last night of the proms?

Not surprised with that headline from the Black Broadcasting Corporation.

Sadly people seem to have lost empathy and critical thinking. It's like women saying 'They are at a higher risk of abuse' and men saying we'll 'I've never suffered abuse' or 'You shouldn't be wearing a skirt.' Parents simply warn their children of dangers like police brutality.

Dear Auntie please go to the naughty step.

They put out a shitty rubbish comment and just leave it like that, why don’t they reply to any criticism, why don’t they justify anything they say,

Why listen to BBC news?

Pretty sure nobody will want to join the police force with how the media have been portraying them over the last few months

Ravenous distracting bollox from the BBC again. The UK Police, far from being perfect, are a much more trusted institution than the BBC & British MSM in general. Radical overhaul of the BBC needed to weed out weak and partisan journalists and editors or fund their bloody-selves.

I support the police 100% . But then I'm not a criminal. I'm not a relative of a criminal. I'm not a member of a gang. I'm not disrespectful. I dont go out of the way to break the law. My parents taught me respect. Looking at some of these posts, it seems I'm in the minority.

NormanBrennan have you seen this disgusting headline!!!!

You could say the same about the BBC

Once the worlds leading news organisation. Trusted by everyone through out the world. Now a laughing stock.

Read the first line and you will see the actual problem lies with black people, not with the police. Why do blacks teach their children to hate the police? Sounds like they have ussues with our laws and authority.

Why would you mistrust anyone just because they do not share your skin colour?

Another poorly written anti-police article based on one persons view. Do the BBC really think such articles help the situation and encourage more BAME people to join the Police?

Mistrust? Rich coming from the BBC bigots?

Time the media got in step with reality be it about covid or the police

A lot of the people accusing the police are not squeaky clean themselves if you do crap in your life then accuse others of anything your as bad as them

That is putting words in our mouths. You cannot speak for other people. I trust the Police and think they have a thankless task thanks to negative reporting recently. We should be supporting them.

Media scum

Who mistrusts then?

Why do people vote for politicians they don’t trust?

Many people that have been stopped by the police will say they did nothing wrong and see no reason for the stop. It's not the police that are being racist it's the anti police rhetoric past through generations. How about BBCnews cover some real stories.

Bbc and Sky just run stories to demonise the police. Any normal person say dawn butlers attempt to demonise the police as pathetic but the media loved it giving her all the airtime she wanted

These idiots will call the police if they need them though, hypocrites!

Clearly The BBC does not know when to stop digging a hole ...🤷‍♂️. DefundBBC

Well why do people pay to the BBC when we mistrust them more ?

The early retirement on full salary pay. The rest of us have to work 60 yrs to barely get a pension.

Who mistrusts them? Mainly a load of so called ‘liberal’ wokist journalists who live in a bubble and have no idea on how the majority of the country lives and thinks.

I would trust a cop before a journalist anyday

A lot better than the BBC

It is her opinion that she was stopped with no valid reason but it could be how she was acting or descriptions the police were given about the crime. Another article from the BBC with hardly any facts, aimed to cause division.

We are all human beings One human family Divided by false premises, words and those who seek power and control over us

How else will things change if you don’t. Change from within works!

Making generalisations based on personal experience?.........risky!

What do you think would happen in the streets if no police force?

People of the ethnicities involved repeatedly asked you and others not to use the BAME label, which is racist.


I’ve been a police officer for 30years, Ive never cared if someone was Black, Asian, White, or any other race.....I treated everyone with the same respect and friendliness just as I would wish to be treated......Hated Burglars, Rapists,Paedos,Fraudsters and Robbers of any colour

We only mistrust them as we only seem to see the negative in the press and social media and so this breeds mistrust of the police, if we saw the positive side as well it would give a more balanced look at the police as a whole

Rotherham- some communities aren’t protected because of the agenda


What the hell are you talking about , the BBC seriously need to go ....

More left wing bollocks from a nobody.

Why dont you just stop it...

The more I read what the BBC is putting out the more I think it’s trying to demoralise the Police and create issues that are not really there. Sky looking better

The woman in this story say 'BAME child's parents will say not to trust them'(them being the police) she says it because they are white. This story more reflects the factual racism that is taught in ethnic minorities towards white people not the racism THEY think is in the police

I'm starting to get a bit pissed off now with this drivel that the police are corrupt and racist. In every large group there will be a few bag eggs, i get that. What I don't get is how something in America can alter the views of so many people about police world wide. Madness!

What is your game BBC? When you could be criticising those in power that can’t deal with real key issues, you come up with some nonsense news headline to cause angst. It’s not good enough.

More media rubbish

BBC digging the shit up again.

omg I never thought I'd agree with others on this but paying the TV licence is like funding the far right

I’ve been stopped by a red traffic light on numerous occasions even when there’s no one around - but I still trust them

It’s an article about a welsh diversity officer for a very minor political party getting stopped by police. Somebody was paid to write this guff!

Best job in the world, licence thieves, 75 today.

Another dreadful BBC headlone DefundTheBBC

Because your not to be trusted perhaps!!

Such irresponsible ‘journalism’, if that’s what you’re calling click bait these days, which seemingly you are. Maybe change it to ‘why pay a license fee for this drivel?’

More BBC rubbish. Your days are numbered. defundthebbc

Why would native white British people police join the police, army, navy, airforce and serve minority majority towns and cities, defend a country with growing numbers of anti white, anti British, incompatible, whinging, race baiting ungrateful immigrants.

Action speaks louder than words

The only people that distrust UK police is people that have something to hide or wish to be able to commit crime or live a life style that does not conform to UK norms or morals.

The BBC is finished. Just don't pay the licence fee. Why pay a license fee to a broadcaster you mistrust?

We want people who can do the job, not grovel to rioters, you will have to deal with violent scum on a daily basis and people who shout ‘I can’t breathe’ if you look at them, not to mention stab you. Don’t care about the ludicrous diversity obsession


What a load of crap,it would be more factual to say why would someone want to join and risk their lives due to the lack of respect shown from PARTS of society inflamed by MOST of the media including the BBC.

The biggest cause of mistrust in the police amongst some BAME families appears to be generational influence from older members of their own family based on out of date concerns from a time where policing suffered from racism many decades ago. Living in the past is so damaging.

Black lives matter organisation wants to get rid of the police, family unit and capitalism and destroy our society . How many poor white working kids join the police ?

The BBC promoting hatred again ! DEFUNDTHEBBC

BBC race baiting again. Creating division makes news.

What a headline.....how to undermine the people who protect us from criminals....well done BBC😡😡😡😡

The don’t bloody join it then...go and work in Aldi or summat 🤔

Nice close up on the turban. Never let a chance go by do you.

My son was told not to bother applying to join the police as he was a straight white male so would stand no chance of getting in. There IS institutional discrimination but it’s not against BAME.

If lawlessness ever hits the streets you’ll be grateful for the force you so mistrust.

Well don’t do it, you don’t speak for everyone!

Bbc stirring the pot again

These headlines and people trying to make personal gain are the real issues. Police have moved mountains since the Macpherson Report, dealing with what was a problem years ago. More likely white officers discriminated against re promotion, stop looking for special treatment.

Why pay a licence fee for a news outlet that talks bollocks?

The BBC have lost the trust of the Nation. Firstly, shamelessly mugging the elderly and now taking up race baiting on a daily basis DefundTheBBC

Don't the BBC realise, even slagging the police force off is called slander, better still better be carful what you say as you never know under cover officer's will be on your case with all the lies and fake stories told everyday. Say this to the chief, no bollocks haven't you.


Keep on stirring the pot bbc

Why pay a licence for BBC crap?

why be forced to pay for an organisation of people you mistrust to be able to watch telly.?

The sooner the license fee is abolished the better. The BBC are against a subscription type payment (like with sky, Netflix, Amazon prime) because they know the people wouldn’t pay for this rubbish.

Started early with the race-baiting this morning DefundTheBBC ScumMedia


why doesn't the police force disband DefundPolice govt propaganda tool wonders why those abused by the state don't join a racist paramilitary that defends a racist state

Disband them and start all over again

That is a disgusting headline, more or less accusing every body in the police force of being racist, undermining the police force like this is a dangerous path to travel

What a load of crap! He/she is a copper! If you're not doing anything wrong, you'll respect them. If you're a criminal or in the act of a criminal offence, you'll hate them. Skin colour should not matter. GFYS BBC! DEFUND! DEFUND!

There needs to be a cleanout right at the top

An absolute disgraceful statement. The quicker the BBC goes in to oblivion the better

Because it’s articles like this that are full of inaccuracies that the BBC pump out.

Why ask on the application form what someone’s ethnicity is?

BBC “news” continues with it’s racially divisive anti-police narrative. Why not interview some of the BAME officers and ask them about the benefits of stop and search and weather they feel it is proportional.

The BBC interrupts our usual psyops to note that Roy Larner has still not been decorated with the George Cross.

BBC being BBC ,well its like you at BBC who trust you ,all money grabbing liars

I do not think this is an appropriate headline for a broadcaster .

Diversity means anti-white.


The police are more trustworthy than government. Should focus on the wider issue.

The BBC really have a problem with the police don't they? No wonder almost a million people have cancelled their tv licence since January. This corporation is quickly becoming an absolute embarrassment.

Took seconds to research this. Why didn't you, BBC? Wales is 95.6% 'ethnic white'. Shouldn't their police force represent that?

Narcissistic tendencies or the need to inflict pain on others because it's easier and cheaper than therapy?

Sure there are a few decent straight coppers but the Police Force is in general a Corrupt Corporation

Why does the Deep State wanna defund the police

well studying gender theory or crafting necklaces from recycled underpants is a good way of never having to actually do the jobs one bitches about all the times. no wonder police recruitment pool is not filled with lefty idealists. maybe BE the gd change for once, elitist snobs.

That's true too. Just askin for trouble.

Jesus, the police is pretty rampant with these anti-police articles.

Does uk want to defund the police too?

Why do I feel that this article has been designed for the sole purpose of putting BAME people off joining the police force?

stockholm syndrome

DefundTheBBC DefundBBC. Follow DefundBBC_

If you weren’t an organization riddled with paedophiles, you’d be less fearful of the police.

You are a thorough DISGRACE Lord Reith must be Spinning in his Grave BBCBias

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